In Search of Accountability for Anti-Trump Hoaxes

Posted by freedomforall 1 day, 22 hours ago to Politics
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"It may be premature to start contemplating the implications of a potential Trump victory on November 5. Unfortunately, for certain issues, it may already be too late. This is because time is of the essence when it comes to holding individuals accountable for the numerous frauds and acts of treachery that characterized much of President Trump’s first four years in office.

More specifically, federal law has a five-year statute of limitations, preventing prosecution for actions committed more than five years ago. However, urgent accountability is needed to ensure that those who defrauded the American public in their pursuit of Trump do not escape punishment.

Democrats and their allies are acutely aware of the five-year time limit. This is evident in their swift action to prosecute Twitter user Douglas Mackey for creating a meme in 2016 that jokingly encouraged Hillary Clinton voters to text in their votes. As the statute of limitations on Mackey's “crimes” was set to lapse in 2021, Democrats, aided by “Republican” appointee Seth DuCharme, were locked and loaded to file charges as soon as Biden assumed the presidency.

Republicans would do well do follow this example, albeit for actual crimes. Accountability is needed in order to prevent renewed and repeated treachery."

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 day, 4 hours ago
    If Trump gets elected I hope some pursuit of justice takes place.

    Beyond the statute of limitations? Maybe Trump could begin all press conferences with a 5 minute block of time that includes a reminder video and then "out" the perpetrators before going on with the conference. There will be news outlets that will carry it, but the guilty will not. Rescind WH passes of those refusing to carry it - no fake news allowed.
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  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 day, 21 hours ago
    Will prosecution help us get to the individual 'internationalists' who are at the core of the problem?
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    • Posted by 1 day, 21 hours ago
      First, corrupted bureaucrats must be convinced to testify against their handlers and then protected from arkansassination.
      Second, severe punishment for those who are found guilty should reduce the temptation in the future.
      Third, a clear and rapid process to find and punish all those who are corrupted can reduce future corruption.
      Or just NIFO and be done with the tyranny of D.C. forever.
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      • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 day, 21 hours ago
        Not sure what NIFO is.

        Bureaucrats and other 'holders of influential positions', such as in academia, media, education. Also, think tanks, foundations, any NGO affiliations. These people not only need to testify against their handlers, they need to give us more names of individuals involved. Most likely they will be actors on the global stage.
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