Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 weeks, 1 day ago to News
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Isn't interesting that a "Presidential candidate" meets with a war torn president from a foreign country before an election,
Has that ever played out before in history?

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    Posted by $ allosaur 3 weeks, 1 day ago
    Kommiela's truthful answer to Fox News Reporter Peter Doocy asking her to why not lower grocery prices now~~"Because I want to see your face one last time when I DO get into the Oval Office."
    Yes, I DO think of stupid people when they carry signs with the name Harris on it. As for Meme #1, I DO think of an evil witch cackling along with her master.
    Patriots versus the altered spelling of the Stealers DID make me dino bust out laughing.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 weeks, 1 day ago
    Exceptional humor and commentary this morning, OUC! In Branco's offering let Trump smack that Phillistine right below the "D", LOL (oh, the message of the fake news on the shield is a nice touch)! Love the closer! Thanks again, OUC, for starting my day off with thoughts and a smile!
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 weeks ago
    When Kabala says unburdened by the past, what she really means is unburdened by the Constitution, Christianity, all morals and morays that have defined this Republic from the beginning.
    Just more broken eggs for her Marxist omelet.
    I have a very good imagination of what crap she has in-mind.
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    • Posted by $ 3 weeks ago
      Don't waist good imagining, my friend, it's very apparent what the crap coming out of her head actually memes . . . she never bothered to wipe!

      It's all there for the world to see . . .(and smell)
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  • Posted by elemare113 3 weeks ago
    Notice the spelling -- it's not the Steelers (football team) but the STEALERS (thieves) against the rest of us Patriots. It's really a very clever pun! :)
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