Close to Galt's Gulch, maybe a better site?

Posted by JohnRandALL 1 week ago to Pics
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I just returned home to Colorado Springs, after spending a week in Telluride. One of the most breathtaking places i have ever stayed. It was beautiful, with the leaves changing. And very close to Ouray, the inspiration for Galt's Gulch.

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  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week ago
    Once upon a time it was beautiful. Now it has been degraded by many things: liberalism, etc. And Obamma's insistence that smoking pot should be made legal, starting in the Springs. He always liked John Denver's song, Rocky Mountain High, not understanding the higher level emotions involved.
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    • Posted by 1 week ago
      True, the liberals are ruining Colorado. And ski resorts, like Telluride, are often uber liberal hot spots. But with all the millionaires there, there is no crime, no homeless allowed. Streets are spotlessly clean. People leave their homes and car doors unlocked (imagine that in Colorado Springs). The super rich are ok with liberal ideas because they are immune to the side effects, isolated in their palatial homes, in protected communities. And there were lots of Harris signs, and cannabis shops. My wife and I actually got off the gondola when a guy jumped on and reeked of marijuana!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 week ago
    Colorado is beautiful. I was just had a conversation with my son this weekend while we were fishing in an isolated, beautiful place within California. Explained to him that liberals like to take over the most beautiful places and that they get away with it because conservatives are too busy trying to earn a living and feeding their families. They'll eventually, soon finish their work with the Dakotas, Idaho, Texas and maybe even Wyoming.
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  • Posted by $ BobCat 1 week ago
    I remember often visiting Telluride in the mid to late 50s when it was still a thriving mining town... what a wonderful place it was back then... before the hippies moved in ... then came the developers ... then the ski bums ... then the californians... then big money ... and the pot heads...
    No thanks! It ceased being an enjoyable place for me long long ago, for 'civilization' has destroyed it. At least I have wonderful memories of it's wonderfulness when I was an early grade schooler. Such a shame!
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