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A forgotten memory has just been revived. I was in a Tuscaloosa theater at the end of The Empire Strikes Back.
That's when a lady a few rows dead ahead of me said, "Now we have to wait two whole years to find out what happened to Hans Solo.
Too bad we had to instead wait four years for the return of the good Orange Man Bad. That gave Doofus Joe and Kommiela an extra two years up to screw things up even worse and to double the impact of their border invasion.
I liked the Star Wars one too, had a vertical one and the horizontal one that I used..
They were Ghost Votes.
I tried and tried to glean those facts from the heavily censored internet.
There is HUGE censorship about the 2020 election statistics going on.
The Left is crying for an investigation?
Bring it on Skippy.
So long as we start with 2020.
Biden lost 2020, by a minimum of 20,000,000 votes
That number is a Ronald Reagan 2nd term landslide victory.
The total number of votes in 2020 exceeds the total number of eligible voters.
The numbers speak for themselves.
👍 Hurray for OUC!
It's the logo on the hat. ;^)
Trump barely won in AZ, so apparently they are also satisfied with the fake financialized economy, too.
AZ is not what it was in the 90's.
Much of Phoenix has been utterly brainwashed and I think Tucson actually lead Phoenix in that direction.
The AZ Republic went hard left in the 90's.
Thirty years of brainwashing and Commifornian/illegal invasion turned Goldwater's state left.
They should extend the border wall to the AZ-CA border to keep the Commies out.
What kind of evil basstrurd would SWAT raid an Animal Rescue home to murder Peanuts the squirrel.