Signs That Extremists Are Taking Over Our Country
Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 4 weeks ago to Politics
"It is happening all around us. Our nation is being radically transformed by people with extreme ideologies, and that should deeply alarm all of us. According to Google, an extremist is “a person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views, especially one who resorts to or advocates extreme action”. Sadly, that definition accurately describes many that hold prominent positions of power in our society today. In so many cases, individuals that have political beliefs that most ordinary Americans would consider to be very radical are going to extraordinary lengths to impose their views on all of the rest of us. The following are 8 signs that extremists are taking over our country…"
"It is happening all around us. Our nation is being radically transformed by people with extreme ideologies, and that should deeply alarm all of us. According to Google, an extremist is “a person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views, especially one who resorts to or advocates extreme action”. Sadly, that definition accurately describes many that hold prominent positions of power in our society today. In so many cases, individuals that have political beliefs that most ordinary Americans would consider to be very radical are going to extraordinary lengths to impose their views on all of the rest of us. The following are 8 signs that extremists are taking over our country…"
they have no self-awareness, have never run anything (made payroll, produced usefull products, ect), have no understanding of history and think all others running other nations are like them, liars and only it in for power.
they could not be more wrong
Julian Jaynes calls them: Bicamerals, Not Human but Humanoid.
The latter is my take.
In otherwords, tie their shoe laces for them!
It's no coincidence that the scum ruining this country waited for the greatest generation to pass before polluting our Once Great Republic with their Satanist Ideology.
and they took the corrupting poison (social security) that enslaved them and their children and grandchildren.
They swallowed the Deep State lies hook, line, and sinker.
The generation before them at least tried to expose the corruption of FDR and his betrayal in December 1941.
The slow brainwashing has been very effective on every generation since 1865.
Only a few of each generation cried out against the Deep State, and were drowned out by the corrupt, treasonous media.
The only chance we have is to realize that no generation is at fault, and no generation is/was immune.
All patriots of every age and generation are needed to secure individual liberty again.
But the crap that's passes for entertainment today would have never been allowed in my parents day. Ever.
Pride Month? Not pride day or pride week, but a whole month of open debauchery? On the White house lawn....
Sorry guy, things may have been going south a long time, but todays world is sick. Truly sick. A sickness my parents would have never put up with.
We can agree to disagree about what was or should have been in past generations.
Lawfare. Jailing of political dissidents. Open Borders, Sexual mutilation of children without parental consent...I could go on, but you know what I'm getting to.
These things would never would have happened a generation ago. I think we can agree on that.
so instead they got the start of the self-absorbed clueless clowns now running things
Senator McCarthy was right on commies in our nation, in fact his numbers were low
The time for self-loathing is over.
and the democrats do all they can to hide this and other crimes from those they are bringing to our nation to replace us
just what does it take for people to wake the hell up???
Too bad. Cooperation and trading gets us ALL better off.