America Is Rotting And Decaying Right In Front Of Our Eyes - Will We Allow This To Continue?

Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 1 week ago to Culture
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"We are in far more trouble than most people realize. Fentanyl and other drugs are ravaging our cities, and homelessness, poverty and hunger are rapidly growing all around us. Meanwhile, our federal government, our state governments, and our local governments are drowning in debt, and economic conditions are steadily deteriorating. Corruption is rampant, incompetence is seemingly everywhere, and the moral decay of our society is accelerating. Unfortunately, much of the population is completely oblivious to what is going on because they are deeply addicted to the electronic gadgets that they are constantly staring at. The following are 11 random facts that show that America is rotting right in front of our eyes…"
SOURCE URL: https://themostimportantnews.com/archives/11-random-facts-that-show-that-america-is-rotting-and-decaying-right-in-front-of-our-eyes

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 1 month, 1 week ago
    Yes, I will allow the rot and decay to continue ... except in my little world of those who are willing to exchange value for value. Isn't that the point of Atlas Shrugged?
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 1 month ago
      I'm with you. Let it all burn down...sadly. In finance it's called "constructive destruction". When you see the fraud that's been perpetrated by USAID, for one example, and you see how bad it's gotten...this theft of the hard-working American middle-class' money....You can tell that the coming collapse is the natural progression.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 1 month ago
        It's not just the fraud with USAID. Each CIA station chief is under that country's ambassador, who reports to the Secretary of State ... who runs USAID. USAID is a slush fund for the U.S. to "influence" other countries. So much for President Washington's admonition regarding foreign entanglements.
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        • Posted by 1 month ago
          A significant portion of this surreptitiously stolen loot goes back to reward those who
          serve the Deep State in positions of power, and their criminal families, e.g., 10% for
          the Big Guy, hidden in the booty given to enemies of Americans. Billions in cash flown
          to Iraq. Billions in military equipment left behind in Afghanistan. Billions in military "aid"
          given to a regime controlled by a daytime soap actor pretending to defend Ukraine while
          oppressing Ukraine's people and sending their young men to die.
          Tear down the Deep State and with it the traitors who have manipulated it, e.g.,
          the banking cartel, the Pharma/AMA cartel, the "environment" cartel.
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          • Posted by $ jbrenner 1 month ago
            The payoff to Ukraine is a direct consequence of USAID influence peddling. Then military member and now U.S. representative Eugene Vindman arranged one of Trump's impeachments over his inquiries into Hunter Biden working in conjunction with USAID people to get $ for the "Big Guy".
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          • Posted by $ Abaco 1 month ago
            The Big Guy is clearly getting kickbacks. Crooked as hell... You could see the timing. A big federal payment goes to Ukraine, followed a month later by the Big Guy stashing $1M or so in various, loosely-connected bank accounts... I saw this described by a congressman.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 month, 1 week ago
    America is being ravaged. The stupidity is thicker than it's ever been. Was playing a little golf with a couple of close friends today and we were discussing how far gone the left seems to be now. They're believing a collection of wild farces: Trump is crashing airplanes - Elon Musk is a drug-addled under-achiever - The LA fires are Trump's fault - If you don't take every vaccine you're anti-vax - Carbon is our biggest existential threat....unless it's white supremacy. People are really talking crazy now, en masse. I know people who talk like this. There's something wrong with Americans.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 month ago
    Fentanyl is modern Darwinism. Legalize it and make it free.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month ago
      While I don't disagree. Studies show that DEJECTION is a huge part of the addiction process. If you have NOTHING you do that gives you pride/joy. Then you will succumb to the chemistry of addiction. The quick fix to feeling "better" at any "cost".

      Our schools punish kids, especially bright ones.

      I remember WANTING to go to school as a kid. Summers were boring, I wasn't learning. I was a geek in the making.

      But one brother turned to drugs (he has passed) and another to alcohol and mushrooms. He lives in our old house after our father passed. Can't make it on his own.

      They did not appreciate the value of learning.
      Their friends were morons. They got along great.

      I've lost a cousin to Fentanyl. He spent too many years in the big house, and it was certainly a big Overdose. He went out in style. At some point, the drug is just the tool.

      This is social decay in action. Parents are raising children. God gave them a child, they are supposed to raise young adults ready to take on the world.

      Everything we do is backwards.
      Schools should teach children TO LOVE LEARNING. And how they acquire the skills to do that. Instead trying to teach reading.

      Reading is something YOU master because you want the information.

      Kinda like how we learn to talk to the opposite sex. Something in us tells us it's valuable. That it's worth the risk/mistakes... Light that fire, and you get the Elon Musks of the world.

      Constantly put it out, and you get 26 year old children living in their parents basements.

      Or my 62+ year old brother still living at home.
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  • Posted by term2 1 month ago
    As far as I am concerned, if someone wants to take fentanyl, may got help him/her. I am not going to help them. I think ALL drugs should be legal, and up to the individual as to whether they are ingested.
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  • Posted by tutor_turtle 1 month ago
    If you are under the misguided impression that any of this is coincidence, you are the sheeple the KM the is looking for.
    This is not rot from neglect.
    This is the intentional destruction of the KMs two sworn enemies: the US and Russia.
    Russia has saved our (the US) bacon four or five times in the last 250 years, if you count Syria.
    The Malfeasant Media tell us who are our friends; they lie.
    The Malfeasant Media tells us who are our enemies; again, they lie.
    Think; “They Live”
    Don’t believe me, look at the 1,200 year history of the KM and weep.
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