Centers Of Alien Invasion, Encouraged and Supported By D.C. DeepState -Time To Boycott All D.C.'s Unconstitutional Orders

Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"Bloomberg has unveiled one of the most detailed maps yet, showing where the 2023 migrant invasion has spread across the US, broken down on a county-by-county basis. The map, built on immigration court case data, highlights clusters of new migrant populations that primarily emerged across the eastern half of the nation. The question becomes if the federal government and a shadowy network of non-governmental organizations worked in unison to precision dump migrants in small towns and cities to replace native blue-collar workers.

The data plotted on the map includes immigration court data showing where the 1.8 million migrants landed in the US and have since taken up residence. Notice massive clusters of new migrants across the Mid-Alantic and Northeast metro areas, as well as the Midwest and Rust Belt regions.

"In the battleground states that will decide this November's election, about 72% of migrants in 2023 went to Biden counties while less than a third went to Trump counties, the Bloomberg analysis found. Counties that [allegedly] voted for Biden four years ago are home to roughly 60% of the overall US population," Bloomberg said. "

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