An uptick in fuckery…

Posted by jack1776 6 months ago to Politics
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Sorry of this word offends you but I truly think this is the best word for it.

Through a series of unfortunate events in my personal life, I’m beginning to question what I know and what religion has taught. Specifically, I’m speaking about the end times prophecies. I’ve heard these passages before, and not being religious at all, I’ve dismissed them. I have a friend which is a pastor at a local church, he fully is under the impression we are seeing the beginning of the end times. These two passages:

• Isaiah 5:20:
• "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" This verse specifically warns against the inversion of moral values, where evil is celebrated as good and vice versa.

• 2 Timothy 3:1-5:
• "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." This passage describes a time when moral values are turned upside down and what is wrong becomes common and accepted.

Something has changed in a very short period, I’m not sure what has happened.

My wife and my business were forced to close by the landlord over an air conditioner he refused to repair. Since we moved in the air conditioner didn’t function correctly, I wrote a demand letter stating it is affecting my business because we must close due to the heat. I also told him I would prorate the rent for every day we had to close. He lawyered up and forced us to close. We lost our business, and he is out the rest of our lease.

The neighbor tenant to our business started to vandalize our property. While I was moving our crap out, we have had few interactions with these people in the past. Since our business was successful, thinking is just jealousy. Not sure….

The community in which I live is one of the most conservative counties in the country, I just found out that we have a group of people who meet regularly to discuss how they want to change things (the new county commissioner is among these). This group wants to tell others how they must live their lives through county ordinances. This commissioner made a specific ordinance for one single landowner with a restaurant. He would allow restaurant guests to stay on his personal property overnight occasionally. These people didn’t like it and they passed an ordinance just for this landowner. Here is the deal, we are very remote and rural, every property owner has an RV on it in virtuous states of decay and habitation, sometimes 2, 3 or 4 RVs. This ordinance is forcing he to not have guest stay the night. He is suing the county, but this is ridiculous on its own merits.

These same people are now working on a new ordinance that says people cannot light the outside of their property at night. They are calling it “dark sky ordinance” and are already looking on enforcing it on his business; A business must light its parking lot. His restaurant is a very successful high-end steakhouse.

This same county is retroactively trying to apply a new ordinance to my property forcing me to change my address. There is no need for this and is extremely disruptive as I own three business entities that use this address. Changing this with the IRS is going to be hell. I’m fighting this, if they want to take my easement from me and make it a country road, they should have done it when the property was subdivided and not now that the last property is being developed.

Finding health insurance for a business owner is difficult enough but my wife has MS and they are forcing her to be on Medicare. We don’t want that, but the insurance industry is forcing this upon us. Okay, they don’t want to insure a MS patent, I get that. The shit is that I must prove continued coverage for her going all the way back to 2010. I was a federal employee in 2010, I left because people in the government don’t deserve my labor. Medicare (federal) required proof I covered her through my insurance as a federal employee and the “feudal” (typo, though I leave it) government doesn’t even respond to phones or e-mail period. The federal government was keeping from complying with the “feudal” (staying with it) government for health coverage we don’t want. Fuck me. We were able to prove this through the insurance company… Get this, when she submitted the proof, the idiots didn’t even look at it and marked it off as complaint.

I have an employee that has got it in her head that she can play hardball with me, as her employer. I need her at the moment to cover this shift but what the fuck is she thinking trying to ridicule me in front of other employees. The type that has moved well beyond play and is way too serious. After being warned she doubled down and trying to make me her bitch. LOL this will not end well for her, I just don’t understand after 12 months she pulls this shit.

So… Why the litany of fuckery, anyone of these on their own is a typical challenge of life, nothing out of the ordinary. My question is why all the sudden and why now to this extent? This is an extreme amount of fuckery.

Have others noticed an uptick of fuckery in their personal lives recently or is this just me and shit luck? The rational mind says its shit luck, my friend says it’s the end-times. I’m listening now…

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  • Posted by $ BobCat 6 months ago
    I haven't noticed the " madness" to the extent you have described - probably since I choose to largely ignore what goes on and do my best to stay 'gray'. But I have noticed a sudden change in attitudes in those younger than i... they all seem to be on Power Trips and Ego Feeding binges.
    They know that they can place their morality aside and do what they want whenever they want - all without consequences.
    Let's just refer to these times as 'Evil Rising'.
    What can we do? Nothing , except protect ourselves and our loved ones and brace ourselves for the rising tide of Evil.
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    • Posted by 6 months ago
      You know, I just saw a piece from Bret Weinstein and Jorden Peterson, the topic was that Gen Z was raised on social media and its effects. The effect as stated by Bret Weinstein was that they have switched the importance of their realities from the real life being primary and the online life as secondary (like everyone else) to the online life is primary and that they have the power to witch genders like flipping a switch. The attitude is just because they decide, therefore, I must acknowledge it. It was relay interesting….
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  • Posted by 6 months ago
    Then to add fuel, why are so many people preparing for something? Me among them… I just purchased an off gride solar system, something said I need to be able to pump water without electricity.
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    • Posted by mhubb 6 months ago
      make sure your electronics are EMP protected

      either an EMP attack or a massive solar flare could take out all the equipment you need

      right now i have 13 solar panels, 120 and 160 watt. only one is out of EMP protection, i am testing with it

      9 deep cycle marine batteries on continuous charge, i plan to get 2 "solar generations (battery packs)" soon, they will be EMP protected
      enough propane in tanks for a solid month using the in door heaters i have
      small gasoline generator
      all EMP safe

      i want/plan to have 500 watts available for each 24 hour period, all year long, really sucks to be cold in winter
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      • Posted by 6 months ago
        I have 10 bifacial panels, off grid inverter and two 100AH 48-volt its all stored and not connected to wires which it will stay that way until all of this is over. Figure if it's not connected, it should be relatively safe. I'm unsure how effective the shunts really are since the voltages induced in only a short wire can be quite large. I can't find research that isn't trying to sell a product.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    Re : the end times. I lost my mother ,my sister , a sister in law and my brother in the last 4 years. The end times for them. I am shooting for a long life, the process will occur through aging . There is no other option, unfortunately. Then it will be my end time.
    Sorry to hear about the ordinance issues. Possible relief from the “Chevron case” for laws passed that were not legislated
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  • Posted by mccannon01 6 months ago
    There certainly seems to be a bad moon rising, Jack1776, and even though one can point out a number of specifics like you have, it's hard to nail down the overall cause. The religious argument is looking as good as any other. For example, with zero primary votes, who voted to make Kommie-la Harris the (D) nominee? Best religious answer: Satan, god of this world - the only vote needed. If you're an atheist, Satan can be a metaphor for Evil or as you say, F***ery.
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