Mitch McConnel and Susan Colins .. Time to Go!

Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 month, 1 week ago to Politics
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Pete Hegseth defended his candidacy valiantly, professionally, and with clear philosophy.

We do NOT need career politicians in these roles. We need new thinking. There is overwhelming information and data in the organization. We need judgement, objectivity and new perspective.

The only downside to Pete is his Army experience, when the Army has virtually no role in the future. We need Navy, Air Force and Space Force. Army is irrelevant.
SOURCE URL: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5106231-mitch-mcconnell-pete-hegseth-confirmation-vote/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 1 week ago
    Couldn't agree more, Thor, on the D.C. scum.
    Corrupt Deep State sewage.
    Fortunately the VP was on hand to overrule them and the democrud.
    Put the Army to work defending America's borders with numbers and technology combined to deter any thought of invasion by anyone.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 month, 1 week ago
    McConnell and Collins didn't fly there on gossamer wings.

    Stupid people voted them in, and continue to vote them in.

    The time of polite discussion with friends and family is over. Long over.
    Time to put the blame squarely where it belongs:
    Stupid voters.

    About half of my family no longer speaks to me.
    I'm having no issue with that.

    But now they know, they're voting for people who are wrecking their (and my) lives.
    And I'm not afraid to call them on it.

    "Stupid is, as stupid does."
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 1 week ago
      Remember. We don't have ELECTIONS as much as we have SELECTIONS...

      I used to blame the voters (still do for the Dems).
      but the system is corrupted. And the deep state has designed a system that REQUIRES deep pockets, which means Deep State influences.
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      • Posted by $ 1 month, 1 week ago
        Right, and impossible for a third party to penetrate.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 1 week ago
          Actually, we just witnessed what happens to GOOD people who try to run that will NOT let the Deep State control them.
          Judge Roy Moore? Name dragged through the mud.
          We are only allowed to SELECT from those they vet/control. Cross our fingers that we can get away from this system.
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          • Posted by $ 1 month, 1 week ago
            One could argue this controls our votes, but it only controls the lemming vote. Unfortunately, an overwhelming portion of humans are lemmings. All this is part of the new religion. Religion is being set aside, but the need people have not to think and be told what to do was left unfilled. Thus, we have today's righteous lemmings who know nothing, but feel better when they point out how you are not following in line:
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            • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 1 week ago
              Honestly, I understand the average person voting in a block based on their party. It's TRIVIAL. Requires ZERO extra thought, and you are TOLD you are doing the right thing.

              We have to treat UNINFORMED Voting like Leprosy, or admitting you support OF models (you're a SIMP)... It needs to become socially unacceptable to vote if you cannot think...

              Tim Pool said it best. EVERYONE can vote, but when they go in, they have to write down the OFFICE and the Persons Name. (No lists to choose from). Amendment No IV: Yes/No

              And NO CHEAT sheets allowed. You fill out a BLANK FORM. And if you cannot write legibly. Sorry, you can stand in line, and read it out publicly IF YOU WISH.

              I would probably make them LICK a spot on the form for DNA proof it's a unique vote. (LOL, too far).
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  • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 1 month, 1 week ago
    Term limits:

    The first 2 terms earn a retirement equal to the private sector retirement packages.
    Every term after the first 2 gets 1 year deducted in the house, and 3 years deducted in the Senate.
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    • Posted by $ 1 month, 1 week ago
      But there aren't retirement packages in the private sector anymore. There are 401K's, and Congress already has access to them.

      Also, make ALL financial records of Congress people and those in government service open for review by a an ethics board of 12 non-government people appointed 3 by by the President and 9 by each SCOTUS justice. Any single appointee may trigger an audit, just one.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 month, 1 week ago
    The Army AND Marine Corps should ALWAYS be included when discussing our national defense.
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    • Posted by $ 1 month, 1 week ago
      Marine Corps is the Navy. No argument there. However, the Army is a crusty old doddering group of wannabe's, with no mission.

