Smoke And Mirrors: What Happens After Biden’s Economic Manipulations Disappear? A: Trump gets the blame for a collapse because the economic truth is finally reported.

Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 4 weeks ago to Politics
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"we have come to a crossroads in our election process where anything is possible (whether real or engineered). I suspect that if Trump enters office once again there will be a multitude of changes to our economic data and they will happen quickly. Some of the rigging is already being exposed, just not on a level where the majority of the populace is aware of it.

Some examples of this rigging include:

Biden’s steady sale of US strategic oil reserves in order to drive down energy and gas prices, thereby artificially reducing CPI (official monthly inflation numbers). By June of this year Biden had sold off at least 50% of the nation’s emergency oil supply just to keep CPI down a few points. Keep in mind, bringing down the CPI does nothing to cut the real inflation that has already accumulated in necessities (30%-50% higher prices depending on the product or service).

Then there’s the manipulation of BLS unemployment data to show millions of new jobs that don’t actually exist. After it was announced that Biden was no longer the Democratic candidate, suddenly the US Payroll has been revised down by over 818,000, likely with more revisions to come. Meaning, Bidenomics was being fluffed with fake job creation.

An even greater concern is the fact that all new jobs created for the past several years have been going to illegal aliens, not legal citizens. In fact, since October of 2019 native-born US workers have lost over 1.4 million jobs. Over the same period, migrants illegally residing in the US have gained 3 million jobs. The new narrative among leftists is that this is a good thing; they claim that the US needs illegal immigration and open borders in order to support the jobs market and “bring down inflation.”

I’m doubtful that the jobs boost to illegals is real, either. More likely the migrant jobs data is rigged because it’s much harder to track and confirm. But these people don’t seem to understand how inflation works – Greater population means higher resource demand, and that helps drive up prices (as we’ve seen in housing). It doesn’t bring prices down, nor does it reduce the existing money supply.

It should also be noted that full time jobs numbers have plunged while part time low-wage jobs have increased. These are the kinds of issues no one in the Biden Admin is talking about.

Finally, rising GDP is often cited as a key indicator of a vibrant economy, but what the “experts” rarely mention is that GDP is rigged by the inclusion of government spending. The more federal and state governments tax, borrow and spend, the higher GDP goes. Currently, government spending accounts for at least 36% of GDP (officially) in the US.

It makes it look like America is more successful than ever but this is based on the government taking more cash from the public, printing more money and going into greater debt, then throwing that cash away with wild abandon in order to prop up the numbers.

Goldman Sachs recently made a statement that under a Harris regime GDP would go up and under Trump GDP would take a big hit. They are right, in a way, but they don’t explain the real reason why this is the case.

If Trump follows through on his fiscal responsibility policies (Elon Musk has been tapped to head up investigations into government efficiency), then OF COURSE we’ll see a drop in GDP. It would mean government spending will go down and the rigging of GDP will end. With Harris, government spending will skyrocket and so the GDP bubble will continue to grow. In fact, Harris will be incentivized to increase government spending in order to hide greater deflation in GDP.

Trump’s arrival in the Oval Office will result in a hailstorm of bad economic data, and most of this will be due to the sudden end of statistical manipulations that have been in place for the last four years. We are currently in the midst of a tone-shift in which recessionary forces are pressuring markets more than inflation. But don’t be fooled…

As soon as the Federal Reserve cuts rates inflation will spike again, and if Trump is in office a CPI jump will be even more pronounced. Biden’s oil reserve dumps will be over, no longer anchoring CPI. We will continue to see inflation in necessities with deflation in other areas including jobs and GDP. That’s what happens during a stagflation crisis.

