Yet Another Female Diversity Hire Proves Her Competence. Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Refuses To Rule Out Strikes On Moscow By Ukraine With US Weapons.

Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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So, is this part of a plan for a WW3 before the election, or is the incompetence of the administration on display again?
And the Dems have done it again with sKamala.

"The Pentagon on Thursday was asked by a reporter during the daily briefing whether Ukraine forces' use of American weapons in its ongoing Kursk incursion is "consistent" with US policy of what Ukraine can and cannot do with US weapons. It has become clear that Ukrainian troops are currently using American weapons to attack Russian territory, troops, civilians, and infrastructure.

Spokeswoman Sabrina Singh answered without hesitation that "yes it is consistent with our policy" and explained that Washington has supported the need for "crossfire" from Ukraine back across the border onto Russian positions from which it is being attacked, even if that is on Russian territory. She framed what is happening in Russia's Kursk oblast—an offensive which has entered day four—as 'defensive' in nature.

Singh still tried to point out that it remains US policy for Ukraine to avoid striking deep into Russian territory using American arms; however, when pressed about the scenario of a direct attack on Moscow, she simply said: "I’m not going to put a specific range on it" and thus refused to rule it out."
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/pentagon-refuses-rule-out-strikes-moscow-shocking-exchange-ukraines-incursion-kursk

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 months, 1 week ago
    Eh...Just another reaction to Biden's abysmal debate performance. I jest...a little. I knew the reaction(s) would be severe. I checked the news this morning for 5 minutes seeing if a nuke had been detonated anywhere...yet.
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    • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 1 week ago
      to quote Curly Washburn from City Slickers
      when he was asking if he killed someone today
      (i ,miss Jack Palance)

      "Day aint over yet"
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      • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 1 week ago
        HAD to +1 the Jack Palance reference! The last time I saw him on a talk show he was demonstrating how to do pushups when he was 80 years old. Yeah, we all miss him.
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        • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago
          people like him, i would never question his Love of the United States

          same with JFK and RFK. they made mistakes, were not perfect, but unlike ted the swimmer who went to the KGB to undermine Reagan the Great, i'd never have questions RKF's and JFK's love of America
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          • Posted by 7 months ago
            I wonder if the Kennedy boys inherited their father's antisemitism.
            I was too young when JFK was POTUS, but I have never trusted the Kennedys' motives.
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            • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago
              same, i was jus over 1 years old when he was murdered

              seems the excuse given for RFK's murder was his support fir Israel during the 6 day war
              but as the accused killer is likely part of a conspiracy (in some fashion that i can only guess at), who knows.

              as RFK turned anti-war for a war he helped start, RFK is not someone i would have supported if i were old enough
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 months ago
    Best thing for the election, which is far more important than the Ukraine, is for this to escalate prior to the election, and have it all laid at Buy-dum's feet.
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    • Posted by 7 months ago
      Blame should be spread to all the Deep State minions in elected office, turn both houses out of Dem control ...
      unfortunately just in time for a planned economic collapse. Averting that should be secondary importance
      only after shutting down 90% of the fedgov and revoking the broadcast licenses of all the woke media companies.
      The last is vital for an end to fake news, state brainwashing, and a chance for reforms to succeed.
      Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 months ago
        Agree, but let's just start with getting Trump in office, and getting the unbelievable totalitarians out. There is not other practical way to deal with the Deep State, except a rebellion. I'd rather start with Trump.
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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 1 week ago
    stuff happens in war

    it would be silly for Moscow to not expect to be hit, with the places hit in Ukraine

    that being said, the war did not need to happen, should not have happened
    that it did can be laid at the feet of 0bama the il-legal alien that should never have walked around the White House, let alone inside of it

