Why Does Kama-Haha Keep Repeating Her Quote? "What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been?"

Posted by Aeronca 1 week, 1 day ago to Philosophy
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Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? Basically, she's intelligent, and evil. She's not stupid at all. She will "Nail-house" anyone who opposes her.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDX5q30V_-E

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  • Posted by SC20SmallGroup149 1 week ago
    She was raised by Marxist Parents and this is out of the The Communist Manifesto.
    She is a Marxist and should not be voted into office. It is a straight line to a Communist USA. Let everyone know this. She acts like a dumb person but the is a very smart, strategic and calculated person behind that stupid laugh.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 week ago
      Think about it.
      What past does she wants to be "unburdened" by?
      The Constitution?
      The Holy Bible?
      The morals and morays that have served us so well for thousands of years?

      As others have noted, to get society to move on to Communism/Marxism/NWO one must obliterate the past.
      Brainwashing/MK-Ultra if you, will.

      Being "unburdened by the past" is like burning your hand on the stove.
      So then, as you are "unburdened by the past", tomorrow you burn yourself again, because you didn't learn from yesterdays mistake.
      Rinse and repeat.

      Kabala isn't just the definition of insanity, she is the very definition of Stupidity
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      • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
        It seems that the sense of 'time'---either its duration, or the 'sense of the "about-to-be" ', which is what the word future means in Latin, is a late development in children's intellect. Or, at least, later. Cause and effect thinking do not appear until the child develops this sense within himself.

        I have a thesis, a theory, goes like this: The long childhood of mankind, and the long childhood of man, are mutually recapitulative. Which started to form in my mind after reading Loren Eiseley's The Immense Journey, as a college freshman many years ago.

        Meaning, the development of the sense of time in the child parallels its development in the species. If we lose that sense in the species, if man desires to eliminate any reference to the past, we lose civilization itself.
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 week ago
          Very astute observation.
          I agree.
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          • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
            Thanks, tutor. I'll say one more thing, but I'm not real sure that it actually is representative of 'modern' science, but I don't think the concept of time itself is still appreciated in modern science. Heidegger wrote a series of notes for lectures, on time in science. Now I don't read books on philosophy or philosophers per se, but this little book had the word time in the title, and it interested me. He starts off, though, by admitting there was a crisis in physics, and it involved the understanding of time.
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      • Posted by term2 4 days, 6 hours ago
        She is the personification of EVIL. I would attend her funeral just to MAKE SURE she is DEAD
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 4 days, 2 hours ago
          Bare in-mind, she is no more the candidate for leader of the free world, than was BuyDumb.
          She was "Selected", precisely because of the fact of her ability to be fully controlled.
          Either through traditional blackmail, or simply because she is just so very, very dumb.

          What really, really shocks me is how many people can't see through all the lies and BS.
          She is dumb as a box of rocks. (apologies to rocks everywhere) and people just don't see it.
          I know, I know. People have a terminal case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
          But really kids, you're going to hit your face with a shovel to shoo off a fly?
          It's like we are living in an episode of The Twilight Zone™
          Did someone spike the water supply with LSD?
          My God people: LOOK! THINK!
          It's not about You.
          It's about the good of the Republic and all future generations.
          And as an added bonus, yes, we too will live better under Trump.
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  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
    So I'm sitting here, in my small apartment this morning, having my first cup of coffee, trying to recuperate from YESTERDAY, when it hit my like a ton of bricks! The meaning of this absurd statement: history doesn't matter. Sophistry taken to the nth! In my wildest dreams I couldn't conceive of any supposedly rational sentient life-form either stating this, understanding it, or believing it.

    I said, several years ago, that unless man knows how he got here (the present), he cannot know where he is going (the future).

