Donald Trump-Kamala Harris Debate Drinking Game Rules [Advice: Take Small Sips]
Posted by freedomforall 6 months ago to Humor
Harris uses the words felon, extreme, threat to democracy, or for the people.
Trump uses the words communist, socialist, radical or Marxist. Double-shot for tampon.
Harris talks about her experience dealing with predators, scammers, cheaters, perpetrators, or special interests.
Trump invokes the Kamala crime wave or defund the police, or says something like They destroyed San Francisco or You can’t buy a loaf of bread without getting shot. Any story of this sort qualifies (“These Haitians, it’s unbelievable. Who would eat a cat?”). Non-negotiable double-shot for literally third world conditions.
Harris says Let me be clear, I’m talking, or “Not going back.” Take a SMALL SIP ONLY whenever she mentions the middle class. Take a full drink when Donald Trump only cares about himself.
Trump says illegal, sanctuary, Border Czar. Double shot when Harris protests she wasn’t.
Harris cackles. Trump does “stank face” or “pinchy hands.”
Harris mentions the opportunity economy, price gouging or bringing down costs. Double for groceries. If both candidates mention groceries, take an aspirin.
“CHECK, PLEASE!” Drink if Harris runs out of things to say and has to be reminded she still has time left. (Drinking game trivia: this rule was originally written for Joe Biden years ago.)
“BILLIONS AND BILLIONS!” Drink when Trump rattles off a statistic that’s off by a factor of 10x. Double if he tells us how many people were just shot in Chicago and how it was worse than Afghanistan. (He may substitute Philadelphia tonight).
From Harris: sales tax, bipartisan, reproductive freedom, different vision. Drink for any mathematically perfect tautology/redundancy (e.g. deadlines of time). More than three seconds of stoned-looking hesitation is a drink. Strike your companion if you hear joy.
From Trump: so crazy, beautiful, fake, beating the hell, never been anything like it. Drink when he says any national problem was completely eliminated when he was president and complains the media lies its face off about it. You may also drink for take a bullet or the “pull down that chart” story if you feel under-served.
Tune in tonight to the livestream at 8:45 pm for an additional MYSTERY RULE."
It's a shame that there hasn't been a real debate in over 60 years.
D.C. is a corrupt sewer. NIFO
Harris uses the words felon, extreme, threat to democracy, or for the people.
Trump uses the words communist, socialist, radical or Marxist. Double-shot for tampon.
Harris talks about her experience dealing with predators, scammers, cheaters, perpetrators, or special interests.
Trump invokes the Kamala crime wave or defund the police, or says something like They destroyed San Francisco or You can’t buy a loaf of bread without getting shot. Any story of this sort qualifies (“These Haitians, it’s unbelievable. Who would eat a cat?”). Non-negotiable double-shot for literally third world conditions.
Harris says Let me be clear, I’m talking, or “Not going back.” Take a SMALL SIP ONLY whenever she mentions the middle class. Take a full drink when Donald Trump only cares about himself.
Trump says illegal, sanctuary, Border Czar. Double shot when Harris protests she wasn’t.
Harris cackles. Trump does “stank face” or “pinchy hands.”
Harris mentions the opportunity economy, price gouging or bringing down costs. Double for groceries. If both candidates mention groceries, take an aspirin.
“CHECK, PLEASE!” Drink if Harris runs out of things to say and has to be reminded she still has time left. (Drinking game trivia: this rule was originally written for Joe Biden years ago.)
“BILLIONS AND BILLIONS!” Drink when Trump rattles off a statistic that’s off by a factor of 10x. Double if he tells us how many people were just shot in Chicago and how it was worse than Afghanistan. (He may substitute Philadelphia tonight).
From Harris: sales tax, bipartisan, reproductive freedom, different vision. Drink for any mathematically perfect tautology/redundancy (e.g. deadlines of time). More than three seconds of stoned-looking hesitation is a drink. Strike your companion if you hear joy.
From Trump: so crazy, beautiful, fake, beating the hell, never been anything like it. Drink when he says any national problem was completely eliminated when he was president and complains the media lies its face off about it. You may also drink for take a bullet or the “pull down that chart” story if you feel under-served.
Tune in tonight to the livestream at 8:45 pm for an additional MYSTERY RULE."
It's a shame that there hasn't been a real debate in over 60 years.
D.C. is a corrupt sewer. NIFO
While Trump put them through the ringer?
Want to get drunk fast?
A Drink for every Kabala Lie.
Yeah, better take small sips if you want to make it through the whole 90 minutes
crucial in continuing the profligate government spending that started in 1913.
However, IF there had been a conservative block AFTER the cold war ended,
all Reagan's spending would have resulted in a real reduction.
It was the Deep State neocons' continued profligate military spending and
Clinton's treasonous gift of technology to China that were the straws that
broke the back of America and led to the insane government spending
ever since then.
I can't imagine why anyone watching that would want either of those two as a nation's leader.