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Luved: didn't sneak in and sighed up for welfare, grabin pussy, demo casket, awe hell, they were all great !
Clinton's brown hair shows the photo was taken way back when they had something in common or were in accord about something. Hmm!
That reminds me of a day when I caught tower duty at the prison and Preacher Thomas phoned me from another tower to say that he noticed that I had just bought a Honda Accord.
Then he said, "Do you know your Accord is in the Bible?" Me dino said no so he said that it's in the Bible that the disciples went out of the city in one accord.
That same coworker who at least way back ran a country church once told me about the sun going around the earth. I wound up teaching a brief astronomy lesson about suns being stars with orbiting planets.
Thomas then said he must have missed that day in class. Guess he did not have to take the same tests and exams I did.
I also guess it is just as well that I am an exCatholic nondemonizational Christion.
By the way, that what was written on that photo of Trump shaking Obama's hand caused me to bust out laughing.
All your election day memes are excellent and I really do hope all caught committing election fraud this time around get to have a long stay in a federal version of the state prison I used to work at.
Thanks Dobrien.....