    and biden has just made things worse, for no good reason

    lots of dead on both sides that should not be dead

    Russia / Ukraine issues predate the United States, it is not for us to tell them how to solve their problems and we are not an honest broker in this to help stop the war
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    • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
      You are right, the Deep State is an uninvited 3rd party to the Ukraine issue, much as NATO has no business in Syria, engineering the overthrow of Assad by aiding ISIS and less psychotic groups.
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  • Posted by Stormi 7 months ago
    I used to email with a woman in Ukraine, who said she like freedome, but that they were not better off than under Russia, as they could not afford nice vacations. Now, she cannot even reply, nor go to church=. Thye wee invaded by Biden, via our funded aid to get his way, then by Soros who bought Soros into power, who hates Russia. It is no excuse for us going into battle with Russia, once our space ally. Biden and Soros are the enemies we need to put out.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
    People, please understand from 1962 onward, with the creation of a "clean" H-bomb, nuclear war was never off the table.
    What do I mean by Clean? No radioactive fallout.
    H-bomb technology needs such tremendous temperatures and pressures to initiate fusion, the only known way to do this was an atom bomb to set off the fusion reaction, creating the deadly fallout.
    I have been following the recently declassified (2021) documents of Operation Dominic, the last atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons, specifically the last drop: Housatonic. Using RIPPLE technology.
    Using pulsed scalar waves on a rotating plasma can release more energy than an atom bomb. Much more, enough to make even small amounts of Fusion material yield far more energy than could ever be achieved with an atomic device. (Zero Point Energy, or ZPE)
    The point being, you can wipe out a continent without the delay fallout. So therefore bombing another country into the stone age is back on the table.
    The incredibly sad part about ZPE is it could be used to end our use of oil for fuel. Limitless free energy.
    ZPE was discovered by Tesla (of course) the Germans picked up on this in the early 1930's (The Nazi Bell)
    This is the prize we wanted to wrestle from the Russians at the end of the war in Operation Paperclip.
    We got the some scientists and some documentation, but we didn't get the Bell itself, (allegedly it went to Argentina with the escaping Nazis).
    It's been a game of catchup since.
    But by the early-mid 1950's US (and Russia) finally harnessed ZPE.
    This weapon technology is so powerful it can literally crack the planet into ruble (just as Tesla claimed over 100 years ago).
    Forget about getting hit with asteroid, we can do a more complete job of of wiping out plant earth with existing technology... talk about monkeys at the wheel.
    And why aren't we using ZPE?
    Ask the oil oligarchs who are currently running the latest con-game the planet has ever seen if they want to suddenly become broke and powerless.
    They knew it back in 1913 when Tesla first proposed ZPE, they have repressed every attempt at ZPE ever since. Even if they have to kill you to stop you.
    Question for the group: Was this John Galts motor, Ayn Rand alludes to? The puzzle piece sure looks like a good fit.
    Discuss amongst yourselves.
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    • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
      "The point being, you can wipe out a continent without the delay fallout. So therefore bombing another country into the stone age is back on the table"

      How could that "be on the table"? Would not "taking out a continent" set off catastrophic climate and geological disruption such as to endanger the entire planet?

      "The incredibly sad part about ZPE is it could be used to end our use of oil for fuel. Limitless free energy."

      What's "sad" about "free energy"? That would end oil wars, for starters...The "disruption to the economy" would be analogous to the horse being replaced by the car. .
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      • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago
        i do not get what he is saying either.

        unless you sneak the "device' into someone's nation, it will be seen coming in (bomber, missile)

        using such a device would be a disaster, better a space based laser, energy weapon that would do less damage, take out just what you want to take out
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
        I live within 1 mile of a USAF base to the south and a Navel ship yard to the north, In other words I'm ground zero
        The very last thing in the world want is a nuclear exchange. (although I'll be vaporized in a micro second, so I wouldn't suffer much.)
        We have some idiots running (ruining) our once great Republic, in their eyes they think a nuclear exchange would be somehow winnable.
        We're being lead by @$$holes, never underestimate the stupidity of politicians
        I wholeheartedly disagree a nuclear war is winnable. I have no desire to be reduced to my constitute molecules.
        I'm just stating the facts as i see them.
        My point about free energy: the powers that be will never allow it.
        Reposting what I posted below:
        the world as we know it, runs on hydrocarbon fuels: Trains, ships, aircraft, automobiles, heating, appliances beyond count, all run on oil.
        Counting the manufacture of all things that run on hydrocarbon fuels, It is the largest industry on earth, by orders of magnitude.
        Think of the disruption in the economy if free energy suddenly becomes available to everyone?
        I don't think even President Trump would want such a disruption to take place.
        I truly believe this is what he referred to when he told Judge Andrew Napolitano "If you knew what I knew, you, wouldn't release the information either"
        Think: What else could possibly be that disruptive?
        Free energy for the world would certainly qualify as being so earth shattering information, the public can never be told.
        JFK was about to make a "world changing" announcement at the TradeMart, I truly believe he was about to announce ZPE.
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        • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago
          not buying ZPE

