Any other fishermen (or fisherwomen) here?
I have to ask. I've been fishing since I was in diapers...bluegills and trout in the local ponds. Now that I'm getting a little more time and have a little money I've been really fishing often - pretty much weekly since getting my boat. Got back from an 8-day tuna trip recently. My biggest local obsession is Pyramid Lake on the Paiute Nation. This body of water is extremely interesting. The fish are giant and unique. The ghost stories and stories of "water babies" and evil mermaids are endless up there. Yet the place has incredible beauty.
This is quite the story about the Pilot Peak Lohantan Trout...
State Park an hour north east of Vegas.
I'm a lazy fisherman, Abaco.
Stale bread in a trap for bait fish.
Two bamboo poles (cut from nearby woods) attached to the dock.
Remove bait fish from trap.
Attach bait fish to hook and line on bamboo pole.
Repeat as needed.
I'd love to have some fresh cold water rainbow trout though. ;^)