Is This Hate Speech? The scum running D.C. Want You To Believe It Is.

Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 4 weeks ago to Politics
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"An X Post Goes Viral, Then Gets A Hate Speech Label
Earlier this week, University of Chicago student Daniel Schmidt's post about race and crime garnered 1.2 million views on X, before its visibility was limited with a hate speech label.
In the past three years:

- Two students at my college have been murdered by black people.
- Dozens of students at my college have been mugged by black people.

I say this and get flagged for hate speech.

, can we please have an honest conversation about this?
Because of that limited visibility, I can't embed his original post here, but I have posted the text of it below. Before we get to it, my post below includes the video in his original post, which was of a local news report interviewing another University of Chicago student, who managed to remove the magazine from a mugger's gun during an attack near the school.
Race And Crime In Chicago
At my college, the University of Chicago, it’s inevitable that black people will mug students at gunpoint this school year—because it happens every year. Last year more than a dozen students were mugged. One student had a gun pointed at her head while walking on campus at 3:00 PM. You may have seen the video below back in April.

I’m starting my senior year in a few days. When I began college I tried to ignore all of this... I just wanted to be a finance bro... But then an Asian student was killed by a black person one month into my freshman year and it dawned on me: Is the modern American Dream just trying to live far away from black people? That’s why investment bankers work 18-hour days? That’s the end game? That’s it?

I started thinking I shouldn’t have gone to college in Chicago. I really chose this place over Princeton, New Jersey...

But lately I’ve started asking myself: Why do I have to accept the destruction of a great institution? Why do I have to surrender it to people who want me dead?"

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  • Posted by Lucky 5 months, 4 weeks ago
    This is a good article. I share the high opinion of U of Chicago, not just because of the association with Milton Friedman. Chicago is one of the few big name colleges that is resisting wokeness.

    We learn that there is a lot of mugging and other violence against students, all or a good deal of it committed by blacks. Now it may be the way I read it but I do not see mention that these blacks are students.

    Suggestion: change the popular openness of university campuses to exclude, or reduce the number of visitors or whoever they are that have no real business on campus.

    Whether or not that works, if there is a problem, then it must be stated, else no solution ever comes. Stating a problem mentioning identification of people is now called racist, so problems get worse.
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