A Radical Plan To Save America’s Economy In One Year
Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 2 weeks ago to Economics
"The policy measures I suggest are a kind of fiscal time machine – A way to turn back the clock on collapse. Some might consider them “radical” but they are only policies that America USED TO value and that we have been pressured to forget. Can the modern American brain with its steady exposure to big government and socialist programs handle such a shift? It’s hard to say.
I think if people are desperate enough they’ll accept any solution that they feel works. And for now the elites that created the crisis are the only group offering a way out (a false way out). If I could snap my fingers (or if I was king for year), this is the list of actions I would undertake to save the American economy before the end of 2025 (or at least set it on the the path to resurrection)."
"The policy measures I suggest are a kind of fiscal time machine – A way to turn back the clock on collapse. Some might consider them “radical” but they are only policies that America USED TO value and that we have been pressured to forget. Can the modern American brain with its steady exposure to big government and socialist programs handle such a shift? It’s hard to say.
I think if people are desperate enough they’ll accept any solution that they feel works. And for now the elites that created the crisis are the only group offering a way out (a false way out). If I could snap my fingers (or if I was king for year), this is the list of actions I would undertake to save the American economy before the end of 2025 (or at least set it on the the path to resurrection)."
Too many coincidences is not a coincidence
“Things you must know to be informed...
Now you know why no one is investigated. They all have their hands in the cookie jar! You might remember James Comey who investigated the Clinton email scandal and the Clinton Foundation, and made the final decision to not recommend prosecution by the DOJ.
It turns out that the Clinton Foundation was audited by the law firm DLA Piper. One of the executives there was in charge of the Clinton Foundation audit.
Who was it? Peter Comey, James Comey’s brother. Peter Comey held an executive position with the Washington law firm that did the audit of the Clinton foundation in 2015. Peter Comey was officially DLA Piper “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas,” in 2015 when the Clinton Foundation scandals first broke and Hillary was preparing her Presidential campaign. Not only was DLA Piper, the firm where Comey’s brother worked involved in the audit of the Clinton Foundation, but according to the foundation’s donor records, DLA Piper has given between $50 - 100k to the Foundation.
It gets even cozier. DLA Piper executive Douglas Emhoff is taking an extended leave of absence from the firm. Who is Douglas Emhoff? He is the husband of KAMALA HARRIS! Just a coincidence? Amazing if it is. You can't make this stuff up!
And it only gets worse. This "Family Tree" will make your head spin . . THE SWAMP IS DEEP!!
Dominion (voting machine provider) serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states - - The state of Texas rejected the machines.
- Admiral Peter Neffenger is on Biden's transition team.
- Neffenger was the President of the board of Smartmatic.
- Smartmatic (another voting machine supplier) entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009.
- Smartmatic counted votes in Venezuela.
- Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud.
- Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros (-he and Brown are life-long friends).
- Brown chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including the Open Society Foundation.
- Brown chairs the Centre for Global Development.
- Open society of course is owned by George Soros.
- Smartmatic partnered with DLA Piper Global.
- Douglas C. Emhoff works at DLA Piper Global.
- Douglass C. Emhoff is Kamala Harris's husband.
- Guess who owns Dominion? - -Blum Capital Partners, L.P.
- Guess who is on the board for the company? -- Richard Blum.
- Richard C. Blum is Dianne Feinstein's husband.
- Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul is also a major investor.
- An aide to Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, was hired by Dominion Voting Systems.
And it goes on.....
- Dominion Voting Systems is listed on the Clinton Foundation website.
- Dominion Voting is listed as a $25,000 -$50,000 donor to the Clinton Foundation in 2014 by The Washington Post.
- Georgia Governor Kemp used Dominion Voting after Texas and Florida rejected them.
- Dominion has a lobbyist named Jared Thomas.
- Jared Thomas was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015.
- You must remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand this next information
in business.
Then the fedgov withholds funds from state governments to keep them in line.
Florida to Texas should withdraw consent from the thievery and keep the funds
in private hands within each state. Then let the people decide what is important
enough to voluntarily support financially, if anything, in competition with private
businesses offering the same services.
The fedgov doesn't provide anything worth the destruction of civilization which
is where the current policies lead.
