"Barrett has decided she’s a politician, not a Justice” - The Scotus is guilty of TREASON for failing to defend the Bill of Rights.
Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"Tech companies are once again colluding with Democrats to push disinformation and censor legitimate conservative opinions, this time with the imprimatur of legitimacy conferred by the U.S. Supreme Court that allows them to do so more shamelessly and aggressively than ever.
Today’s censorship is being made possible by the letters A, C and B—as in Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
While the court’s two other centrists, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Chief Justice John Roberts, are equally culpable (along with its leftist bloc) in allowing the atrocity that is Murthy v. Missouri, it was Barrett’s name on the majority opinion.
And, indeed, her support for the wrong side in several of the court’s other recent landmark cases has raised serious red flags.
Pundit Mark Levin speculated recently that Barrrett has already gone the way of Harry Blackmun and David Souter—two Republican-appointed justices who had, by the end of their terms, become some of its most unabashedly left-leaning, likely due to what is sometimes dubbed the “Greenhouse effect” in honor of a former New York Times reporter fond of haranguing the court’s conservatives.
“I’m telling you that Barrett has decided she’s a politician, not a Justice,” Levin noted on a recent podcast, according to Newsweek. By the end of her term, the 52-year-old justice “will have flipped all the way to the left,” he added."
Has ANY female federal judge or politician in the US ever consistently defended the US Constitution's limits on federal power?
No. Not one.
"Tech companies are once again colluding with Democrats to push disinformation and censor legitimate conservative opinions, this time with the imprimatur of legitimacy conferred by the U.S. Supreme Court that allows them to do so more shamelessly and aggressively than ever.
Today’s censorship is being made possible by the letters A, C and B—as in Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
While the court’s two other centrists, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Chief Justice John Roberts, are equally culpable (along with its leftist bloc) in allowing the atrocity that is Murthy v. Missouri, it was Barrett’s name on the majority opinion.
And, indeed, her support for the wrong side in several of the court’s other recent landmark cases has raised serious red flags.
Pundit Mark Levin speculated recently that Barrrett has already gone the way of Harry Blackmun and David Souter—two Republican-appointed justices who had, by the end of their terms, become some of its most unabashedly left-leaning, likely due to what is sometimes dubbed the “Greenhouse effect” in honor of a former New York Times reporter fond of haranguing the court’s conservatives.
“I’m telling you that Barrett has decided she’s a politician, not a Justice,” Levin noted on a recent podcast, according to Newsweek. By the end of her term, the 52-year-old justice “will have flipped all the way to the left,” he added."
Has ANY female federal judge or politician in the US ever consistently defended the US Constitution's limits on federal power?
No. Not one.
and a decline in the adherence to the Constitution
And Trump made another stupid hiring error that will have devastating effects on all freedom loving, productive, innocent Americans for 40+ years.
(Unless the people rise up and arrest, try, and execute traitors, e.g., all the women on the SCOTUS.)
once someone gets on SCOTUS, it seems all bets are off as to how they will rule in any given decision
that this is the case is our curse
First the corrupt house has to bring the impeachment charge.
It if gets that far, then the corrupt senate stages a fake trial that exonerates the judge.
Impeachment is never gonna happen.
D.C. is utterly corrupt. NIFO