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Nevertheless, she would need ear plugs reinforced with a shooter's ear protectors when the toddlers start throwing screaming tantrums.
If I made that photo, the dog would be holding its paws over its head. "WAH! WAH! WAH!"
The combo redneck grill and cooler reminds me that I'm taking a time out from clearing a stubborn clog in my toilet. Well,, back into the breech I gotta go! Yeah, before me dino gotta go again.
Q: Why do so many people in the world play soccer?
A: So they won't have to watch.
Ahmmm, he has a radio and a gun???
Which one's gotcha troubled there bunny?
Classic Sat Nite Live stuff (back in the day)
Laughing at Stupid is always funny
"Caution, Men Working
Women work all the time
but men have to put up signs when they work!"
Interesting comment but we know that it's a regulation that requires a sign yet Women at work does not require a sign.
(we also know that "Men at work" are at risk from drivers, etc.) ( we also know that Women are not usually at risk like that)
So, the story the meme tells us here might just well be Women's lib/cultural Marxist type of complaint . . . I think it defines the difference in work our culture typically subscribes.
What do you think, now . . .
The Elite on the Street, that "Thinking Man", has weighed, measured and found, all those creatures, Not Wanted.
(seeing that the words: Men, Man, Mankind, refers to Humans, Male and Female, that warning to be cautious is a worthy sign to heed, . . indeed!)