A Real Life Example of How Democrats Claim to Save You Money. How do these idiots keep getting elected?

Posted by freedomforall 2 weeks ago to Economics
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"How to Save Money New York Style

Step One: Announce a $3,750 tax on commuters
Step Two. Announce a hold on the tax until after the election.
Step Three: Reduce the tax to $2,250
Step Four: Explain how this was a new path forward
Step Five: Proudly brag about saving New Yorkers $1,500"
SOURCE URL: https://mishtalk.com/economics/a-real-life-example-of-how-democrats-claim-to-save-you-money/

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 weeks ago
    The answer to the "How do these idiots keep getting elected?" question is quite straightforward in Ayn Rand terms. When the number of moochers and their looter enablers exceeds the number of producers in a country with a democratically elected government, the moochers and looters vote to eat the producers like two wolves voting against one sheep.

    When Demoncrats open the border, they are importing constituents to replace those whom they choose to abort, either at the beginning or the end of life.
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    • Posted by GaryL 1 week, 6 days ago
      The false notion that we need the immigrants to work the fields and other jobs Americans don't want to do is wrong. Why should our American moochers and looters take a job and work when they are being fed by the producers? Both social security and Medicare/Medicaid are running out of money but we never hear that Welfare is.
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    • Posted by term2 1 week, 5 days ago
      This is why it is said that democracy is not sustainable, and cultures tend to destroy themselves in 250 years. Our time has come. I dont know if Trump can do more than delay the inevatable.
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  • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 2 weeks ago
    What a great question. I ask myself that every night. Especially Obamma and Biden. How on God's green earth did an otherwise intelligent electorate put these two in office?

    And the only answer I can come up with, is, they were not elected. They were 'selected'. By whom is the question.

    (I realize this is slightly off-topic, but I also know many agree with me.)
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    • Posted by $ rainman0720 1 week, 5 days ago
      Just after the 2008 election, I saw something that stuck with me. I won't repeat it as a quote, as I don't remember it exactly. But the gist was this person thought that the United States could survive a President Obama; he just wasn't sure it could survive a people that would elect an Obama as President.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 1 week, 5 days ago
    Great point, FFA. "Government speak" is the only place where a raise is called a cut. For example, I've seen so many times when the left accused the right of cutting a program when all the right did was reduce the amount of increase from 10% to 7%. To me, that's a seven percent increase; to the left, it's a three percent cut.
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  • Posted by term2 1 week, 5 days ago
    I dont believe ANYTHING politicians or government says at this point. They are all hidden agenda-promoters. People who live in NY are just stupid in my view. I was born there, but havent even been there in many years, and will NEVER even fly over NY. Same with California actually. We should send migrants to NY and CA seeing as though they welcome migrants.
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