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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 month ago
    Me dino knows Democrat elites thinks raping, murdering and doing other very bad things to women and children is acceptable collateral damage toward creating new voters to achieve perpetual one party rule~~ but even they can't stomach feeding cute little geese, ducks, dogs and cats to all those millions of hungry illegals they need to be legalized.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 1 month ago
      Dino, you said it well.
      After the Marxist Liberals get one party rule and send us to concentration camps, I hope that we can take our pets with us. Oh, wait. There will be no pets left.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 1 month ago
        There won't be any pets left if a Democrat victory in November lets them legalize illegals into legals to sharply increase the number of criminals who can still vote until convicted of a felony.
        Not to worry all you illegals yet to become legal. Democrats already want imprisoned felons to vote.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 month ago
    I can almost imagine the cognitive dissonance going on in the brains of Kommie-La supporters who have cats or are "no hunting" vegan tree huggers - full denial of such events I guess. How's that assimilation plan going, anyhow? I see the guy in the meme is carrying a Canada goose, which is illegal to hunt where I live, and I wonder if he has a game license. [Side note on this: These people came from a land of famine and learned to survive however they could. The Chinese did the same during Mao's rule and as a result eating certain kinds of dog is considered a delicacy today. When I was there I tasted dog. Tough meat I didn't care for, but I did come to an appreciation that if the SHTF and famine came my way, animals I wouldn't normally eat may be found on my campfire.]

    The people haven't been fooled by the ABC Pile-On event! Last one: I watched the video where Kelly said that - I broke up, LOL!!

    Thanks, OUC, for another glimpse of the meme world of truth and humor!
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 month ago
    I lost my 16 year old cat to a respiratory illness on Saturday. I have no respect or tolerance for this inhuman pile of shit called the government, and that goes from the smallest village to the biggest cesspool at the top. Thank you, Carl, for truth in memes. I live in Ohio. The geese, the ducks, the pets are being grabbed by non-melting pot third worlders who aren"t interested in assimilating. Why should they when they get more from this government than our own homeless vets!
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    • Posted by $ 1 month ago
      It's always tough loosing a pet friend.
      Had to post, under this post, on X, your magnificent statement; "The geese, the ducks, the pets are being grabbed by non-melting pot third worlders who aren"t interested in assimilating." for the rest of the world to see and digest.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 1 month ago
    While I don't like that they are eating the pets, and I know that they would arrest you or I for animal cruelty, if we were to do something like that. They could easily arrest them for hunting out of season for the ducks and geese.
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