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And Kackles will cackle even if she joins us when pulls that toilet's handle to flush us down, down into her septic tank of glee.
And I cannot unsee how a giddy Awahl Walz throws his arms around and points at deadheads he may or may not know when on a stage in front of herds of brainwashed sheeple.
I'd prefer to see him throw tampons at them as he dances and prances about..
In other words, me dino finds that Covid wannabe Mao to be utterly repulsive.
She is literally HIDING...
From the Press
From her Past
From her Failures
From Public View... Because the less of her, the better for the party.
Lets all pray that the DNC Chickens come home to roost.
They are not supposed to be just lyrics.
The point is that when you see the machine that grinds everyone down... You are supposed to RAGE against it.
But there is no rage. There is fear of becoming the target of the machine.
FWIW... Raging against the machine is for heroes, now. And is the #1 reason I back Trump (No Matter what the Machine Says).
In fact. Reverse Psychology is for heroes. Bucking the trends. And it's starting to be heard and felt by others. (Hence they had to memory-hole the assassination attempt and the photo that captured it).
They NEED you to follow the Machine. Or the Machine loses it's power.
And while we may not ever find a SINGLE Driver of the Machine. They don't have to collude or ever meet... Because they all want the same thing, and are flexible in getting it. If it comes through Climate Lockdowns, or mPox, or whatnot.
Treat it like the game it is.
NONE of us make it out of the game alive.
The question is... How will we answer the questions about our decisions?
Good assortment.
This from the party that claims to own the mantle of "Democracy"
There is very good cause Kabala holds the title of "most unpopular, least liked politician", ever.