Rand Paul's Annual Festivus List Highlights Over ONE TRILLION in Government Waste

Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"Highlights of INSANE, useless spending:
- $3M for "Girl-Centered Climate Action" in Brazil
- $20M for a new Sesame Street show
- $10K for the "Bearded Ladies Cabaret" for a climate change-focused ice skates show
- $365K for circuses in city parks
- $32.5K for "breakdancing"
- $330K for censoring conservative media
- $720K for conservation of ducks in Mexico
- The federal government spent $10 billion on maintaining, leasing, and furnishing almost entirely empty buildings.
- The Department of Energy (DOE) spent $15.5 billion to push Americans toward electric vehicles they don't want.
- The Department of Agriculture (USDA) is spending $20 million on the Fertilize Right Initiative to advance fertilizer use in Pakistan, Vietnam, Colombia, and Brazil.
- The U.S. Navy is set to waste almost $90 billion on ineffective Navy vessels.
silliest items include nearly $1 million from the State Department to produce films in Jordan, $300,000 from the National Science Foundation for 'affinity group' safe spaces for bird watchers, $7 million across the federal government for magic projects (yes, magic, as in 'Abracadabra,' your tax money is gone), $10 million from the Department of Defense for cat experiments, another $250,000 from the State Department to fight 'misinformation' in Bosnia, and the list goes on for far too long. "
SOURCE URL: https://twitchy.com/grateful-calvin/2024/12/23/rand-pauls-annual-festivus-list-n2405626

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    Love the tranny ice skating show for climate-change. That's my favorite. It literally made me think that I should go John Galt on this (sarcastically) and start a little company producing tranny trapeze shows and nature walks, etc...to get this gubment cheese in my bank account. Haha!!! There's a sample of my sense of humor. But...don't tease me. I just might do it.
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  • Posted by term2 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    All these are essentially just artificial ways to expand the economy by borrowing from future inflation. It’s evil and hidden from current view. It looks like free money to spend. Cut this stuff out by having a balanced budget NOW
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    "The federal government spent $10 billion on maintaining, leasing, and furnishing almost entirely empty buildings." This is mainly from fed employees "working" from home since C-19 and don't use the office space. I heard on the radio (WMAL) yesterday that the Biden administration is trying to guarantee at least 56,000 of these fed "workers" can not be let go for 5 years (the entire Trump presidency) through legislation or EO - Marxist's swamp protecting its own while screwing the American people.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    Could some please point out where in the Constitution any of this is called for?
    At the very least, Ineffective Navy vessels are called for in the Constitution.
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  • Posted by Russpilot 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    Only one that I have any affinity for at all is keeping Sesame Street going. It is sad. HBO bought it for a 5 year contract and it doesn't appear it will get picked back up. So, like The Electric Company, Sesame Street will shutter up and be reduced to the ash heap of memory.
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