Woke Hallmark Is The Enemy - Never Buy Another Card

Posted by freedomforall 2 months ago to Politics
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"There was a new section, however, that surprised even me, and it’ll take you about half a second to figure out what it’s all about:

Yep. It’s a woke section. And that’s not a word I am ascribing to this product category. It says right there on the top row, second card: “Even the woke gotta rest up,” which is sporting the improper grammar and self-congratulations one might expect from such a collection.

Setting aside my puzzlement that anyone on the planet would actually choose to exchange their hard-earned cash for one of these atrocities, I decided to open up a couple of them to see what they said. I can tell you they were all quite verbose. Here’s just one side of one of the cards, which declares that “we” are:

desirous of crying, screaming, and shutting the world out.
Just the sort of sunshine one might hope for when the postman drops off the mail, eh?"
SOURCE URL: https://slopeofhope.com/2024/08/bleating-cards.html

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 months ago
    Well if you want to hear crazy I have an acquaintance who has 7 small dogs. She cannot afford to feed them and pay rent. She said she is going to kill herself because she would rather die than let her dogs be adopted. I suggested she use some of the food she gets from one of our five food pantries and she just gave me a look and called one of my friends to tell me she isn't talking to me anymore.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 months ago
      She needs to touch grass.
      Literally, she should be sentenced to work for her food, by collecting it all day, growing it, etc. etc.

      The fact that she "non-personed you" in front of you, to have someone else tell you something.

      This was her "Giving up". She doesn't have the energy, and she knows she will lose the fight.

      Millions just like her willing to vote for Kommie Kamala!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 months ago
    Well, shucks. To keep his or her job, me dino reckons a Hallmark artist will never depict my mental image of a chain gang of bipedal sheeple trudging along for each wearing a very heavy hardwood Yoke Of The Woke.
    Whoa! Me dino just came up with a caption~~"And only privileged white sheeple have to wear leg irons too."
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 months ago
    The $1 store is the best place to buy cards.
    I actually have software that allows me to make my own, and 1/4 fold the page into a card.
    I started it with my daughter (she was required to send a thank you card for EVERY gift she got. We did them first, and she "signed" them. Later she would run the software. Reports back from the family was that she was fun to buy for... Because they always heard back!)

    Cards are NOT evil.
    Some card makers are.
    And find alternatives... Because giving Thanks is CRITICAL...
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    • Posted by VetteGuy 2 months ago
      I like the idea of printing my own cards. My wife loves to send cards, but it's hard to find some she likes.

      I had software many years ago to do this [it was for an Apple II, so that gives you a clue How long it was]. What software do you use?
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 months ago
        Actually, as a software geek... I do the pages in Powerpoint. Print to PDF. Then I have PDF manipulator that flips the pages into 4 pages turning 2 upside down, swapping them.

        But Post-Covid. We lost so many people... I don't have cards to send out very often any more, and I replaced my laptop. (So it tells you the last time I did this. LOL).

        But there are ONLINE ones...

        And I have done custom GIFs recently as well...
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    • Posted by katrinam41 2 months ago
      I have designed and printed my own cards for years. It is the only way I can say exactly what I mean, and share some gorgeous photos from my travels, garden, pets, etc. It just happens to be lots of fun too. Haven't shopped Hallmurk in a very long time, especially after their movies went disgustingly woke.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months ago
    Back when I was desperately poor, I drew my own cards, wrote my own verse, wrapped it in a envelope made from a lightweight paper bag.
    Now I am married to an artist, she makes 3 X 5 postcards of original work. we write a heart felt note on the back. The recipient typically keeps those cards around, sometimes even has them framed.
    $5 for a throwaway card (times dozens of occasions per year) is just a silly waste of money.
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