A Real Life Example of How Democrats Claim to Save You Money. How do these idiots keep getting elected?
Posted by freedomforall 2 weeks ago to Economics
"How to Save Money New York Style
Step One: Announce a $3,750 tax on commuters
Step Two. Announce a hold on the tax until after the election.
Step Three: Reduce the tax to $2,250
Step Four: Explain how this was a new path forward
Step Five: Proudly brag about saving New Yorkers $1,500"
"How to Save Money New York Style
Step One: Announce a $3,750 tax on commuters
Step Two. Announce a hold on the tax until after the election.
Step Three: Reduce the tax to $2,250
Step Four: Explain how this was a new path forward
Step Five: Proudly brag about saving New Yorkers $1,500"
When Demoncrats open the border, they are importing constituents to replace those whom they choose to abort, either at the beginning or the end of life.
Now here is the condensed as hell short answer to "How do these idiots keep getting elected."
Idiots keep electing them.
What happened?
It comes from school, fake news, all over etc., and people of low self-esteem wanting to~~baa!~~fit into the herd.
We have a most recent female Supreme Court Justice who claims she does not know what a woman is and that was met with approval.
Me dino knows what a uterus is and that males does not have those.
You know, dino, when children and youth are taught confusing things, things that are contradictory even to themselves, and then told they cannot argue with them, don't you think they will hide any intelligence they have in order to just get along?
Even some in prestigious authoritarian positions.
And the only answer I can come up with, is, they were not elected. They were 'selected'. By whom is the question.
(I realize this is slightly off-topic, but I also know many agree with me.)
Try this exercise: Walk thru Walmart. Look around at the other shoppers there. Every time you see a new person, remind yourself - That person can vote.
Be prepared. the results are frightening and depressing.
It's the people in large cities that can't tell the difference between truth and media.