‘J6 Granny’ Slapped With Bitter Sentence - The Judge Who Imposed the sentence is a traitor (one of many) deserving of the most severe and painful sentence possible for that crime.
Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"On January 6, 2021, personal friend, grandmother, and engaged civil servant in her hometown of Santa Ynez, Calif., Karen Jones was essentially, if you’ll excuse what has become a cliché, a tourist — a nonviolent, by the admission of the court, American visiting the Capitol she helps pay for via taxes.
The cops, emissaries of state, even granted her permission that day to enter the building, which she mistakenly took as permission to enter the building, an error she is now going to pay for with three years of probation, thousands of dollars in fines, and other draconian terms she must abide by or risk being tossed into prison.
After pleading guilty to a single MISDEMEANOR of Entering or Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds with an otherwise unblemished criminal history, she must also, per court decree:
Give up firearms
Wear an ankle monitor on house arrest
Not enter D.C. without prior permission
Get permission from the probation officer to live anywhere
Welcome the probation officer into her home at any time for any reason, who is authorized to take any “prohibited” items
On the other hand, Ray Epps — who many believe is an intelligence asset — is on camera inciting violence multiple times at the Capitol on that day, yet he got a year of probation. Indeed, it was only after massive political pressure exerted by Republicans that he was prosecuted at all, which, despite the evidence in the public domain, the government seemed disinterested in pursuing. "
D.C. is UTTERLY CORRUPT and can't be reformed. NIFO.
It's the only way to recover our freedom.
The only way.
"On January 6, 2021, personal friend, grandmother, and engaged civil servant in her hometown of Santa Ynez, Calif., Karen Jones was essentially, if you’ll excuse what has become a cliché, a tourist — a nonviolent, by the admission of the court, American visiting the Capitol she helps pay for via taxes.
The cops, emissaries of state, even granted her permission that day to enter the building, which she mistakenly took as permission to enter the building, an error she is now going to pay for with three years of probation, thousands of dollars in fines, and other draconian terms she must abide by or risk being tossed into prison.
After pleading guilty to a single MISDEMEANOR of Entering or Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds with an otherwise unblemished criminal history, she must also, per court decree:
Give up firearms
Wear an ankle monitor on house arrest
Not enter D.C. without prior permission
Get permission from the probation officer to live anywhere
Welcome the probation officer into her home at any time for any reason, who is authorized to take any “prohibited” items
On the other hand, Ray Epps — who many believe is an intelligence asset — is on camera inciting violence multiple times at the Capitol on that day, yet he got a year of probation. Indeed, it was only after massive political pressure exerted by Republicans that he was prosecuted at all, which, despite the evidence in the public domain, the government seemed disinterested in pursuing. "
D.C. is UTTERLY CORRUPT and can't be reformed. NIFO.
It's the only way to recover our freedom.
The only way.
We are being taken from within
If the rule of law is randomly and illegally applied to only selected groups (those who love the Constitution, our Republic and the Holy Bible), we have without doubt become a lawless nation.
Our Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves.
We stand at the crossroads we have dreaded all our lives.
"None Dare Call It Treason" -John A. Stormer
Here we are, kids.
Decision time.
If Trump gets in he will commute every J6 sentence for sure.
As are the Clintons..
But option two is still on the list.
The primary goal was and still is to assure Trump could never worry the Deep State ever again by succeeding to run running for president.
That detestable goal was reinforced by all that lawfare persecution and at least two of three assassination attempts the dino suspects top officials of the Secret Service tried to at least encourage with some staged bumbling.
Now if Trump can also, also, also beat the cheat with an overwhelming landslide, such a victory over such an infestation of sheer evil would be indeed be something to big time celebrate.
They tried to murder Trump, and what did he say as he was leaving? Fight.
Let the birds eat the carcasses as a reminder to all who conspire against Constitutional liberties.
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
— Martin Niemöller
Just sayin' I'd rather be shot, than live in chains.
There are tens of millions of my persuasion who feel the same.
The Deep State is fully aware of this fact, and they are rightfully scared.
You have but one country like America in all of history.
"It's a Republic, Madam, if you can keep it" -Ben Franklin
and war-monger policies that have been the norm for the past 35 years.
We have not seen anything like that level of opposition.
Until we do, very little will change in terms of the bloated, tyrannical fedgov.
imo, eventually active armed opposition will be necessary and if that
doesn't happen soon, American liberty is doomed.
They don't, and they have been murdering and imprisoning people who legally disagreed
with the fedgov tyranny at least since Waco and Ruby Ridge (and probably longer than that.)
Francis Key Howard (Francis Scott Key's grandson) wrote a book called "Fourteen Months in American Bastiles".
Mr. Howard was a newspaper editor/journalist at the time of the Civil War. He (rightly) didn't like the extreme measures being taken by Lincoln and Seward, and wrote about it.
Late one night, soldiers dragged him out of his house, and tossed him in a military prison, without benefit of counsel or any of his civil rights as an American. He languished in that awful place for 14 months.
There's a particularly sad passage that gets me every time:
"When I looked out in the morning, I could not help being struck by an odd and not pleasant coincidence. On that day forty-seven years before my grandfather, Mr. Francis Scott Key, then prisoner on a British ship, had witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry. When on the following morning the hostile fleet drew off, defeated, he wrote the song so long popular throughout the country, "The Star-Spangled Banner". As I stood upon the very scene of that conflict, I could not but contrast my position with his, forty-seven years before. The flag which he had then so proudly hailed, I saw waving at the same place over the victims of as vulgar and brutal a despotism as modern times have witnessed."
The feds have a lot of blood on their hands.
Meanwhile, the attrocities committed in summer 2020 (and those yet-to-be prosecuted for destroying private property) stand in stark contrast to the J6 protest (and the fierce blowback) held only 6 months later.
I couldn't agree more that the injustice and political prosecution (or lack of) is widespread - and treasonous.