TGIFfunnies 7/5/24 EDITION: Not exactly what you thought!

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Humor
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Happy 4th everyone, enjoy what freedom we have left

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    Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Me dino big time busted out laughing at Democrat Barbie. Glad I'm retired. I could get cancelled for reacting like that.
    The Guns Don't Kill People meme should have Alec Baldwin pointing a stick at a Colt .45 Peacemaker.
    The History Channel's young guy with weird hair would not have a problem with Meme#2 top.
    Once a Baptist preacher told me he did not believe we ever landed on the moon. Then he made mention of the sun orbiting the earth just like the moon.
    When I explained how the earth orbits the sun as do other planets most with moons, he laughed and said he must have missed that day in class. Yeah, right . . .
    Pride Month with its Jew-hating Caucasian American ragheads should toke a joint to go get stoned in the Middle East. Also to enjoy a Darwin moment.
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    • Posted by $ 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      Pffft you believe in the moons? . . . see ya later ???????
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 2 weeks ago
        Yes, I DO believe in moons. During the early Sixties, me dino got mooned by some weird dude who pressed his bare butt against a closed car widow. Can't recall if the air was cold.
        At the time I was a teen hoodlum known for tossing cigarette lighter lit cherry bombs and M80s out of open car windows but I never did anything as raunchy as that.
        Recall someone tossing a glass Coke bottle at me that was quite hefty back in those days. It was tossed from a car I was chasing. Why? Hell if I can recall.
        Managed to swerve out of the way. Would have hated to explain that dent or a broken windshield to my Dad.
        Oh, yeah, I knew someone who tried to throw a cherry bomb out of a front seat window but it bounced into the back seat and blew a hole in it.
        Now a broken window I could make up a story about. A hole blown into a back seat? No way, Jose!
        Ah, the tender memories of my misspent youth.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 3 months, 1 week ago
          Why did you wait for teenage years. I started before I could recall. my dad told me that he came home and all the door knobs and hardware were in a pile or, this I remember but don't know why I was doing it, I recall he found me behind the piano taking off all of the piano wires. I seem to have learned lessons that such activity was not right. Teenage stuff like my home made bazooka never caused more than the lady next door calling a cop who did not even knock before walking in and relieving me of it. Was just a growing boy!
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 1 week ago
            As a little kid, did you happen to have a stuffed tiger named Hobbes, who you'd oft imagine to be an animate creature who could talk and outrun you in a footrace?
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            • Posted by lrshultis 3 months, 1 week ago
              No but I remember a Japanese doll but no name for it and my dad countering his bigoted anti black - anti Jewish parents pro KKK by having a Jewish couple as friends and befriending the only black kid at Janesville WI high school.. My dad was agnostic but had taught Sunday school to meet girls. Our moral training was example stories about moral historical figures and by example of my parents.
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 1 week ago
                I think you at least gave me a clue about what made you tick as a kid.
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                • Posted by lrshultis 3 months, 1 week ago
                  I have found out that I am asperger autistic which was not a diagnostic until about i947 which saved me from psychologists my whole life, I am 84 now one of 7 with just one 10 month younger drug and alcohol addicted brother living. I love talking to people but won't socialize so remain a lone individual. Maybe that is why I got into Rand's novels. Went Galt in late 1970s. I own a 100 year old house which just had a 60% increase in the assessment from 2023 so the government will be raising my rent so l can still pretend to actually pretend that I own the property.
                  It's sad that I will die with the people compromising with the evils of socialism and superstition leading to a dark future for the USA.
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                  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 1 week ago
                    I'm 77, long divorced with 3 grown kids who made me a grandpa. Don't care for another relationship after the one I had.
                    I'm a loner who likes to talk to people too. Fortunately I live in Alabama where all that wacko libtarded Schiff hasn't taken hold of the majority of folks.
                    Never thought I'd live to see what has become of the USA.
                    Just so you know, you're okay by me.
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