With Harris the same problems will occur, they just won’t be reported and the stats will not reflect the truth. With Trump, the stats will be more transparent and the media will howl about how conservatives are destroying the economy. The game plan is obvious."
SOURCE URL: https://alt-market.us/smoke-and-mirrors-what-happens-after-bidens-economic-manipulations-disappear/

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  • Posted by mhubb 5 months, 4 weeks ago
    part of why i believe the collapse on the economy cannot prevented in the long term

    we simply ran out of other people's money a long time ago and we (the government) has been creating money out of nothing and that bill will come due. most people jusr did not care this was happening, SCOTUS allowed the Constitution to be violated in the creation of the Welfare State
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    • Posted by 5 months, 4 weeks ago
      They should have declared the fed unconstitutional in 1913, but they were probably bought like the con-gress was.
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      • Posted by mhubb 5 months, 4 weeks ago
        today, to declare the welfare state unconstitutional will throw the nation into civil war

        people still think they are owed social security, even after at least 2 SCOTUS cases that say that money is not owed

        i do not know how to end it, doing the least harm
        allow people to opt out?

        hard time limit for welfare of 5 years, no more after that, you can take it for any reason, but no more after 5 years?
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        • Posted by 5 months, 4 weeks ago
          Government lied about Social security, and you think people should just accept the lies when
          the government robs them of their lives after working diligently for 50 years?
          Just accept the "judgement" of a treasonous SCOTUS that can't even understand
          the US Constitution and their responsibility to defend the rights it guarantees
          and the strict limits on government it requires?
          I say, it's about time somebody didn't accept the lies.
          Young people should be surrounding D.C. and cutting off all escape routes for the treasonous scum.

          Yes, bite the bullet. Instead of expanding the military (again), cut it down by 90%.
          Pay off people (who have been robbed for years), and give those under 45 incentives
          to save for their retirement. Don't let Wall St control retirement funds! Let people decide
          their own fate without any safety net that enriches politicians, bureaucrats, and banksters.
          Kill off medicare, medicaid, and obamacare. Kill off the banking cartel.
          Kill all new college loan guarantees and tell the big banks to eat the debts
          that they conspired to create with money created from nothing.
          Those already on SS should have their current benefits guaranteed and forever limited
          to $24k/yr per retired couple and offer a payout encouraging exit for those already receiving
          greater amount. Obviously this is not a complete solution and refinements should be
          added for those actually dependent on current benefits.
          But the bleeding must be curtailed with a tourniquet to save the body of the republic.
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          • Posted by term2 5 months, 3 weeks ago
            People who have paid INTO the SS system should rejoice in whatever the government has provided so far. There is NO trust fund, period. What has been paid in is SPENT. Whatever you get when you retire will come from the people who are still working and having wages confiscated at that time.
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            • Posted by 5 months, 3 weeks ago
              The previous so-called 'greatest' generation depended on their children (boomers)
              to pay for their ss pay. That generation paid in much, much less and received much more
              than they paid. Most of the current generation of retirees was robbed and none of
              them should just accept it.
              No generation is at fault for the traitors and banksters who robbed them.
              I don't want to be dependent, but I want a ton of flesh from the parasites
              who robbed us all. I want them treated in a way to reveal evidence against
              all the parasites, and then given the appropriate punishment for treason.
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          • Posted by mhubb 5 months, 4 weeks ago
            no, people should not have accepted it, buy for many years they have, not seeing the consequences, not caring
            those that started this mess are long dead, they knew they would not have to answer for what they did

            but we both know what we will see if they "fix" social security. any attempt at just talking about it brings a level of hate worse than Pearl Harbor caused.

            young people are 100% clueless, done so on purpose by the sate "education" system. there is a reason they no longer teach Home Ecc in school

            the system is broken beyond reasonable repair.

