I just had a reoccurring experience…

Posted by jack1776 4 months ago to Politics
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My wife and I own two bakeries in the metropolitan city near where I live. Yes, it’s overran by a certain type of person, typically they signal to outsiders that they are safe to others of their kind but toxic to the converse. We all know the type with blue hair, underarm hair (women), slogans on bumper stickers like love is love and science is real, etc.

One of our locations is on a local university campus, you know, more of the same but in higher concentrations.

Since we are subcontractors to this arrangement on campus, they have a number of items in the contract we had to accept to open business on campus. Like we use their POS system, and they pay us last. It’s been difficult but we agreed that to open on camps. My wife operates the bakeries and has been enormously successful and is outselling Starbucks sometimes. With this success, since they supply the equipment, I asked for a larger freezer to help us grow. They called a meeting this last Wednesday, the day after the elections.

I was unprepared, a lamb to the slaughter…. I was red meat among carnivores… Or to use their vernacular, I was a 13-year-old boy left unattended in a room full of Hollywood actors.

The first sign that something was wrong was that one of the two was physically distraught, gnashing of teeth, at one point he took his glasses off and violently stroked his teeth with the temples of his glasses making the tap, tap, tap sounds but fast and ferocious. It was weird, and I just ignored it.

Well, the meeting didn’t go as planned, we were denied every request. I asked them for the following:

I wanted to purchase and install security cameras, no cost to them whatsoever. This was denied due to the students’ right to privacy. We have a theft problem and have reached upward of 15 thousand in losses last year due to employees stealing inventory.

We asked for a open item on the POS so we can accept catering orders, denied because employees might use it to steal from us. I laughed out loud in the meeting… They make up excuses like a 3-year-old. Their solution is to ask for a temporary button for that catering order. They typically take between two and four weeks to make a change to the POS, but now they state they can do it in 24 to 48 hours. Oh, the campus is cashless…

Along with our denied request, they levied a slew of new demands on us, which are impossible to comply with. They want uniforms beyond our logoed aprons, they want shoes, and black paints, a logoed shirt and a hat. Remember that our employees at this location are the students in between classes. This is impossible, there is no place for them to change and our business can’t afford the costs nor the time of changing. They want some equipment I made to manage storage removed even though the city inspector had no problem with it. They want us to remove the boxes on top of the refrigerator and freezer but offer no other location for our storage of cups and lids.

I couldn’t figure out why, why would they want to shut down a successful café on campus and then it hit me, I’m a little slow when it comes to these things because I assume we all have a similar deck of cards. This was the day after the Trump win and I have conservative tattooed on my forehead, in the same way they signal with blue hair and going around with holes in their bodies in strange places. This was a fuck you attack on a successful conservative business owner. Am I wrong?

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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 months ago
    Almost 70% of Idaho voted for Trump.
    Even Ada County voted 54% for Trump.
    Who appoints the morons in charge of a state supported school?
    Your congressional reps got 61% and 71% of the vote and both are Republican incumbents.
    Maybe your congressman will care enough to help.
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    • Posted by 4 months ago
      You are absolutely correct; they have taken over the schools a long time ago. I will have to hand it to them, they can make any minority sound like a mainstream majority to the uninformed and young. Idaho is majority conservative, even Boise, we are just not loud about it.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 4 months ago
        I haven't visited Boise in many years. I had a software consulting job with
        Boise Cascade and was there for 2 months in the summer. Such a friendly
        place with perfect summer weather and great food.
        We went to the Snake River Stampede and up to Sun Valley.
        I was so glad to be there instead of Houston for the summer.
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        • Posted by 4 months ago
          My wife and I moved here from Comifornia 3 years ago to escape the craziness and to setup a place for our adult children to go when they decide they had enough. For the most part Boise is great, you can strike up a conversation with almost anyone and not worry about offending them. California, not so much, everyone is so judgmental over stupidity.
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  • Posted by 4 months ago
    I forgot to include that this university was successfully sued for several millions of dollars for doing the same to another on campus cafe. I've been adamantly against using the court. Maybe I need to change that position.

    They went after another café for having a sign at a off campus location supporting the Blue, her husband was injured in the line of duty as a police officer. As I hear it, children noticed that sign in her off campus café and complained to the University. This shit must stop.
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  • Posted by GFasolt 4 months ago
    ". . . Hatred of the good for being the good means hatred of that which one regards as good by one’s own (conscious or subconscious) judgment. It means hatred of a person for possessing a value or virtue one regards as desirable." - Ayn Rand
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  • Posted by dansail 4 months ago
    You don't need to have Francisco D'Anconia to visit you and convince you to 'go Galt' and close down. You already know what to do. The campus is obviously a leftist sanctuary and deserves to see yet another positive place disappear to oblivion. It sounds like the onerous rules you agreed to were subject to unwarranted change and thus persecution. You need not disappear, but just move to a location that is still somewhat convenient to the campus but not subject to their rules.

    You obviously have success at the non-campus location, it's just a matter of freeing yourself from the leftist cabal.
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  • Posted by jimslag 4 months ago
    I used to live in Idaho but on the other side of the State, I had ISU in my neighborhood back then. I did love my time there but was stationed there out ay the Naval Reactors Site at INEL. I did travel around the State and just enjoyed myself in all beauty of the area. I did make it to Boise and Mountain Home as the AFB was the closest military Base. Back then (late 80's) Idaho was conservative but not the Ruby Red. I believe it was all the ranchers in my area and through the Snake River Valley.
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  • Posted by rhfinle 4 months ago
    The gnashing of teeth is because the administrators, their union, and their Dept. of Education backers are no longer on the "permanently employed" list.
    If you have to work to the end of your contract, fine, do it their way, but that doesn't mean you have o provide good service. If anyone asks why the service is suddenly bad, let them know the names of the administrators that are making it difficult for you.
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