Secession is the only peaceful response to tyranny, treason, genocide, and theft.
We should nationalize it. If the gov creates nice bonds at 10% interest (Crushing, but great for the average person, so they don't need to gamble in the stock market). Tax Free Earnings.
THEN that is the M1 Money supply.
The M3 is created by letting the small/local banks lever up their deposits/loans. Typically it is 15X bigger than the M1 money supply.
BTW, assume the Fed Window Charges only 1% per year in interest to these banks. That means the fed collects 15% (against the M1 supply!).
Yes. That's the first THEFT. It funds the corruption on K Street. END THIS. So that our government COLLECTS 15% and pays out 10%
And we use the remaining 5% to pay down the debt.
But this would CRUSH the central banksters, and damage wall street and K street, while saving mainstreet.
Meanwhile. ZERO income tax on individuals.
ZERO inheritance taxes.
But PROPERTY taxes make sense to me... UNTIL MAYBE you retire. AFTER 62, ZERO property tax on your PRIMARY RESIDENCE. (if you own more than one residence... You don't need the tax break on the second residence nearly as badly).
The federal reserve act is the license to steal for the banksters.
"Passed" con-gress without a quorum by corrupt con-gresscritters following instructions of the banksters.
Seize all banks assets and pay down the national debt created because of the Federal Reserve Act.
(Sorry to the shareholders invested in a massive cartel profiting by stealing from the American people.)
Income tax is communist where the government declares it owns your production (in the name of the people, of course) and we all play the game of "How much do I owe?" when in reality it's "How much will the government let me keep?". As long as there is any income tax it will never be ZERO on individuals because they will pay higher prices for goods and services to cover it for another.
I certainly don't want a BIG HOA running things.
I live in an HOA... Not great.
Of all my taxes, my property taxes are the least offensive and don't go up like my home owners insurance.
At the end. The government has a GOAL of protecting that property. We just live in such a screwed up society where we are taxed by people who want us dead. It's hard to compare.
How do you fund the local infrastructure, schooling, fire dept, etc?
"So, how do we cover the local infrastructure?" There are ways to tax and raise revenue without placing a lien on your property or confiscating your production at gunpoint - an abomination on a people calling themselves "free". Tariffs and sales taxes on non essentials is probably the best because EVERYONE gets to see what it is. You want more stuff from government with a tax for all to see? Maybe the people will decide they don't want or need as much government "help" and will endeavor to do more on their own. Keep in mind the greatest government expenses are not in building roads or sewers.
(If you don't pay for fire dept., your house can burn down
and your insurance cost will be much much higher.
Yes, insurance is another insane rip-off forced by banksters in league with insurers.
Without home mortgages home prices would be 80% lower and insurance much lower.)
Home school or hire a tutor that you have personally vetted as competent and idiologically sound. Public school is a POS.
(If you have no children, you don't have to pay for others' offspring being indoctrinated as in public schools).
But if we could fix the BNKSTERS control.
Stop the income tax.
And stop the K-Street funding of the RNC/DNC (ie, hijacking our elected representatives)...
We would be 90% better. Maybe 95% better. I would gladly pay my Property Taxes, which are like 30 times less than my income tax on a good year.
But when I buy something, it's mine and I shouldn't have to pay tribute
or have my property seized (stolen) by local/state government by force
of arms for so-called 'services' that are better provided by free market
competition and voluntary contract.
I do not own any 'real estate' because I won't be robbed in that way.
It's not much different from 500 years ago:
With the amount of indescribably stupid people with driver licenses and hence the ability to vote, tells us in no uncertain terms.... We are so screwed .
Ours friends can no longer trust us (when I say "us" or "we", I mean our present government) to help them, or even to keep our word.
We are destabilizing the worlds financials systems (hence BRICS). We are a dangerous country to be associated with socially, financially or militarily.
Our foes are giddy with pleasure: we are weak and woke, we are leaderless and pathological liars, both greedy and stupidly short-sighted.
Allegedly, half the country supports the most stupid, Marxist, dishonest, soulless, Godless creature to ever hump their way into high office.
Lord help us if there really is that many brainless, people of voting status in our once great Republic.