          the discovery would be made by others and announced

          there are people that WANT to be famous
          look at the idiots making dinosaurs and AI
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          • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
            Currently reading "Hunt for Zero Point" by "Janes Defense Weekly" editor Nick Cook.
            the subject is taboo. Poison. Career ending.
            It is of higher classification that nuclear weapons.
            Of course any information will be scuttled.
            Always has, always will be.
            Among Tesla's many quotes: "Free energy will never be allowed in the market"
            That was over 100 years ago.
            We have only gotten more wedded to oil.
            It would take another 100 years to annul that marriage. If ever.

            There are dozens of documentaries of people who have proposed, not free energy, but better carburetors or more efficient motors, only to be discredited, threatened, or out-right murdered if they didn't shut up.
            Announce to the world you have achieved an over-unity device and have proof.
            See how quickly you get that unwanted knock at the door.

            That's for simply proposing better economy.
            Now imagine you're proposing flipping 60% of the worlds economy on it's head.
            You'll be dead before the sun goes down.
            Can't enjoy fame and fortune when you're not around to enjoy it.
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        • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
          My biggest expense is my energy bill. I use electricity for heat, light, cooking and A/C. I could layer the roof with solar cells and get free electricity. That means I have more money to buy things that other people make or grow...

          free energy: the powers that be will never allow it.

          yes, I agree, it is a corrupt system.

          The US Public Education system has been corrupted - children are not taught morality nor do they learn how the human race has developed spiritually.

          Such as our "leaders" are also corrupt, nihilistic and materialist, rejecting basic concepts like "honesty" and all we learned from history and moral development.

          This is less a "tech" issue than a "spiritual" issue. It's a race between our spiritual development and our technological advancement.
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          • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
            I live in a state with the highest electricity rates in the country.
            It's 80º and humid. I dread to turn on the AC.
            I am on a fixed income, so my resources are finite.
            My house (cottage) is 900 sq. ft. my electric bill is $300/month and most of my large appliances are propane.
            If I could have free (or even low cost) electricity, I would go all electric in a heartbeat.
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            • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
              I know, I leave my AC so it turns on only at 76 and the heat in winter so it goes on at 63 (but I lived in Russia, and in Florida, LOL! ). But I got a "mini air conditioner" on ebay for $25 which lowers the temp 5-10 degrees in my work area, I don't care about the rest of the house.

              The $200,000,000,000 we threw into the Ukraine bottomless pit last year could have been used to install, free for the consumer, solar cells on 40 million American homes (figuring $5000 a pop (which is realistic price if it is done on a mass scale)). Instead, a sole buyer has to pay $15k and get a puny tax break.

              No money is spent to explore options - why not gigantic fields of solar cells in space and some sort of directed-energy beam to transmit the energy down to earth? The Manhattan project got the nuclear bomb delivered with a dedicated, robust research program, where is the same impetus to solve energy issues?

              Basically we are spending $trillion a year on bombs and missiles and stuff to destroy things, instead of spending on constructive things. The MIC grows fat and wealthy while US infrastructure deteriorates.