      What is the Army's mission today? We have a real issue in the South China Sea. Those morons are buying resupply ships with a 1,500 mile range for use in contested waters. FOR WHAT? Occupying Islands?

      My favorite Army-idiot story is them taking away a contract from us that we had NEVER missed a delivery on and reduced price EVERY year it was renewed. They gave it, sole-source to a small business, who was higher than our price. Then they bought our IP to build it for ~$1M. Then when the small business couldn't build it, the Army hired us to go help the small business make it!

      Then go look at the "competitions" for the new service pistol or new squad rifle/ammunition. The Army is so in-bed with SigSauer, it is disgusting. The organization just need to be shut down, and restarted.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 1 week ago
        Sounds like bureaucratic overload and corruption to me. Hopefully, Hegseth and his team can clean a lot of this up. Maybe DOGE can pitch in on this.

        May I venture a guess regarding your personal experience? Your company is run by those evil white guys and the small business you are referring to is not? Another DEI experience?

        I've seen this happen to a company I was working for up close. The circumstances were different, but the bureaucratic roadblock to getting the job done was the same. A key chemical making building for the company was struck by lightning and some central computer systems controlling the manufacturing process shut down because some circuit boards got fried. This disaster was costing about $300,000 a day in lost product and productivity to make new product. A small company, owned by those evil white guys, a 25 minute drive away had replacement boards that could have us up and running in a few hours, but our company's purchasing department was under strict direction to source from a minority owned business 500 miles away and refused to write a PO to those evil white guys. The lightning struck late on a Friday afternoon so good luck having parts ordered and flown in by the following Tuesday, which is exactly what happened. It was a 24/7 manufacturing operation, meaning a lot of people were paid to stand around over a weekend, including me, to do absolutely nothing. The evil white guys called a few times over the weekend to offer assistance, but the purchasing bureaucrats don't work weekends, so it fell on deaf ears. So a million dollars later things were up and running. Whatever! I'm assuming Pete Hegseth is going to have to deal with a lot of this crap.
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        • Posted by $ 1 month, 1 week ago
          The small business is just a small business run by a white guy, I know well (my Thermo professor in college), and the idiot-Army wanted a check mark on small business in their metrics. This was a mature program, and they thought it was easy/low-risk to give to a small business.

          One could call this DEI, but it happened before there was "DEI", just other stupid government incentives for things other than progress and performance. 20% contracted to small businesses ... for what?

          I don't know how much of this Pete can do directly, and how much requires Congress. Not sure where the small, woman-owned, black, minority requirements are written, but the GS and SES pukes definitely apply them.

          Another ridiculous thing is OTAs. There was a big push to use OTAs (Other Transactional Authority) to get rid of the red tape from the Federal Acquisition Requirements (FAR). OTAs are completely separate, and eliminate ALL the FARs. The IDIOTS in the government complied with the push for OTAs to speed things up, by taking the entirety of the FAR requirements and placing them in the contract terms of OTAs!!!!

          Are you freaking kidding?!?! These swamp slime just need to get out. - But the Army is the most useless, and irrelevant service, with no role.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 1 week ago
    Yeah, but before they go. Please put them and their families through IRS audits until the cows come home. Because they will not seek re-election, there is no threat that they will be primaried.

    And now you know why McConnel defended her. Gave her more money for her primary (as I recall) than he gave to Kari Lake in her actual election.
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  • Posted by MildBill 1 month, 1 week ago
    As a whole, the state of Maine is predominantly, democrat and voted that way in the presidential election. Collins voting no was a reflection of the overall leaning of Maine voters. When she votes in an accordance with Republican strategies, she is actually supporting efforts her constituency or Maine’s voters are not in line with. Murkowski is just the opposite. Most of Alaska voters are Republican leaning and voting, but here Lisa Murkowski votes contrary to the wishes of her Alaskan constituency
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    • Posted by $ 1 month, 1 week ago
      You are probably right. Bath Iron Works would be D E A D, if it were actually required to compete for it's work. They require Collins to keep it open, and a head of the DOD who wants to clean house is anathema to parasites (=democrats)..
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