AWebb's Challenge
In response to awebb's official ticket challenge.
I know the challenge specifies tickets bought this weekend only, but I wanted take a pic of all my AS tickets and swag.
Unfortunately, I could not located 3 tickets stubs from last weekend, but they are not eligible for the contest anyway.
In the pic of me, my wife, and son, there is a WIJG? sticker which a little, smarmy, O-bot, assistant manager got really riled that I stuck to the rafter.
I *was* in Fort Collins, so it was to be expected.
In the pic of the tickets and swag, of the 13 tickets shown, three are from this weekend.
So, my contest entry, despite the impressive picture, is a paltry 3 :(
Surely, there are Gulchers here who can outdo my paltry 3!
The numbers game didn't matter a bit to our enjoyment every single time, which I would score at about a zillion.
another loser