              The rest of the world is not so foolishly spending their money, except for the idiots like Hezbollah
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              • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
                Don't get me started on Ukraine.
                The most corrupt country on the planet.
                The money laundering capital of the world.
                Bioweapons labs, Drug and weapons trafficking. And worst of all: the child sex slave trafficking.
                You got to ask yourself the obvious question: given all this evil, why would Congress be so willing to start WWIII over such an evil pit of sin, unless they are intricately intwined in the evil itself.
                Why would the CIA overthrow the legitimately elected government in 2014 only to install the clown who's claim to frame was playing a homosexual that played the piano with his penis on TV?
                There is something very evil and sick in our own government to not only approve, but actively engage in it's continued existence.
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                • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
                  Victoria Nuland, who ignited the conflict in 2014, and puppet potentate Zelensky, who despises all things Russian, even criminalizing the language and banning the church, are Jewish. Merrick Garland, who suppresses and criminalizes any US dissent against Ukraine, is Jewish. So is Kamala's husband. I'm not anti-Semetic, but sometimes I wonder.
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                • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
                  The Russians are saying even worse than that. Like Zelensky making himself a paper billionaire by being the broker for "privatization" -selling off Ukr. farmland and industry. If Russia keeps its ethics in, they are going to come out of this like the world's hero.
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                • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
                  I know, I lived there on-and-off for half a year. My Interpreter was scamming me (I can get by in Russian), the lady I met was scamming me for "English Lessons" she refused to let me see the "teacher". She herself was being scammed by a big scammer, but she refused to believe me. I am from NY, I can see a scam a mile away. I discovered to open a small business I would have to make regular payoffs to everyone from local security on up to the Mayor's son (the son of the "Big Guy" - sound familiar? LOL!)
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              • Posted by 7 months ago
                The problem with solar is that it's not available when its needed much of the time.
                You end up with lots of excess that can't be used part of the time and, unless you
                have generation capacity from other sources, lots of shortage other times.
                So you end up paying for twice the capacity because you can't easily shut down
                and start up generating capacity. Effectively your cost per megawatt goes up, not down.
                Australia as it currently exists is a good example of how solar can be a bad way to go.
                I agree the money wasted in Ukraine could have been better used to reduce America's
                electricity costs, but super insulation of homes or nuclear power would beat solar.
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                • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
                  I am just wondering why no one is concerned about what do we do with the spent nuclear fuel?

                  It remains radioactive for 1000's of years, yes?

                  Put it inside concrete blocks and bury it in the ocean. What happens when there's an earthquake?

                  Does not make sense to me, I must be missing something
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                  • Posted by 7 months ago
                    That's 1960's technology using long half-life fuel.
                    Tech using thorium has been delayed for decades, but is finally being realistically tested and might soon be available.
                    Clean coal generation technology is already available if government will get out of the way. (I'm not holding my breath for that.)
                    CO2 is not a pollutant. Its a beneficial gas that gives life to plants.
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    • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago
      to the best of my knowledge, all H-bombs, to be specific multistage devices require a fission bomb to start the process

      so there is a certain amount of fallout / radiation

      the Soviets were working on a multistage device that used normal explosives to compress the secondary. i do not believe this was ever achieved while there was still a Soviet Union. the reason, they had a lack of the materials for the primary (fission device)

      no idea what you are referring to

      if ZPE were real, it would have been in use for subs, ships, space
      unless you believe the US Space Fleet exists are detailed in the Ancient Astronaut series
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
        Do your own research.
        Air drop Housatonic. October 30, 1962. was 99.99% "clean".
        No desernable radiation. Their words. This could only be achieved without the use of an atom bomb primary.
        Once this was achieved, Operation Dominic was halted. Ask yourself Why stop there?
        Ancient Astronaut series is a hoax, noise to distract. IMHO
        I have personally witnessed these craft in operation.
        No way the maneuvers I witnessed were possible employing publicly available information. Something else is at work here.
        Our government (et. el) have masted anti-gravity. Of this I am sure.
        There are no aliens, we are the aliens.
        How do you know what vehicles are, or are not, using what technologies?
        These technologies are, by the very nature of their capabilities, classified at the very highest levels of classification.
        You, me, are not privy to such information.
        It would be a mistake to limit your imagination to the public misrepresentations of the "state of the art."
        This is intentional. The public can never be informed of such technology.
        Unless you believe the moon landings never happened, the Apollo moon missions could never been possible using current liquid fuel propulsion technologies.
        Think: the world as we know it, runs on hydrocarbon fuels: Trains, ships, aircraft, automobiles, heating, appliances beyond count, all run on oil.
        Counting the manufacture of all things that run on hydrocarbon fuels, It is the largest industry on earth, by orders of magnitude.
        Think of the disruption in the economy if free energy suddenly becomes available to everyone?
        I don't think even President Trump would want such a disruption to take place.
        I truly believe this is what he referred to when he told Judge Andrew Napolitano "If you knew what I knew, you, wouldn't release the information either"
        Think: What else could possibly be that disruptive?
        Free energy for the world would certainly qualify as being so earth shattering information, the public can never be told.
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        • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago
          i look into stuff like this all the time

