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BTW, you know the toothbrush was invented in WVa, right? If it was invented anywhere else it would be the "teethbrush" -- I can say this, since both parents are from WVa, and I lived there a long time. No offense. It is a cool state, the only one begun due to the Civil War!
5,000 years ago, Jews invented the toilet seat. Mohammed took the idea, but didn't want it to be associated with Jews. That's why the Muslim version has no big hole in the middle.
think about it
Shore as hell no want no pager.
No, not ever!
You got pager?
Git thet frickin' thang ther hell away from me!
chips used in all kind of things
in vehicles, they could all be turned off at the worse time (in a war)
did we not learn anything from exploding pagers????
EMP bags and wrap
you can buy stuff to protect vehicles, but that is last on my list
i prepped for this coming election
Read some year back that the electronics in cars and personal electronics is too small to be affected but I think a really strong CME is gona get your stuff anyway; not to mention the Solar Micro Nova which will be so electrical magnetically hot as to bring most things back to their pre physical components.
i am not sure how much i believe in them, based on my understanding of what a EMP does.
the EMP sets up local electric currents in the chips, so i am passing on buying EMP kits for my cars, there are more important things, like heat for winter, solar panels to recharge stuff, small generator and fuel for it, indoor safe propane heaters, optics and night vision, ect
BUT, am I to assume that these traps set up a faraday like block on the wires?
As I question that, about 12 more questions come to mind.
Going back to the Carrington event, even the telegraph offices that weren't "electrically on" suffered damage as well. (These were grounded systems from a grounded source and not drawing current.) Leads me to think that high current Electricity will be attracted to any electrically conductive substances regardless of whether they are complete systems or not. (the whole purpose of grounding is to give the electricity a way out of the system - or to return to it's source)
so that is a problem
yes, circuits powered off can be damaged
you need a faraday cage of some type
walmart sells faraday wrap
i have an old metal storage locker, it is steel, magnetic
most of my stuff is in that, stuff that does not fit is in faraday bags from eBay or wrapped in faraday cloth
hell, i have several old computers/laptops safe, wrapped. and spare stuff that will stay wrapped in case there is another EMP.
solar flares have come way too close in recent months, a warning
and remember, if you have stuff after, do not make it too apparent, you do not want to be a target
so i can take their stuff and toss them out
friends with "toys" that go BANG are welcome and safe
yup, i'm evil and not stupid!!! LOL
And by-the-way, has anyone seen Old Joey around lately?
I hear his old lady is running the office.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the VP supposed to step in when the President is unfit for duty?
That would normally be the case, except the VP is less capable then the guy with Dementia.
the damned place i work for, they took our phones back, fine, i am NOT using my phone for their stuff
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