Science paper: 96% of climate policies are a waste of money

Posted by freedomforall 6 months, 2 weeks ago to Science
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"Finally, 15 years and a trillion dollars too late, George Monbiot says what skeptics have been saying all along. Nearly every single carbon reduction scheme is a useless make-work machination that creates the illusion that the government is doing something. He calls it “perceptionware”.

A new paper was released in Science pointing out that in the last 25 years, barely 4% of climate policies in 41 countries have made any real difference. And by “real difference” we mean reducing a useful fertilizer, so it’s a good thing that 96% of the ploys failed, but a tragedy that a thousand billion dollars was stolen from decent people.

In any case, finally Monbiot sees the tip of the iceberg of grift and graft, but doesn’t realize his own role in it, doesn’t realize the same failures of journalists like him also failed the science world where 96% of papers have achieved nothing they set out to do as well — like predicting the climate. Climate science has been spinning its wheels, creating perceptionware and failing to figure out the climate for fifty years, but George hasn’t noticed."
Science has finally published something that is true regarding "climate change/global warming."
I don't expect this to happen again soon.

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  • Posted by mhubb 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    i suggest people read Ringworld by Larry Niven.
    (hint: Aliens had to move their planet away from their sun due to heat caused by over population)

    everything we do in the end makes heat.
    a fire
    a flashlight
    all turn into random heat in the end

    also the Sun is increasing its activity, at some point current life on Earth will have to move or perish (500 millions years or so)

    these lying "scientists" have been placing their sensors in places designed to show what they want, placing a heat sensor in a parking lot covered in black asphalt WILL show an increase in temperature.

    land that was covered in trees is now covered in roads that are mostly black and homes with black roofs. all made with materials designed to hold heat.

    simple facts such as the Earth gives off LOTS of so-called greenhouse gases, the politicians and others preaching to us about reducing carbon make more carbon that the rest of us peons (to them) are just ignored.

    is the Earth getting hotter, likely as we are still recovering from the last Ice Age, in fact we may be in the hotter time between Ice Ages (over 20,000 years or so)
    North America is still rebounding up from the mile of ice that was sitting on it 12,000 years ago, that simple fact is ignored when "scientists" talk about water levels in the Great Lakes.

    BTW, when Niagara Falls walks its way back far enough, the Great Lakes will likely cease to exist, unless we Humans do something about it.

    at the end of the last Ice Age there was likely a disaster that wiped out a more advanced (for the time) civilization.

    that is the nature of the Earth, IT CHANGES
    and does not care one bit about We Humans.

    and all We the People get is "scientists" paid to come up with reason to give more power to politicians and we all know that politicians HAVE NEVER solved a single problem, they just tend to make them worse, mostly on purpose so they can take more power
    and with all the lies and fraud, finding the REAL TRUTH is now almost impossible
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    • Posted by VetteGuy 6 months, 1 week ago
      As an avid Sci-fi reader (I have read Ringworld, but it's been a long time) and someone who thinks Very Long Term, I appreciate your comments.

      If humans are going to survive REALLY long-term, we gotta get off this rock. If a meteor doesn't destroy all sentient life (again) the sun will eventually use up its fuel. We should have been on Mars a decade ago, and should be figuring out how to get to the next star.

      Will this ever happen? I have my doubts. My suspicion is that nothing will happen until it is WAY too late. How long will it take to develop interstellar travel? (Hint: we can't even get BACK to the moon - something that was accomplished over 50 years ago!) Do we have that much time left?
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      • Posted by mhubb 6 months, 1 week ago
        remember, we save Ark #2 for all the important people
        such as politicians, media types, union bosses, telephone sanitizers, marketing executives, web influencers....
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  • Posted by mccannon01 6 months, 1 week ago
    /s The problem is there is a shortage of virgins to throw into the volcano to appease the weather gods (they're always pissed!). I don't think they are being fooled by pretending boys are girls, either.

    Natural phenomena have always been blamed on somebody throughout history and today's "science priests" are still getting paid to gut chickens and cast the bones.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 months, 1 week ago
    4% - Reducing a useful fertilizer. All Harm and no good. Not that there was any good to be had in the first place.
    Giving up that ghost would have been more than good enough.
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  • Posted by Lucky 6 months, 1 week ago
    The really interesting point is that the paper in Science was by George Monbiot. Monbriot a writer with no science credentials, is a long time lefty-progressivist.

    He concludes, correctly, that the immense human effort, and vast amounts of money spent, have produced little - but misses the wider conclusion that the foundation of the scam (that of carbon dioxide trapping, reflecting back, and multiplying heat) is false.
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