It's time for Trump to call a spade a spade ...
I personally hope that Trump can contain himself and concentrate on the agenda and policies of the left , instead of character assassinations. All he continually needs to do is to attack their platform, planks, and policies for being socialistic and communistic.
The dems ticket is indeed comprised of communists and commie ideals. So what trump must do is to wake up some of the sleeping sheep by telling all that we are currrently under the threat of communism from the left.
To paraphrase Charlton Heston in a great old film, "it's Communism, people. Liberalism is Communism ."
The dems ticket is indeed comprised of communists and commie ideals. So what trump must do is to wake up some of the sleeping sheep by telling all that we are currrently under the threat of communism from the left.
To paraphrase Charlton Heston in a great old film, "it's Communism, people. Liberalism is Communism ."
Spineless !@#$%^&* !!!
natural born' concept in the Constitution but at least his mother was a citizen. Kamala's parents are not citizens of this country.
Look at any pictures of a young Frank Davis and a young Barry, there is no getting around it. Barry is Frank's prodigy.
The timing is sound, momma was in Hawaii at the same time Davis was, and old man Soetoro was on the other side of the planet..
It's a provable fact that momma and Davis were an item. Davis was exiled to Hawaii (not yet a state) for his Communist diatribes and why momma fell for him.
What Barry did do that was illegal was apply for, and receive, foreign student aid, lying that he was a foreigner.
His Grandmother worked at some municipal department that allowed her access to all the birth and death records.
That is why Barry has the Social Security number of a Connecticut man who died while vacationing in Hawaii months prior.
The 14th was NOT legally approved by the states.
All the southern states were being run by appointees approved by the north solely because they would do what they were told.
Southern people had NO Voice whatsoever. Therefore the 14th was not ratified by the people as required by the constitution.
The 14th amendment is a fraud.
Every amendment thereafter is also affected by this. None should have effect.
.. (Ok -my info is about 2 hours late, I only use the net.)
Kamala's campaign relies on the proven Biden basement strategy, nothing that can be said will bring in more voters, and existing supporters are inflexible.
See what Vivek says:
the election is about more than running against Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.. Republicans are running against a system.
What he stopped short of saying is- The system is the voting system.
All I'm suggesting is a change in tactics to fight this battle.
I have no problems with trumps mean tweets and nicknames, etc., but I feel this battle should be fought on the issues and not personalities. The dems will fight us with their name calling for they have no issues on which to stand.
We are in a fight between good and evil, and nobody has the guts to go on the media and say so.
It goes way beyond communism, though. This is the final fight against ultimate evil.
The communists are the useful idiots of the globalists, who are in turn the useful idiots for Satan. If we don't fight back and destroy those who clamor for one-world government, it's over for the whole world, because once one-world government is established, the anti-Christ will take power.
Mar 10, 2018 2:49:25 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ff7ea4 No. 614954
This is not about religions or party affiliation.
EVIL is everywhere.
There are no drawn lines.
No boundaries.
Mar 09, 2019 7:36:19 PM EST Q
Anons understand now why we've been targeted daily by the FAKE NEWS media and SHILLS?
You have been prepared for what is about to take place.
Hit tip to the wife.
The other half is that liberalism/communism/socialism is treason, plain in simple, and should be treated as such.
liberalism/communism/socialism seeks to overthrow American laws, morals and government, which is blatant treason.
Until these traitors are tried, imprisoned or executed for their crimes, they won't stop.
We're too terrified of being labeled with "words" to call them out.
(Unless you're a big mouth, like me, lol)
Here's a link to a free copy of None Dare Call it Treason:
Unfortunately, our government isn't run like a successful business (except when someone like Trump is in office).
By definition government is not nice but necessary to protect individual rights.
It's not her color that's a problem.
It's not her gender that's a problem.
It's her, She's an idiot.