MEME WHILE: London Falling, we're next unless . . .

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 month, 2 weeks ago to News
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. . . We make sure to vote the parasitical delete out of our lives or all of us will end up in a third world jail. 6 Memes describe the horror across the pond.

PS, IN THE MEME TYME WILL BE POSTED Monday night and hopefully will gain enough interest for Tuesday's Hot List. The Awakened verses the ones that shaded our vision.

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    Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    đź‘Ť Excellent, OUC.
    Now we must protect these rights against the fedgov or we end up like USSR.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 month, 2 weeks ago
      Give up your guns... Give up your Liberty.
      Vote Trump or suffer in silence, cause I won't tolerate any bitchin' if you voted DemonRat.
      To think of how many American servicemen and women who gave their blood to defend the UK and all of Europe for that matter.
      We should pull every man and women (as well as financial support) out of foreign lands, seal our border, take stock of our well- being.

      If, and only if we have blood and treasure to spare do we help our most immediate neighbors. And only those who conform to OUR VALUES and not the 'other way 'round.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 2 weeks ago
        "only those who conform to OUR VALUES"
        So, none of our immediate neighbors.
        If I could think of one country that conforms to my values, I'd already have moved.
        Taking bitter with sweet, there are few that lean away from tyranny and communism, and toward leaving people alone.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    I've already added Great Britain as a country to stay the hell out of.
    Don't get what's attractive for some here about Russia.
    Me dino no cares for being charged for something phony and held a year or two before being traded for a Russian spy America caught.
    I worked at a prison 21 years. Don't care for living in one.
    At least my freedom of speech is protected here . . . somewhat , , , so far . . .
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    • 10
      Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 2 weeks ago
      I think the new Russian visa for westerners is mostly a PR move, but a clever one by Putin.
      I can't think of a single "western" country leader (except Trump) that hasn't embraced
      and enthusiastically supported "woke" as a path to enslave the people. They don't believe
      what they preach; it's just a way to destroy or enslave the people who want to be free and
      those who want to be left alone.
      The gulag is everywhere if we don't resist and fight against it.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 2 weeks ago
        There are YT Channels dedicated to Farmers that have left the USA to go to Russia. People with Old World Values who want to be left alone.

        And they find what I started noticing in 2000s...
        The average Russian is MORE American than the average American!

        We are devolving into a society where everything is under lock and key. Russia was that way in the 1990s when I First went there. And now they have self-weigh and label stations in their grocery stores for fruits/veg, so you can pay faster.

        And they TEACH people that LOCAL GROWN food is BETTER/HEALTHIER. And they had far more variety than we have in meat selection, etc.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 2 weeks ago
          I've seen a few of those videos. Fascinating. I first figured it was some kind of propaganda, but they show the good and the bad - almost like they have First Amendment free speech. Like any farm, you have to be willing to work to succeed. Side note: I was shocked at how beautiful Moscow is after watching a tour video - yes, there are run down old areas just like any big city, but in general the whole place is nice. No American city crime there, either.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    WTF is going on with armed gangs taking over apartment building in Colorado??
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 2 weeks ago
      The process of gangs (specifically Venezuelan gangs here) taking over apartment buildings has already been pioneered in NYC hotels and likely Chicago dwellings as well, so the Colorado invasion is only the latest incursion. This is the results of "sanctuary city" and "de-fund police" political policy. I figure the folks getting slapped around are likely unarmed in order to follow gun control policies, too. IMHO, Democrats getting what they voted for. Side note added: these gang members are also given permission by their leaders to take down police at any attempts to repatriate occupied turf or interfere with "business"- let's see how that turns out.
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    • Posted by AmericanWoman 1 month, 2 weeks ago
      Oh Poo Poo our California inherited Democratic Governor says it's not as you saw with your eyes, However, the Mayor of Aurora learned read quick do not be a parrot of that fool. He needs to open the State Home he lives with his husband and see who wins when they enter.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    A truly sad state of affairs being chronicled here, OUC, but awareness is important. If the Neo Communists (Ds) win many more elections we will be the same on this side of the pond as such things are already well advanced for a "Free Country".

    A theory. They got themselves into trouble by being "good guys" and now the truth of the error is coming out and they are in deep trouble. Hard to reverse without a sworn violent enemy wiling to burn down your cities preventing reversal. Maybe the Brits (and a few other countries) need to bite the bullet and get it over with while it's still possible to still be Brit. Side note: I suspect Sweden is a goner.
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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    Almost 250 years ago we had to teach the Brits a lesson. Evidently, they didn’t learn that lesson. Unfortunately, our country is following their example. At one time the American people would have fought this tyranny. Now, I’m not so sure.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    FWIW, X is keeping up videos of the violence. It's unbelievably sick. I can't watch it after what I saw at first glance. Unabashed blood-thirst violence with zero respect for human life, for families. Un-f'n-real...
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    The Last One... He should have had the guy on the phone...

    "FBI, I forwarded a rather disturbing post from someone I am CERTAIN you can find CP*rn on their computer"

    Because that's 99% closer to the truth!
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