    This idiotic statement is on the same intellectual level as 'Shakespeare was racist" or "Anglo-Saxons are genocidal maniacs" or "Columbus was a murderer" or "blacks of Sub-Saharan Africa brought enlightenment to Europe following the Dark Ages" or "Galileo isn't significant because he wasn't the first" or...and I can go on and on and on ad nauseum.
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    • Posted by term2 4 days, 6 hours ago
      I cant imagine ANYONE supporting Kamala. I would say that a kamala supporter is intellectually DEAD, and just driven by the emotions that she instills in them.
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  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
    I did finish the video, and found out this man is Eric Weinstein. I wonder if Eric himself has problems with time; his 'theory of everything" as reported in his Wikepedia article, like a lot of today's physics, seems to leave out the contribution of the very essence of time.

    At any rate, I've decided Marx most likely had a sort of learning disability, or rather something more serious in his cognitive abilities, or ability to recognize relations in reality. But that doesn't explain why his writings were taken up so joyfully by others. And then I realized it wasn't for the 'rational' in his so-called arguments, but for other types of motivations: guilt perhaps in wealthy European Industrialists (Engels); the resentment and bitterness of 2,000 years still left in the Jewish consciousness; envy, greed, and selfishness of those with less or little wealth (the poor and disenfranchised that writers like Tolstoy and Dickens wrote about); and the very womanly attempt to make sure everyone is materially comfortable, and worse, has the same stuff as everyone else.

    And so: The Rise and Danger of Communism.

    And by the way, saying Democrats are not Marxists or Communists is vapid: Obamma was the most Marxist man I have ever met.
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    • Posted by 6 days, 16 hours ago
      I find Marx to be evil. Call him a civilization killer. He designed a philosophy that leads to societies tearing themselves apart. Marxism is a DNA virus. Let that idea replicate itself in China, Russia, etc...look what happens. The poor eat the middle class, remain poor and the rich stay rich. The leaders sit atop the heap of bodies.

      After Nazi Germany fell, there were trials. Nazi Germany ultimately had to say "Sorry, bad idea."

      Communist Russia got away with murder and no one ever apologized. The communists melted away into the landscape. There are many people alive today who committed crimes against humanity for Communism and they are living comfortably.
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      • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 6 days ago
        He may have designed a modern version, but the idea of communal economic systems goes far back into the mists of time. In fact, most communities in Africa still use the concept of communism and this is the reason they do not advance. I'm not sure the immature minds of these people can accept a distribution system based on the fairness of industry or merit. It is beyond their imagination.

        Oh, I think the communists melted away into America, where they were welcomed by the communists who were already here, in embryonic form yet.
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        • Posted by 6 days ago
          It's a society destroying virus, it's just evil.
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          • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 5 days, 23 hours ago
            I agree. It destroys by eliminating innovation and progress, by preserving the status quo, only the 'known', the unknown in reality is shunned, averting risk, the risk of exploring the as-yet-unknown.

            It destroys, but I disagree with you, Aeronca, Marx was not intelligent. His thoughts and concepts were those of a child, his main premise that all conflict is based in economic need, is so false and anti-human nature, that it destroys.

            When an individual or corporation or nation is in intellectual or moral decay, Rand (in "For the New Intellectual", 1961, said 'Check your premises'. It may be she was referring to Marx's premise.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 6 days, 7 hours ago
    Riddle me this Batman:
    How does one go from being considered a "Liability" (their words) on June the 7th 2024, to the unelected, celebrated, nominee on June the 24th?

    As my parents would say: "There's something rotten in Denmark"
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 week ago
    I still don't think she's smart, abet, a more accurate statement might be: She is only 2 parts of a 3 part equation. (Body/Brain/Mind).
    The only way to get there is to be absent the mind, which comes with, not just introspection but a conscience as well and to be only 2 parts is to have one part malfunctioning. Namely the connection between the left and right brain.
    That automatically takes out the subconscious which leads to the conscience and the mind.