Two results are absolutely certain if the election is stolen for a second time:
1) The dollar be be dropped as the worlds reserve currency, putting this nation and the western world into a full financial depression, the likes of which no man alive has ever seen.
BRICS has more members joining every month, they know the ship is unsound, floundering, at great risk of hitting the tipping point.
2) Our enemies will take full advantage of a weak, feckless and patently incompetent HairAss administration.
Be it North Korea, Iran, China, or any number of Mideast/African/South American countries we have totally Effed-Over in the past 70 years.
The Rats have devised yet another strategy to steal votes: Foreign ballots.
You may or may not have heard, if you (an American citizen) live or are traveling outside the country on election day, you can request a ballot to vote in any state, regardless of your actual domicile.
The Demon Rats have requested tens of millions of these ballots.
Many times in excess of actual absentee voters!
There is little doubt of how these millions of absentee foreign ballots will be used.
We are fighting the worst kind of treachery against our once proud Republic.
These Traitors need to be exposed and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.. or there is no law.
Such be the case.... All Bets Are Off.
Pray that does not happen.
Ugly will discover a whole new meaning.
India has 969 million voters!
Yet this third world nation counted all their hundreds of millions of ballots paper ballots before midnight!
So why is it the most advance country in the world can't keep pace with a ginormous mud-hut country?
Unless it is being done on purpose.
And what is that purpose?
To Cheat!
These traitors to our Republic need to be treated like the traitors they are: stood up against a stone wall and shot.
- You must remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand this next information.
- Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) worked for George-Soros at the Open Society Foundation.
- Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) also worked at Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
- POGO is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
- POGO is the co-signer of the letter Diane Feinstein presented against Kavanaugh's nomination.
- Kamala Harris did not prosecute OneWest Bank for their fraud when she had the authority - Soros owned OneWest Bank.
- Now you know why a woman who placed 7th in her own State when running for President is now VP!
VERY SCARY STUFF and obvious why they need President Trump out of the picture!
1) Eliminate all government deficit spending immediately. Just force budgetary restraints.
2) Deal with the resulting recession by reducing the most onerous of the regulations that stifle innovation
3) Eliminate ALL tariffs to allow cheap foreign goods to be purchased inexpensively by americans and therefore have more money to live on and grow our economy. Tariffs just inhibit the domestic economy by siphoning off consumer funds. Chinese stuff costs 1/3 of what american similar stuff would cost. Even 100% tariff wont do much except make consumers give our government money to waste.
They should have zero power outside their own cartel, and if the cartel is anti-competitive to the economy (which it obviously is) then the cartel should be broken up never to be allowed power again.
The entire disgusting scheme to take complete control of the
government, the economy, the world, courtesy of a gang of
bankers meeting at Rockefeller's island hideaway in secret.
It could change your understanding completely.
They decided to use interest rates because it benefits the cartel, not because it's less intense.
Rates are the most intense on the common customer/citizen who has no choice in the matter and is being robbed by the system.
You have stated that 'someone' needs to manipulate the banking system to stabilize it.
The system has been less stable under the Fed than it was before the Fed.
Prior to the Fed only wars or tulip craziness could cause economic calamity and that was very infrequent.
Since the Fed stole power, it has been one calamity after another.
The only thing that has saved the cartel is the demand for dollars due to the petro dollar.
The system isn't there to stabilize the economy; it's there to benefit the banking cartel.
There is no one who can be trusted to have this power, and that has been proven repeatedly over the past 111 years.
Who has profited from every single calamity? Who has been protected against all losses?
It's obviously only working to enrich the cartel, so let's just keep on doing it.
The very definition of insanity - unless you are the cartel.
Manipulating an economy is never easy and the proof is what a disaster it has been for everyone except the cartel.
The foxes have been controlling the hen house for 111 years. That is never good for the hens.
The people have been treated like cattle to be slaughtered for 111 years by the cartel.
Rates should have never been manipulated to moderate demand by the cartel that caused the demand.
Punishing the victims has been done for 111 years. Time to punish the perpetrators in the cartel.
The State should do less, much less and the towns and cities more.
I'd like it if there were No Cities, they suck and mankind should never live on top of one another.
jobs the city concentration of people may have fewer advantages.
