Rational Thought Returning As Melbourne FL to stop adding fluoride to drinking water

Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 1 week ago to Science
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"After three hours of impassioned pleas and dueling science among dozens of dentists, the Melbourne City Council voted early Wednesday to stop adding fluoride to the city's drinking water.

By a 6-to-1 vote, the City Council decided to discontinue the practice, immediately, after more than 40 speakers at the marathon meeting that lasted into the wee hours of Wednesday.
"They have a right to say 'no' to something," Alfrey said just before the vote.
"My main concern is that we didn't give people consent," Bassett said. "We really shouldn't give it to people that don't want it."

Melbourne has added fluoride to its water since 1966."
SOURCE URL: https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/local/2025/01/15/melbourne-florida-will-stop-adding-fluoride-to-drinking-water/77666781007/

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 1 week ago
    A couple decades ago I got to work in the drinking water system business. I was working in a regulatory agency where we were dealing with smaller muni drinking water treatment facilities. I enjoyed that work and learned a lot. I knew back then that the fluoride program was a problem. I remember hearing colleagues who were trained in biology (I'm just an engineer) laughing at people who didn't want the fluoride and I'd think, "What in the hell is wrong with you? Where'd you get your degree?" It's a little surprising that the worm has finally turned because that meant that people, en masse, had to actually follow the real science - pay attention - think.... When I was doing that work is when I started using an RO system for my family's drinking water at home...
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  • Posted by Lucky 2 months, 1 week ago
    The freedom, consent, rights and choice angle.

    2. The technical aspects-
    the early published studies showed benefits to bringing fluoride up to a target level. Later studies and research go both ways. some research shows the recommended level even if naturally occurring is not of benefit.

    Since the science is not convincing either way, only the freedom/consent viewpoint is valid.
    It should predominate anyway, those who want extra fluoride can buy toothpaste with it in.
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  • Posted by term2 2 months ago
    I am not some sort of expert on water quality. That said, it seems unnatural that some chemical should be ADDED to municipal water. After all, the bottled water doesnt have such things in it, so why should city water have them.
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    • Posted by 2 months ago
      I'm not an expert either, but I was told that industry (aluminum manufacturing?) needed
      a way to dispose of fluoride since it was an enzyme poison and it was expensive to
      dispose of. So the "proof" was "proven by experts" that it would help reduce cavities
      and was "safe and effective."
      Just poison the chumps; they'll believe anything.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 months ago
    Good riddance to fluoride.
    2° here currently, but headed for -2° later on. Tomorrow night's low is -10°. I can take it for the few weeks it hangs around. There is no way my lungs can handle the Florida humidity, and staying indoors with airconditioning for months is not my cup of tea :)
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