    What would you call a person like that? Well, they are kind of a robot or "Humanoid".
    So, which ever part of their brain is highly efficient, it all matters not because the "What" that keeps it all in check and whole, is non existent. Just like the "Bicamerals" of Julian Jaynes; however, they are somewhat aware but use only half their brain.
    No matter the IQ score, their still "Dumb".
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    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
      Could be it's the part of her mind that makes value judgements. Or moral judgements. That's cause for hideous deformation.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 week ago
        She has no connection to a mind, her Brain is dysfunctional.
        She would have had to "Learn" morals as a bicameral. (like wrote memory) but she was never taught.
        Morals come easy for those that gain introspection. (Consciousness).

        Like I said: she is a "Parasitical Humanoid".

        I like this guy in the video, I've listened to him before. He is a Big Picture thinker like myself, only he has the intellectual credibility I lack.
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        • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
          If you recommend it, I will watch it also. I run out of time sometimes.

          I finished Piaget's The Thought and Language of Children, and was able to purchase 'The Moral Judgement of the Child" from Amazon Kindle for a pittance. I do, however, have a problem with Piaget, in the first chapter, makes this statement: "All morality consists in a system of rules and the essence of morality is to be sought for in the respect the individual acquires for these rules".

          Morality isn't about respect for rules; it's about respect for yourself and for other individuals. But I'll read on, his observations of child-play are good, insofar as what early psychologists expected from both people and adults.
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        • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
          One more thing. After reading the 1923 study by Piaget of the intellectual development of the child, it does seem that Leftist thinking itself, whether it is believed by blacks or whites, admits of nothing more than 'syncretist' thinking: PRE-causal.
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        • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
          Carl, I just started watching this; I'll get back to it. But who is this man?
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 days, 21 hours ago
            Eric Weinstein has a Ph.D. in mathematical physics but clearly is not defined by it, and with that rigorous background, he chooses to venture into everything which he provides a credible take on a wide variety of subjects.
            It's all theory and being master of none but interested in all things, fitting all the pieces together is habit forming . . . I know, for I am that way too but without the street creds.
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            • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 6 days, 20 hours ago
              I checked him out on Wiki, didn't read it all, saw he was responsible for the 'theory of everything' which doesn't seem really suitable for legitimate scientific thought or research, and I suspect, reading about his 14 dimensions, that he has a problem with time, too. He didn't come across to me as sincere; talking about this weird guy in Vietnam, tortured by the Communists, then claiming the Democrats aren't communists. I guess he wants to allay fears of the Democratic Party by the individualist Americans still left in this country. Just an opinion.
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 days, 20 hours ago
                I took that to understand that they are not entirely invested in communism but the Communist Control quotient has them excited combined with all their dream perversions.
                They are so dumb they can't even practice Communism correctly . . .LMAO

                The communist menace killed a lot of people but they want to literally screw everyone to death and then "Lunch" on the remains up to their deemed 500 million rule-able subjects.

                It's a more perverse communism they seek, is my observation.
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                • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 6 days, 19 hours ago
                  But the Left's definition of 'not entirely' differs considerably from mine! You know, like 'mostly peaceful'?

                  And actually, mostly peaceful and not entirely peaceful really are both true.
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 days, 18 hours ago

                    I listened to Eric on a variety of subjects and was impressed with his retention of History, much of which I was not familiar. His insights, opinions and theories restarted my brain and saved it from boredom. He is careful and qualifies his musings.
                    Is he right all the time? probably not but how he got there is what interests me, always something to learn.

                    Kind of like Our back and fourth on interesting subjects. Even Tin Men know more than they realize.
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                    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 6 days, 16 hours ago
                      They use words and sophistry like they were going out of style.

                      The Rosenbergs, who were probably more communist that the Soviets, claimed in their defense the weren't communists, just allying with Stalin to fight a common enemy. They referred to themselves as anti-fascists. And now that term and concept is showing up again. "We're not Communists, we're anti-fascists." You gotta really watch it, because this is how they 'take-over'.

                      Obamma 'won'---more likely imposed---in 2008, with his 'fundamental transformation' of America, but never came right out and said what it was going to be. And he used and still does, terms like 'core values', but doesn't tell you what they are. A real pissant. And that's the best I can say.
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                    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 6 days, 17 hours ago
                      You said they're so dumb they can't even practice communism correctly, so let me bring something to your attention: they're hustlers. You know, pretending not to do it well, but then when they have you hooked, they give it all they've got.

