Trump survives assassination attempt by an inch, is defiant. CNN says “he fell on stage”. Trump's Best Defense Against Another Assassination Attempt Is General Michael Flynn (Ret.) For Vice President.

Posted by freedomforall 8 months ago to Politics
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"Trump’s VP pick is crucial. If he chooses anyone compromised, weak, or with any sympathy for the Uniparty he would be a dead man walking. They could solve the Trump problem with one bullet. "
SOURCE URL: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/trump-survives-assassination-attempt-is-defiant-cnn-says-he-fell-on-stage/

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  • 13
    Posted by $ 25n56il4 8 months ago
    Bull (you know what) CNN is lying. He deliberately dropped down behind that barrier. He is one smart dude. He was my hero waving his fist with the flag flying behind him. God saved him! I can't believe the shooter was a 20 year old. What kind of father buys his 20 year old idiot son a sniper rifle. This whole thing smells bad. nb
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    • 15
      Posted by 8 months ago
      It was only a 130 yard shot on a calm sunny day.
      Any decent hunting rifle can do that, even inexpensive rifles for shooting varmints like coyotes and gophers.
      The secret service was utterly incompetent, but they'll get promoted because the shooter missed.
      I wouldn't trust my life to anyone employed by the federal government.
      D.C. is corrupt. NIFO
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 8 months ago
        The reporting says he was forced to point his weapon at a police officer that wandered up the ladder and confronted him.

        The adrenaline/reality probably kicked in, and made him shaky. (Having been put through "stress" and then required to pickup my weapon and shoot. I can tell you the first time it happens your accuracy drops to childish levels.
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        • Posted by NealS 8 months ago
          Been there, done that ('68-69). The first time we were successful most of us threw up. But we had been so indoctrinated to hate them, so it became more of a sport, even shooting them in the back as they ran away. No one can convince someone else, you just have to experience it.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months ago
      No conspiracy theories needed. The shooter was a frustrated INCEL whom society told he's a victim, and he just needs to figure out who's to blame for his misery. Good old Joe told everybody that Donald Trump is the evil one, a dictator in waiting that somebody should get rid of, so all of the 20 year old's anger became focused on doing what he thought was a noble act, for which he would be praised and have an enduring legacy. Unfortunately for him, the left wing crazies that responded ridiculed him for missing, with no thought of his supposed noble sacrifice.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 8 months ago
      Anyone who takes the Mockingbird Media at their word, needs a professional mental health check.
      Your brains are falling out.
      Journolist? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
      The cia has their people in every paper, every network, every magazine.
      Mockingbird never went anywhere after the 1976 Church Committee disclosures.
      They Just went deeper.. like a tick.
      Assume everything you hear is a lie, unless proven positive otherwise.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 months ago
    That shot is nothing. Any, even modest skilled person and ANY deer hunter could do it. Not securing the adjacent rooftop was either complete incompetence or intentional. No two ways about it.

    Incompetence is surely in the mix with this clear information:
    Pathetic. I'm not even LEO or ex-mil, but I can holster my pistol better than that. Also, what are they doing? Looks like they certainly have no idea. Let me tell you this too: All four of those pathetic 5' nothing girls couldn't stop me from my objectives, much less a bigger, younger nut job. Are you kidding me?

    In my mind, they found a 20-yr old patsy, who knew he was dead, and let this unfold. Trump, moved his head, and that was that.

