The Global Attack On Small Business (By Big Business In Concert With Big Government- Fascism By Definition)
Posted by freedomforall 7 months ago to Politics
"It’s about a small resort town in Italy, namely Bologna, that is being wrecked by tourism and corporations moving in to promote it and take advantage of it, thereby changing the character of the place fundamentally.
You know the type of article. I’ve ignored them for years, dismissing such travelogs as nothing more than the kvetching of the elite rich toward the common man and his desire to see the world. There is nothing more conventional than journalists yammering about the evils of “commercialism.”
However, for whatever reason, I read this one in full. Buried in the article was the following:
“The slow eating of our city by mortadella [meat] shops started before COVID but accelerated when, as in many cities, lots of Bologna’s independent shops, cafes and restaurants went out of business during the pandemic. Many of those in the center of town were bought up by chains with deep pockets and a singular vision: to sell mortadella to foreigners.”
The article did not admit this, but any marketing person can immediately see the connection between mortadella and bologna; you guessed it, the American luncheon meat. That’s right, international corporations seized on the town’s name to invent a fake tradition to sell to tourists. That’s cynical, even dark, but entirely expected.
The article continues.
“Downtown has changed completely. In the streets around the historic main square there used to be many old stationery shops—a favorite sold fountain pens, inks in every color and all the hand-bound notebooks one could dream of. It had been there for as long as I can remember, but was recently turned into an ‘Ancient cold cuts butcher.’ It’s part of a chain. Just across from it, in what I think used to be a jewelry store, is a second self-styled ancient butcher from the same chain. When I asked the shop assistant how ancient they were, she replied that they had been open for three months.”
Did you catch that passing mention of “went out of business during the pandemic?” Yes, and, if you have been paying attention these past four years, you know precisely what that means. It’s not about a severe flu. It’s about the response to the flu, namely the brutal lockdowns that destroyed small businesses even as big businesses all over the world were allowed to function normally, provided the customers were masked up and vaccinated.
So any reader knows the score, even if the journalist buried the point.
These small businesses were wrecked by the government. This happened not only in Bologna but worldwide. We have no firm numbers to put on this because they do not exist. But I’m sure you have your own stories of your town.
The local shops were destroyed. Stimulus could not save them. They finally gave up, crushing dreams all around. It’s not just in the United States, not just in your hometown, but all over the world.
They were replaced by heavily capitalized multinationals that were in a position to weather the storm. This all happened in the course of a mere two years. We all felt it and saw it."
Never do business with your enemies.
D.C. is utterly corrupt. They and their allies in big business are the enemy.
Big government gives big business power to destroy legally. NIFO
"It’s about a small resort town in Italy, namely Bologna, that is being wrecked by tourism and corporations moving in to promote it and take advantage of it, thereby changing the character of the place fundamentally.
You know the type of article. I’ve ignored them for years, dismissing such travelogs as nothing more than the kvetching of the elite rich toward the common man and his desire to see the world. There is nothing more conventional than journalists yammering about the evils of “commercialism.”
However, for whatever reason, I read this one in full. Buried in the article was the following:
“The slow eating of our city by mortadella [meat] shops started before COVID but accelerated when, as in many cities, lots of Bologna’s independent shops, cafes and restaurants went out of business during the pandemic. Many of those in the center of town were bought up by chains with deep pockets and a singular vision: to sell mortadella to foreigners.”
The article did not admit this, but any marketing person can immediately see the connection between mortadella and bologna; you guessed it, the American luncheon meat. That’s right, international corporations seized on the town’s name to invent a fake tradition to sell to tourists. That’s cynical, even dark, but entirely expected.
The article continues.
“Downtown has changed completely. In the streets around the historic main square there used to be many old stationery shops—a favorite sold fountain pens, inks in every color and all the hand-bound notebooks one could dream of. It had been there for as long as I can remember, but was recently turned into an ‘Ancient cold cuts butcher.’ It’s part of a chain. Just across from it, in what I think used to be a jewelry store, is a second self-styled ancient butcher from the same chain. When I asked the shop assistant how ancient they were, she replied that they had been open for three months.”
Did you catch that passing mention of “went out of business during the pandemic?” Yes, and, if you have been paying attention these past four years, you know precisely what that means. It’s not about a severe flu. It’s about the response to the flu, namely the brutal lockdowns that destroyed small businesses even as big businesses all over the world were allowed to function normally, provided the customers were masked up and vaccinated.
So any reader knows the score, even if the journalist buried the point.
These small businesses were wrecked by the government. This happened not only in Bologna but worldwide. We have no firm numbers to put on this because they do not exist. But I’m sure you have your own stories of your town.
The local shops were destroyed. Stimulus could not save them. They finally gave up, crushing dreams all around. It’s not just in the United States, not just in your hometown, but all over the world.
They were replaced by heavily capitalized multinationals that were in a position to weather the storm. This all happened in the course of a mere two years. We all felt it and saw it."
Never do business with your enemies.
D.C. is utterly corrupt. They and their allies in big business are the enemy.
Big government gives big business power to destroy legally. NIFO
Any recourse? Nada. Nunca, no f'ing way. Government is inhabited by sociopaths, crooks and communists who will F you up! Every regulation should come with these words "Take that you measly worm" .
I can't know for sure... But something tells me it's likely true!
Diesel tractors can run on any vegetable oil directly. No need to distill it.
“Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of production and trade.”
have bid budgets
to pay people to lobby
and to donate lots of $$$ to the political parasites
we need an Amendment to force all unused campaign funds (at the end of that years campaign) into the public coffers to help pay off the debt these political parasite push onto the backs of the tax-payers
The current system supports corruption and puts companies rights superior to human rights.
but would not be enforced as there is too much money at stake
no idea how to fix this
except torches and pitchforks
some far overdue in our nation
Close the revolving door of corporate-owned government: Permanent ban on former congressmen working for corporations or lobbying firms, and vice-versa.
Close the insider trading loophole with a permanent ban on any member of congress investing/divesting in stock trading, either personally, or by proxy. Have their (and their families) finances gone over with a fine-toothed comb every 6 months. Make this rule apply until they've been out of office for 10 years.
They've made most of the world into places I WILL NOT VISIT.
Growing up relatively poor. I never imagined I would have traveled as I have. Norway to Australia, Italy, Russia, the Caribbean, almost every state in this country. Lived in 4 of them.
I've turned down trips to Hong Kong and China.
And I've scrubbed my Bucket List.
I have a business trip to Japan in 2025. And that will likely be it for me.
So... Once they destroy the reason to travel. Nothing Authentic or Different "there". Or it will be dangerous. Expensive.
Reminds me of a visit to Puerto Rico a few years back. 50% of the stores were closed. The ones that were opened seemed "Distressed".
So ... if you enjoy travel, don't let them keep you from it. But you might want to change your methods. What works for me is:
Road trips - so I don't have to deal with the TSA or the airlines.
Back Roads - There are still some segments of "real America" left out there, but most are not on the interstate! Route 66 is the most well-know example, but US-numbered hiways abound across the country, and there are some great things to see out there.
A one person shop that might have three people in it at any one time was made to close, while a Walmart or Home Depot could have hundreds within their walls and that was just ducky.
I knew it was BS right from the start, but whenever I said something about it I was branded as some kind of Nazi who wanted to kill Grandma.
Haven't been in a Walmart since.