                      Most likely, if you are able to get deep into the histories of those countries where communism was imposed you'll find stories just like that. Even in Rand's "We the Living", she comments a few times on how they were led unknowingly into the 'collective'. And Orwell's Animal Farm: finally, at the end the pigs who were the leaders and now the 'government' state; All animals are equal but pigs are more equal than other animals.

                      It really was a revolution of the animals against the capitalist farmer, but the socialists managed to take it over: greedy capitalist pigs, direct from Orwell. This is how they work, Carl. Changing the truth, perverting it, twisting it around so you think they are not what you know them to be.

                      I'll post other examples of what I mean tomorrow, but it's time for me to get to bed.
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                    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 6 days, 17 hours ago
                      Retention of history? I can read a lot into that.
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                      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 days, 9 hours ago
                        Laughing, I've forgotten most history I've read, he remembers it all . . .
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                        • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 6 days ago
                          History is something you need to keep reading. I mean how can 3,000 years of civilization be learned in a matter of only say, 30 years or so?
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                          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 days, 22 hours ago
                            Not to mention, keeping up with the latest leftest revisions.
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                            • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 5 days, 22 hours ago
                              Revisionist history certainly complicates the simple history of America, which nation has only been in existence for about 250 years or so. I had American History in 7th Grade, then we moved, so I had it again in 8th Grade, and then in 11th Grade, when we got to high school. Three years to study 250 years. And any kid in Europe or the Middle East has about 2 or 3,000 years to get to know. We were lucky, I guess!! (Just kidding.)

                              Did you see my topic on the Internet Archive?
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                              • Posted by 5 days, 18 hours ago
                                My Russian friend has a saying the old Communists inspired: "The future is perfectly known. It's the past that keeps on changing."
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                                • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 5 days, 18 hours ago
                                  The Russians are well known for their humorous attitudes toward life and the 'elite', you know. But that pretty much tells you what life must have been like under the Bolsheviks, Stalinism, and the rest.

                                  I heard that Lenin and the Bolsheviks early on told the 'masses' they were boorish, backwards, and a third one I can't think of now. I guess that was part of what they used to enlist them into a society that was going to change all that, and change them as well.

                                  A people that can survive all that, and still defeat the Germans on the Eastern Front in World War II, deserve a great place in heaven.
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  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
    She doesn't understand the distinction between past, present, and future. It's high-level functioning that she can never attain, could be caused by genetic structure.
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 5 days, 8 hours ago
    I've led a peculiar life so her unrelenting repetition of this nearly meaningless phrase hits home.

    It means: "There is no reality that can't be changed."

    There's nothing worse than having your reality suddenly and inexplicably changed, altered or eliminated and it's always foisted upon you by people who simply want what you have built or produced instead of working toward their own.
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    • Posted by j_IR1776wg 5 days, 7 hours ago
      "There is no reality that can't be changed."

      I would upvote a thousand points if I could. This is the mental equivalent to the physical principle “Might Makes Right”

      My only question; Do you think she actually believes that her words have any relation to the real world (Seeing, Reason, and Logic)?

      Or is it possible she knows that her words are bullshit and she is, merely, getting away with hoodwinking the unwashed; viz. We the People?

      Lincoln comes to mind, e.g. You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 1 week ago
    I believe that she thought she would plagiarize some Marist quote but then got it wrong and she has been saying it that way ever since. The sad part is that she has no clue as to what she thinks she is saying hence, the deer in the headlights look whenever she parrots it!
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 days, 4 hours ago
    Translation: it's racist to use any past actions to judge any communist, traitor, or useful idiot regarding their competency or likely future actions.
    OTOH, always judge an American patriot or anti-communist by the lies that communists projectile vomit.
    (I've been in NYC for 4 days and the lack of rational thought and intense vacuity is quite tiring.)
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