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  • Posted by fairbro 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    In Scientologese, I would peg her walking-around everyday "attitude" as "sympathy". That petulant, whiny, at times antagonistic, voice is the giveaway.

    "Feel sorry for me! I'm a victim! All of us, women, black women, everyone, we're all victims! We feel sorry for you, and everyone should feel sorry for us."

    Being a victim entitles you to not take responsibility for anything. "I'm not responsible, because I'm the victim."

    Her tasks are mishandled - the Border, Ukraine, the economy - as a victim, she's not responsible.

    In communication, she does not distinguish Truth from Dishonesty - it makes no difference to someone who is just a victim.

    Right from Wrong - it's all controlled by others - she's not in charge of even herself. She's the innocent victim.

    Could she make agreements with world leaders? No. She does not trust anyone, and does not know Right from Wrong, Good from Bad .

    Survival of the USA (hiding in the basement, refusing to meet with the media, or other people is not a good survival mechanism) will be in peril if she cheats (victims justify cheating) her way into the Diversity (Divisiveness) House.
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    How anyone could vote for her is simple--she's running against Trump. They could just as well run the undead corpse of Mary Jo Kopechne. I mean, do you think anyone except maybe Jill and Hunter voted FOR Biden in 2020?
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