After just spending a few days in NYC, and occasionally visiting a nearby
metro area, I much prefer less urban life. I lived in an urban high rise condo
years ago while on a consulting engagement and it wasn't satisfying for me.
That said, I do enjoy a more varied selection of affordable restaurants than
available where I currently live. NYC isn't affordable.
I have lived overseas and enjoyed that. I'm seriously considering relocating
to a different continent with less intrusive tyrants.
Yes, just as many of the large corps cooperate to achieve control over the fedgov scum, they could have cooperated to build out transportation.
It would have placed the construction cost and maintenance on those who had the most benefit. Smaller states and regional companies would
have paid for branch lines. It might have taken longer but the cost and maintenance would have been much less and there would have been
no excuse for the federal fuel tax, imo. Instead there would have been tolls on those using it most and the lower costs passed on in lower product
prices. Free markets instead of force.
It's rare that complex things work perfectly the first time, but the free market is the most efficient path. Government force is not.
No public funding is required or wanted. Since the point of free market construction is to enhance profits they
are careful to construct things that do so, including making sure that the rights of way are continuous.
Otherwise the construction doesn't fulfill the goal.
If a state government doesn't participate by acquiring the rights of way, they lose out to other states
and their economies and employment loses as well. They also lose at the polls when the private entities
expose the fact that the state gov has not acted in the interests of their people.
Free markets work. Governments waste, corrupt, lie, and enslave.
in order to gain more and more unearned power and wealth.
Companies responded in the most efficient peaceful way:
by corrupting government and using it to eliminate competition and end the free market.
Glad to have a rational conversation with you! ;^)
You want some 'body' to limit business?
Who is qualified and won't be corrupted by the power?
Let's discuss.
"British joint-stock company founded in January 1711, created as a
public-private partnership to consolidate and reduce the cost of the national debt. "
Just another government approved con.
Sort of like Wall St. and the banking cartel. Special laws for "special people."
They just wanted power and wealth and controlling government was the way to get it.
That was especially true when the country was being founded and the Constitution excluded a Bill of Rights.
The federalists favored strong central government and a national bank; some wanted a monarchy.
Fortunately Jefferson and anti-federalists opposed them or the country would have been bankrupted in the
18th century instead of the 20th.
Wall St. and the banking cartel have been thieves for centuries before they leaned left.
That's where control was easier to obtain recently so that's where they corrupted.
They aren't bound to any ideology.
Did they have to prove themselves to get respect or they'd never be able to feel self respect?
Read any Kipling?
Sometimes that is the case with discussions of monetary policy by "experts"
in monetary policy, likely due to the 'human nature' of the "experts." ;^)
An interesting discussion, and thank you!!!
"Colorado River. The Colorado River flows through seven U.S. states before reaching Mexico;
97% of its basin is in the United States. Under the 1944 Water Treaty, the United States is
required to provide Mexico with 1.5 million acre-feet (AF) of Colorado River water annually.
This figure represents about 10% of the river’s average flow."
"Rio Grande. The Rio Grande is governed by two separate agreements. Deliveries to Mexico in
the northwestern portion of the shared basin (near El Paso/Ciudad Juárez) occur under a 1906
convention, whereas deliveries for the southeastern portion (which is below Fort Quitman, TX"
"A bilateral treaty signed in 1944 says the two countries must share water sources along their arid border.
Mexican farmers say they need the water themselves, in what has been one of the driest years in decades.
But the US says Mexico has recently not been fulfilling the agreement and owed almost a year's worth of water.
Last month, hundreds of Mexican farmers seized La Boquilla dam in Chihuahua state to stop water being diverted to the US, leading to violent clashes with Mexico's National Guard. "
So again, apologize for not having enough info for my comments originally but with the water agreement, although they did not "build a canal to carry water to Mexico City" there is an agreement that ties in the water that comes from the Colorado, and thus the dam, and the water that is used is MX.
I haven't seen evidence that such organizations are effective, but if they did have a formula for success, they'd probably not announce it.
One could spend one's life and fortune trying to find one that delivers.
I've seen enough 'social change' to last several lifetimes and much is detrimental, imo.