    NOW, one thing is for sure. We know damn well why those totalitarian-left nut jobs want gun control. They can see the problem right on the inside of their heads. Trump's supporters have millions more firearms than the totalitarians, and zero attempts on Buy-dum or Kamel-toe. They want firearm control because they are insane, and they therefore assume others are too.
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    • Posted by 8 months ago
      DEI is just a smoke screen for the evil the Deep State does every day.
      Just another way to claim incompetence when it's intentional evil.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 8 months ago
        Speaking of DEI wokeness, one thing I noticed about the female Secret Service agents trying to cover Trump in the famous photo is they seemed to be slightly over 5 feet tall and likely weighing in around 120 pounds protecting a 250+ pound 6'4" man. Sorry, won't work too well, IMHO. He was still a target above the ladies height.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 months ago
          I think he is less than 6'3" and over 250 lbs! Also, over 70 years old, he can probably throw them all around like dolls.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 8 months ago
            Yeah, I should have looked it up before posting - that's what I get for shooting from the hip. 6'3" it is, but I did say 250+, LOL! Also, the "famous photo" only has one female SS agent, but I saw other photos taken shortly around that time where there were two - ha, he could sling one over each shoulder and use as a shield.
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 months ago
              I'm like 220 now, play soccer twice a week, and he is WAY bigger than me!
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              • Posted by mccannon01 8 months ago
                Excellent! I'm 6' and weighed in at 191 this morning and, at 72, wish I could play soccer twice a week. I walk 2 miles every morning and do something physical each day and think that's doing well. I have a few problems, but still enjoying life.
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                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 months ago
                  Hey man you have me by well over a decade. 6’ and 191 are good numbers. I m a little shorter, big boned, stocky and quite strong (some idiot I used to work with named me Thor).

                  We have two guys over 70 that play with us. One we wish would stay home. The other still plays. He takes the ball off people here and there. He runs 3 miles every morning, smokes a pipe a little, drinks IPAs and loves meat. He is our hero from Hong Kong. A PhD in physics who loves life! Several std dev from the mean of humans.
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 8 months ago
                    Thor is a good name. Be proud!
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                    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 months ago
                      It is really funny. I don't get much initial respect for being strong, neither does my brother. Being big boned, the ratio of wrist to forearm or bicep size isn't apparent. I've noticed most of the guys people look at as muscular have tiny wrists and ankles, and get injured all the time. My brother benched 380 and I benched 315 in high school. People constantly mistake what we can lift.

                      A good story: A young buff guy (looks like Justin Timberlake) from a shipyard customer was in our plant looking at some equipment we had just prototyped. I was standing back from the discussion, letting junior people present details. There was a big power inductor on a palate sitting there (probably ~500 lbs). I just wondered if I could lift a corner, so I grabbed it and picked up one side. This young guy saw it, and decided to try too. He couldn't get it off the ground with one hand, then tried two. Still nothing. One of our guys was watching (told me later), and the young guy scurried away. Perfect example.

                      People tease me about looking like Dean Norris. I young girl that plays soccer with us sometimes calls me "Hank" (from Breaking Bad). Some kid in an airport security line mistook me for him once.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 months ago
    Gf Will be part of Trumps Admistration, VP or not VP.
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    • Posted by 8 months ago
      Only as VP can his presence force the scum not to attempt another assassination - unless they kill both POTUS and VP.
      All his other "highly regarded" VP possibles are just puppets in waiting for the assassination.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 8 months ago
        Honestly, this is why I like Vivek and to a lesser degree DeSantis as a VP pick.

        Kari Lake... for the same reasons. While they HATE Trump, you want them to REALLY HATE the next person in line.

        But don't put it past the Deep State to take out "both", and then it goes to the Speaker of the house?
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        • Posted by 8 months ago
          I think DeSantis has shown himself to be lacking in the "fortitude" needed to lead the people back (forward) to liberty.
          If it's good for DeSantis, he's for it, and, imo, he's basically a politician without solid moral standards.
          I don't trust him to roll back the power of the fedgov to constitutional limits.

          Vivek appears to be better in that respect, but hasn't been tested.
          He has been a success in business and that is a big plus to me.
          imo, if he means what he says, he'd limit government.

          Kari Lake appears to have a conservative bent, but I'd prefer to see her hold
          an office (or run a company) to prove herself before picking her as one bullet
          from being POTUS.
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 8 months ago
            Yeah, I am liking Flynn more, if he can be in that position.

            Vivek needs to be hired. Maybe with a nice appointment "Spending Reduction Czar!"

            Because if you let a LOT of people go. they have to go through a process to get hired back.

            I would not only let them go. I would Strip them of the Clearances with prejudice! Making it really hard for them to work in government again.

            And those 51 Intelligence people who said the laptop was bunk... ALL Get stripped PERMANENTLY of their Clearances. And have any government retirement cancelled!
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