            me, i think all that is owned by people like schummer, pelosi, biden, pence, (a long list) and any member of their families that profited from the position of their politician family members should be taken to pay off the debt they created to buy votes
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            • Posted by term2 5 months, 2 weeks ago
              Putin discovered what happens when you cut welfare retirement benefits. He nearly had a revolution to throw him out. Somewhere he found the money to keep the retirement payments going. The only thing that will stop the entitlements is for the government to just go broke, period, and let a new government form. Atlas Shrugged is the end game I think. AS was smart
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        • Posted by term2 5 months, 3 weeks ago
          People have to accept that they have been and are continuing to be fleeced. Once they accept that, then revolt and overthrow the government here and start over with an objectivist government.
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  • Posted by term2 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    i dont believe ANYTHING politicians or government says. Not only do we NOT need most of what government does, we dont even want it. when the truth comes out.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    Me the dino, namely His Excellency Dino Philosoraptor Allosaurus the Jurassic Rex, Esquire, BS, doth prophesize that thus shortly prior to Year 2030 and most especially should he beat the cheat to win the 2024 POTUS election and live not be assassinated for so long, one Donald J. Trump shall win the TDS Pants On Fire Libtarded Marxist Greatest Scapegoat Of The Decade Award.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 4 weeks ago
    I've had a sneaking suspicion for some time now (and said so here in the Gulch) Trump will be allowed to win this next election so he will take the hit for the economic collapse due for some time now. The above enumerates some of the how and why such may be the case.
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    • Posted by term2 5 months, 3 weeks ago
      No way, there wouldnt be so much interest in killing him and jailing him if he was going to be allowed to win.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 3 weeks ago
        The assassination attempts are by individual nuts spurred on by vicious rhetoric and lies by the left. I suggest the "allow him to win to take the blame" strategy is a rather recent development as the Marxist left has been salivating over a complete takeover of the USA. An economic collapse in a Trump presidency may even speed up that takeover. The jailing has been suspiciously postponed. Part of the recent strategy, perhaps? Even if Trump wins, he's gone in four years and "they" know it.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    This was "the plan" all along.
    If you never read Bill Coopers 1991 seminal book "Behold A Pale Horse", you should.
    I consider it required reading.
    Two months before nine-eleven, he predicted there would a false flag attack on a major city, and that it would be blamed on Osama bin Laden!
    Two days after his prophetic statement came true, he then predicted the Swamp would use this false flag as an excuse to take our freedoms away "To Keep Us Secure!"
    This was the last straw for the Deep Swamp, he was murdered for it, on his front lawn, two weeks later, in an ambush.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    Welcome to how Conservatives are blamed for most recessions. Because they had to do cuts on spending after Democrat Excess.

    Regardless, the "Feels" of the economy is about Feelings like HOPE and the visibility of a Future. Trump knows this intuitively, and he knows if he wins, a powerful attitude of hope will help smooth things out.

    Also, there will be NO END of negatives being reported against Trump. He will push on and sell the dream. And WE MUST also sell that dream.

    Finally, we survived the Great Depression, we will survive this as well. Remember Russia used to be a pure Communist Country. They are MORE Capitalistic today than America is. Our companies WANT to be fascistic and our PEOPLE are begging for Censorship by the government/powerful. The average Russian has been there/done that... No longer wants the shirt!

    Their only chance is taking Trump out, and I think they know it. Hence we keep finding "remarkable" people getting REALLY CLOSE to the target. All have had EITHER NGO support or CIA/FBI support. Crazy... Isn't it!
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    As soon as the election results roll in things will kick off. If Harris steals(wins) they will print more money and try to continue for as long as possible down this road to Hell. If Trump somehow doesn't get cheated out of the election. They will make moves to bring everything to a head and of course it will all be Trumps fault. Maybe restock the national oil reserve and or changes to the interest rate to worsen inflation, an honest report on unemployment. The possibilities are many and varied but the one certain thing is that it will be Trump's fault and things will get worse.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    The country is already in economic collapse and completely broken BEYOND REPAIR. Tinkering and Un-tinkering does nothing in the long run. There is only ONE way to get our beloved country back and that is to use the amendment process. See this blog TheSocietyProject.org for those amendments and why this is the Only way.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 5 months, 3 weeks ago
    Just in case someone casts doubt on it: Here is the case that the 2020 election was stolen and should have been overturned. (A podcast episode, which runs 11 minutes, by the attorney who wrote the plaintiff's complaint in the Georgia election challenge.) On YouTube --https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvB_K...

    Same podcast on Rumble with commercials -- https://rumble.com/v5fpyxp-fact-check...

    I include both because YouTube has been known to delete posts that present this point of view.
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    • Posted by 5 months, 3 weeks ago
      Thanks. Great explanation.
      Indict, convict, and execute (for treason) all those who assisted or planned the theft of the 2020 presidential election.
      We'll need a bunch of new ethical congresscritters and supreme court judges after the execution of the guilty.
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