The Ratchet Only Moves Us Closer to the Cliff

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 1 week ago to Business
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"In systems / evolutionary terms, there has never been any need to develop corrective feedback, self-correcting mechanisms, triage protocols or any other institutionalized "muscle memory" responses to sclerosis and dysfunction or to the existential threats posed by multiple mutually-reinforcing crises (i.e. polycrisis) because no recession in the past 78 years has ever lasted more than a few quarters and so the money has always continued flowing in ever greater quantities once the spot of bother passes.
Ironically, the processes that are supposed to fulfill the organization's mission end up being the substitution for the mission: there's no meaningful feedback on the goal or purpose, there is only feedback on completing processes. All accountability is for completing processes, not for results.

Did the university's education actually prepare the graduate for a successful career and life, or was it little more than a rubber stamp? The answer is nobody knows because the feedback required to make that assessment--brutally honest, stripped of sugarcoating--doesn't exist.

Meanwhile, the threshold for organizational collapse keeps ratcheting closer to the breaking point.
Our social technology has ossified while our consumer technology overloads our daily lives with shadow work once performed by public and private organizations. Squeezed between corporate monopolies stripmining us with addictive technologies and crapified goods and services (planned obsolescence run amok) because there is no real competition left, and sclerotic institutions that respond to failure by expanding, we need a radical reversal of the Ratchet Effect. Nothing less will matter."

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  • Posted by mhubb 3 months, 1 week ago
    elections were to have been the mode for a change of policies
    those voting having some ownership of what was going on, based on the original requirements to vote

    now we have a system based on politicians buying votes, politicians being bought and emotion being applied by voters instead of cold hard facts

    we have the government acting as a charity, to buy votes, not solving the problems they likely created in the first place

    this type of system can only survive for so long until it collapses on the debt created, you run out of other people's money at some point

    no SANE / honest politician CAN BE A socialist as that system ALWAYS lies to the people it rules
    at some point there is just not enough resources to go around
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