GOP Traitors Protect The Deep State Enemy AGAIN Saying Buydem Should Be Impeached, But Won't Bother (Because Other Evidence Might Be Made Public?) D.C. NIFO
Posted by freedomforall 6 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
Still Plan to vote Republican?
The GOP is just as corrupt.
So Buydem is a traitor, but its not worth a trial so let him keep all that he stole while betraying us. That's Republicans for you.
Traitors deserve punishment. D.C. NIFO
The GOP is just as corrupt.
So Buydem is a traitor, but its not worth a trial so let him keep all that he stole while betraying us. That's Republicans for you.
Traitors deserve punishment. D.C. NIFO
Never as a Republican.
Because Dan Bongino is right. Republicans are NOT your friends. But Democrats are CERTAINLY the enemies.
Having NEVER voted for a (President) Bush or McCain... I am far more independent than that.
But when I learned Romney would have lost $200 MILLION if the government did NOT BAIL OUT FANNIE/FREDDIE. I was aghast. Here was a guy voting his pocket book.
And from that day forward, he became worse and worse... Ultimately voting to impeach Trump for fear that HUNTER/Joe were the same as His Son and himself.
the traitors in the senate will not convict
i keep checking eBay for a ship like the USS Sulaco
no luck yet
Hmmm, is it terraforming when the goal is anti-terra's form?
Let me know if you can find one.
i'm old school, i prefer the NCC-1701 from the original Star Trek and the improved version from the movies
the new one, the bridge is fine, the engineering spaces look too steam-punk, the outside too over weight, not streamlined
I haven't watched the newer ST since they went totally woke and started bashing men as incompetent evil fools
(e.g., the captain went totally evil like he was from the mirror-mirror universe) and pretending that only women or
homosexuals were ever good or competent. yes, it's science-fiction but that's only true in recent tv fiction.
(And the plots became utterly ridiculous. The writers are woke morons.)
It's pervasive in almost every tv series since 2010 and I refuse to watch something so obviously false, racist,
sexist, and anti-merit. The actors should be ashamed for taking such roles.
The last ST that I enjoyed was the Enterprise series, which improved with almost every episode.
and a lack of consistency to canon was an issue
(the Klingon Home Planet is how far from Earth?? first episode of Enterprise)
have not seen any of the new ones, same reason WOKE
and Patrick Stewart went off the deep end due to his Trump Derangement Syndrome in Picard
Writers put the scientifically questionable words in Captain Archer's mouth and the actor didn't question them (not really his job.)
Stewart on the other hand compiled and spoke his useful idiot woke opinions in an attempt to brainwash
honest people and deserves to be crushed by the facts and never offered employment anywhere again.
not the new one with the insane cylons
ok, the new special effects and ships were ok
the plot sucked
Possibly his son, Rand, but he's in the Senate and has little power there.
Perhaps Marjorie Taylor Greene?
Every one includes a disgusting list of unconstitutional actions that he approves of.
Makes me want to vomit.
be greater, but I've voted for the losing side almost every time I've voted.
I think the chance of revealing other con-gress critters who are just as
guilty as Buydem is the real reason these cowardly traitors are avoiding
more public screwtiny.
can we get you to vote for harris?
i only donated to one campaign, Romney
and look how that turned out
so i am thinking of sending 25 cents to harris
An impeachment now, does little to harm "Giggles", which is all that matters now. We can NOT let her take office!!
Trump needs all the help he can get to make us all victorious. And save our nation.