          2 stage (and more) are cleaner the larger the yield
          as it only takes the same fission device to start the burn

          so a 250kt and a 5mt could easily have the same fallout

          and you can make a multi stage device with normal explosives starting the burn of the fusion fuel.
          the US had never announces such research (the US had little need having lots of fission material), the Soviets did (by an agent that came over to the US), with the computer power available to the US then and other now, a fission less multistage is possible

          i see this in the realm of Red Mercury
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          • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
            Are you a fan of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell by any chance?
            A historian and theologian by training, he is fascinating and well-informed.
            He has written a dozen books on the development of exotic technologies. Past and present.
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            • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
              What are his books about? I mean I am looking for books that analyze human spiritual development, what role morality plays in our destiny and how morality and ethics, or the lack of it, impacts with new technology. Or are his books more historical focusing on people and events rather than spiritual issues themselves?
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              • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
                As a historian first and a science geek second, he started writing a series on about the Pyramid of Giza, suspecting there was far more there than an elaborate tomb for some dead Egyptian king, given there no mummy inside. His investigations lead him to ponder the possibility this might have been an energy source of some kind, perhaps even a weapon.
                As his books sold in the millions, he followed what people were interested in. Delving deeper into the mysteries of ancient civilizations and possible advanced technologies lost over eons.
                Then he stubbled upon the weird, out of place interest the Nazis had in all things occult related to these suspected ancient technologies and how they could be weaponized if proof of their existence could be validated.
                That turned out to be the mother of all rabbit holes.
                The Nazis did in fact seemed to glean some sort of insight into advanced technologies: they built the first heavy lift rockets, the first practical jets, the first workable a-bomb, and... the first workable demonstration of electrogravitics (aka: anti-gravity machine) the Nazi Bell.
                The Nazis, following Nikola Tesla's work, hit upon a method of tapping ZPE as an unlimited power source. This is what the Bell experiments were all about. And why, after WarII, the allies never got possession of this one piece of high technology.
                As Dr Ferrall so astutely points out: We made the Japanese military and government surrender, we made no such demands of the Germans, only their military was forced to surrender, no such demands were made of the German government, (i.e. the Nazis) were never required to surrender. Curious? No?
                This is all throughly documented in "Nazi International"
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                • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago

                  his "death beam"

                  maybe possible, energy is an issue
                  and back then, how to aim it was clearly an issue
                  as it is today with a laser trying to hit a missile
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                  • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
                    For 35 years, I worked at that research laboratory that achieved the first "hitting a bullet with a bullet".
                    Missile defense systems was among the primary programs I worked on.
                    I am quite sure they were working on exotic technologies, LASAR tech in particular, as it was so hard to hide. Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to be read in to any of those programs.
                    Compartmentalization being one of the top security measures, nobody was allowed to know what their colleagues were working on, unless you were read into the same program.
                    Made for interesting lunch times.
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                    • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago
                      Soviet defector told us of the Soviet's doing anti-missile research

                      a missile with a missile can be very easy, if the target has a homing beacon, as the Soviet test he reported on did

                      and a missile that is guided and can change course is NOT the same thing as a laser that has a point organ and MUST be aimed true, with a small amount of sweeping/change allowed to hit the target.

                      and i am FULLY aware of compartmentalization, the Manhattan Project was loaded with it

                      the US Navy is going from the 20mm Gatling gun to Sea Ram, a missile system with 27 on mount missiles, using the same radar as CIWS
                      the missile has a longer range and is guided and more on mount ammo

                      just not buying the ZPE )we having such tech now), as i do not buy all the "gasoline saving stuff" that allows cars to get 200 miles a gallon or whatever.

                      there is only so much energy in a gallon of gas....

