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    Posted by $ 1 month, 1 week ago
    Tampon tim is more evil, more immoral and unethical than hairass herself.
    He tells perverse sexual jokes about others during the so called rallies.
    Not to mention, all the rallies so far have been deep faked !
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 month, 1 week ago
      Rumor has it the cackling hyena, will not debate Trump, as no teleprompter is allowed.
      Verily, I say, without someone telling her what to say, she is litterly nothing more than an empty vessel.
      This is why they are keeping the clown away from (friendly) reporters, she might (likely) go "off-script".
      We certainly can't have her go all stream-of-(un)conscious on us now?
      We know this to be true.
      BuyDumb's 2020 basement campaign worked out so well for him, why not BuyDumber try it out.
      Trumps says he will hold Town Hall meetings on those two days.
      The photo-shopped image of throngs of well-wishers greeting Kabala's arrival at the airport was debunked by a maintenance worker at the airport.
      He sent the video of an empty tarmac greeting Heels-up Harris.
      The proof in the pudding is the fact the side if that jet is polished to a mirrors finish.
      Instead go looking at the "crowd" the reflected image on the plane, it shows the reflection of an empty tarmac with buildings in the background.
      Bagged! Total fabrication! Yet another lie! But then again, what did you expect from The Mockingbird Media?
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      • Posted by Steven-Wells 1 month, 1 week ago
        I'm reminded of an ancient but apt graffiti series I read on a restroom wall in an MIT library.
        Q: What is the difference between the top Democrats and a crock of shit?
        A: The crock.
        B: The crook.
        C; The crock is full of flies, but the Dems are full of lies.
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        • Posted by $ Snezzy 1 month, 1 week ago
          Library in which building? I saw some good graffiti in a restroom in Building 4 or maybe 2, not too far from the infamous "2-214 Department of Alchemy" closet. I think they had a spectrophotometer in there. Those devices were known to be quirky.)
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          • Posted by Steven-Wells 1 month, 1 week ago
            I just checked the picture I had taken while I was there. At the time the Department of Alchemy door was 4-273. There was a second door to that room that had 4-273 Department of Chemistry.
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            • Posted by $ Snezzy 1 month, 1 week ago
              Yeah, I was surprised to find the stuff on the Internet having it in Building 2. I had always thought it was Building 4. Oh well, they move these things around just to confuse us. The F&T Deli (where I usually ate lunch when I worked for the LL Applied Seismology Group on Carleton Street, Building E-34) is long gone.
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              • Posted by Steven-Wells 1 month, 1 week ago
                When walking from the main corridor to 26-100, there was a left turn and a funny little door on the right that was at least a foot shorter than regular door height. That was 8-someting and belonged, I think, to a Professor Mather.
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                • Posted by $ Snezzy 1 month, 1 week ago
                  Short door: 8-137, was a room for, I believe, Materials Science. Course 3, originally Mining. I remember peeking in there one day and seeing equipment that looked like the kind of EE things that were common in 1890. Maybe I'm hallucinating.
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        • Posted by mhubb 1 month, 1 week ago
          Cambridge Mass??!!

          it must be really, really, really old
          like Andrew Jackson old
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          • Posted by Steven-Wells 1 month, 1 week ago
            Durgin-Park Restaurant (I ate there several times) in nearby Boston had closed 5 years ago, but was serving food during Andrew Jackson's administration. That is really, really old.
            I was a physics student at MIT working in the Lindgren Library in Building 54, the Green Building, which is named for a donor family—it's concrete tan color. It was around 1974 or so.
            The Q&ABC was originally about Nixon.
            Elsewhere on the wall was some other sequence starting with something for which the answer was John Wayne. Then followed
            John Wayne: "Geronimo"
            Geronimo: "Aiiyeeee"

            An item that someone stuck up on his dorm door still stays in my mind:
            "It was once thought that dreaming sleep was caused by internal initiation by brainstem structures, although external stimuli affected the latent temporal content. Today, however, we know that dreams are caused by demons."
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 1 week ago
    A sobering set this week, OUC, and the opening and closing memes are well selected and placed. Nicely done! The Simpson's classroom is spot on, LOL! The commie (D) party has selected a real pair of anti-American grifters this time and the Marxist media goes in lockstep to make the sale.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 month, 1 week ago
    Hey, Olduglycarl, me dino not know that you look like Kermit the Frog.
    Loved the two Doppleganger depictions, since I despise both domestic terrorists.
    That second to last meme made me of Tampon Tim Wacko Walz playing a fiddle because actually Nero could have only used a harp.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 month, 1 week ago
    Very sobering group this time. Unfortunately all true. I am sending several on to other folk who will appreciate them. Memes are the modern way to pass on information on a form that promotes quick understanding. Thank you, Carl, Master of the Meme.
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