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  • Posted by $ BobCat 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    Agree totally with you in your assessment that she has been told that the "fix is in". Que Mala is demonstrating the same arrogance that Hilda Beast presented in her run for power 2 election cycles ago. Just last election they demonstrated their plan to steal with the basement-dweller. Currently, even tampon Timmy with his foolishness, cockiness, and court jester-like antics has been assured of impending victory. These commies are ridding high on their own Kool-aid.
    We can only hope that the RNC and local election boards have spent their time wisely in eliminating election fraud, ... but then again the RNC was part of the Uni-party.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 3 weeks ago
      I suspect there may be a lot of truth to what you are saying. The fate of the J6 protesters is a lesson in what will happen to anyone questioning "the fix". Kommie-La (I like Que Mala as well, lol) is an appointee and the only way to protest that appointment is to have a dissenting vote too big to fix.

      Edit add: From the point of view of a lying Marxist, Kommie-La is quite clever in playing her role. The MSMM does the rest.
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      • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
        I believe she is playing a role. There is a script and she's reading it. The script handed to her is Marxist. "What can be, unburdened by what has been" is a literary permutation from the Communist Manifesto. How they destroyed the intelligencia-the doctors, lawyers, teachers, professors.

        What has been = what we love. What could be = the fantasy utopian world road to hell that they are proposing.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 3 weeks ago
          Had to log in just to +1 that, Aeronca.

          I have to admit I've tried to read the Communist Manifesto several times, but was never able to wade through the whole thing. I find it intellectually repulsive. It is a treatise produced by an academic drunken ne'er do well and a self loathing lazy rich kid - the perfect pair from hell to produce such a thing.
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          • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
            My University Freshman year the British snot professor teacing Roots of Western Civilization had us read Engels and Marx, in that order. The 1 2 punch. Engels is Capitalism Sucks. Marx is Communism Rules. There were quite a few students there who ridiculed those books. And thank you.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    The Democrats seem to be getting crazier by the day. Obama was indignant, berating any black men who would dare not to vote for Harris, declaring them sexist. The MSNBC minions didn't want to be racist, so they said ALL men need therapy if they don't vote Harris.

    In an attempt to counter the negative reactions from that tactic, the party put out an ad with a bunch of obese and hickish and soy-boy guys lecturing other men that they are the "real" men, and voting for Harris. Adding to that, they sent Walz on a hunting venture, attempting to appeal to guys, but he looked more like Elmer Fudd than a real hunter, not figuring out how to load his gun.

    When things aren't crazy enough, trot out James Carville, who now resembles the Crypt Keeper, and can always be counted on for insane pronouncements. His contribution was to wail a pack of unabashed lies about how Trump has announced he's going to use the military to hunt down and lock up black men.

    White, suburban, college-indoctrinated female abortionists are not enough to elect Harris, but after alienating blacks, Jews, Hispanics, and union workers, there may not even be enough dead voters to take her over the top. It's actually looking like even serious "tinkering" with voting may fail to bring Harris the victory.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov 4 months, 3 weeks ago
        It doesn't matter what the motive for the statement. In context it's definitely sexist. However, in the socially acceptable terminology today, derogatory statements about men are not to be considered sexist, just as derogatory statements about whites are not regarded as racist.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    Here's the good news. If we get Trump, we have some hope.
    If not, we are backed into a corner and have to decide. How best to throw cogs into the wheels. (lookup that reference)
    how do we PLAY ALONG and PREVENT anything from getting done. This time to their projects. I think we need a Trans-Study on that topic! LOL
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    • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
      Perhaps the R will take the Congress and that will be a cog in the wheel. Meanwhile, our Fiddling Nero Congress has abdicated a lot of power to the Executive and the Judiciary branches.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    Oh, if you've watched them closely for the past year it's clear they think they've got it in the bag. They likely know something we don't.
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    • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
      It does seem like it. But if that is in fact the case, then this election is not the end. The end already happened!
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        • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
          I meant that if our elections are predetermined by the Patricians and not by us little Plebians, then democracy is already dead.

          Maybe the October Suprise will be that Joe is senile and Que Mala is already running the country. By the Constitution she can anyway if Joe is mentally gone. What's some hand waving and blessings of the Supreme Court do anyway, to make a Vpotus into a Potus?

          Maybe that's her laugh. She's laughing in mirth and giddy with the power she's been promised; laughing at the absurdity of answering any questions because she's basically the Potus anyway.
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            • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
              Maybe the October Surprise is all of us wondering where is it, misdirection. No surprise. While they pull some stunt behind the curtain. Maybe they will circulate out of focus AI photos of Trump "doing something disgusting 30 years ago." Biden will commit suicide with a note smeared with SKAMalas red lipstick and she will take over before the election.
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                • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
                  If Camelface becomes Potus: Bully male leaders will have to test her. What else can she do but fight back? "I am woman hear me roar!" And off we go to more war.
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  • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    I'll contradict myself for a little hope. Perhaps the laughter is merely her belief that the fix is in, like Billiary thought the job was hers...
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