                      ZPE may be possible.
                      fusion is a better bet
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                • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
                  Thanks for the reader's review. It sounds very interesting. I have read several novels with a Tesla angle, and "Nazi novels" with occult themes. I want to write a book about what's going to happen in the next couple years. It looks like it could be repeat of 1648 and the Treaty of Westphalia, the first time there was an international get together to try to make some sort of order of the continual wars and create actual respected borders between countries.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 7 months ago
    I don't think the two ideas are mutually exclusive. There's no mistaking the incompetence of this administration....and certainly no reason to think WW3 is unlikely to happen, given all that is happening.
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  • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
    Ukraine never existed until 1991..After WW1, Russia was forced to divest itself of Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, a forced "treaty" by all of the countries involved in WW1. England, France, Italy, Germany, they were all worried about Russia, and wanted to split it up, like they did Austria-Hungary, thinking Russia was their common enemy. On maps, Ukraine was consider a "state" within the USSR. Google "map of Europe in 1980". (Before the maps are all "corrected" by Google).

    Putin, in his interview with Tucker Carlson, attempted to place the current Ukraine conflict in this historical context, but I don't know if Tucker got the specifics of it.

    The Ukrainian language itself never existed until the 1880's when it was invented by Austria-Hungary, seeking to create an anti-Russian section of Russia. They set up schools, in the sections of western Russia they controlled, to teach the new language which was cobbled together from Russian and an antique dialect. This is similar to what the Left does in the US today - talking about the "black community" but their media censoring or regarding any mention of the "white community" as "racist."

    In WW2, Germany doubled down on this "divisive separation" of Russia and "Ukraine" and the "Ukrainians" responded in kind, with Nazi-like smaller genocides of their own, against the Poles, Jews and others Today, Ukraine builds monuments to and renames streets after Stepan Bandera, the self-styled Nazi who led the genocides. (Wikipedia has "corrected" his history - he is now a "peace negotiator") .

    This type of "social engineering" practiced today by the West predates WW1 and is out in the open in the West today - affirmative action, preferences, wokism, evaluating groups of people by their skin color, gender, age, class, ethnicities...the social scientists are out of control in the US -. "Social Justice," institutionalization of racist. sexist, ethnic mandates, revoking human laws that all religions agree on like "thou shalt not steal" (Stealing is condoned on the Loony Left Coast). The rest of the world is doing fine. It's only the US that is committing moral hari-kari.

    In Ukraine, the Western-styled social scientists are also out of control - criminalizing the use of the Russian language, closing the 1000-year-old Orthodox church, crushing all other Human Rights, especially the most basic one - Human Right of Self-Determination (so they can force ethnic Russian to live there, and indoctrinate their children to hate Russia).

    The Deep State is an uninvited 3rd party (disruptive like a meddling in-law) to the Ukraine issue, much as NATO has no business in Syria, engineering the overthrow of Assad by aiding ISIS and less psychotic groups.
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  • Posted by fairbro 7 months ago
    The "eye for an eye" response to "NATO missiles hitting Russian cites" would be "Russian missiles hitting NATO cities" but Putin has showed restraint and is gaining respect in the rest of the world.

    As far as the Pentagon "We just supply the weapons. We are not responsible for what Ukraine does with the weapons," the analogy would be "We (Moscow) just supply the weapons to Mexican cartels, Iran, Hezbollah, etc. What they do with the weapons is their business."

    Ukraine has been NATO proxy territory since 2014, but once rump "Country 404" has outlived its usefulness, the Deep State will toss it aside like a used snot rag.
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