The historic archive of the Internet is hacked out of action in these critical weeks? This is no coincidence.

Posted by freedomforall 3 months ago to Technology
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"Four weeks before the biggest election in history, the The Wayback Machine, was hacked in a major DDOS attack. The site was restored partially, but for the moment operates as “read only”. It is not possible to ask the archive to save a page. In a strange coincidence, Google caching stopped earlier this year and officially ended in September. So there is suddenly no recognised source of common shared truth about the history of the internet at the moment. Officially, supposedly, they will be back in action, sometime, one day, and theoretically they are copying the same pages they normally copy, they just can’t update yet, or archive new pages…

Imagine how convenient that might be if someone were planning to lie, cheat, or change their story after the election?"

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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 months ago
    I am aware of the "Wayback Machine", but never used it and don't know how it works. However, I have read numerous articles citing its data record and was glad to know such a thing existed. The Wayback Machine would certainly prove a danger and a threat to those who would manipulate our thinking. It wouldn't take much thought to realize it will have many enemies.

    The comments are also informative (some humorous) and are worth the read. Examples are cited where the Wayback Machine was used to expose those who would cheat (lie to) us. Here's a nugget supplied by one commenter: "History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. George Orwell, 1984".
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