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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 month ago
    I have started opting out of the xray machine. That's what it is, you know. I know this because the titanium INSIDE my leg looks somewhat like a club with big screws sticking out of it. After TSA ran up and grabbed my leg after I stepped out of the scanner it's been on my mind. This thing is penetrating my skin. I'm opting out and just go for the full grope now. For a while there, a few years, TSA was all over me like a cheap suit. They'd open my pants, look at my junk...all kinds of stuff. I started having fun with it and let all the people standing in line watch it, "Let's give em a good show!", I'd say. I've never even had a speeding ticket so I don't know what the fuss was about. They've backed off. I'm the guy you want on the flight: patriotic, wanting to protect the innocent, can probably remove a man's jaw with my bare hands in five seconds (and beat him with it). I've never understood the TSA when looking at it from a high level. I try to work with them. But, man, sometimes they do the goofiest stuff - throwing away my sunblock with a toothless smile. Yelling at people like drill sergeants. Haha! Now a lot of them are looking like Rachel Levine...which I find charming.
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