Racism and Sexism: The Campaign Theme of the Harris-Whoever Ticket

Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris, along with their Democrat power operators, place intrinsic qualities such as skin color, gender, and sexual preference over meritocracy in assigning important roles in government cabinet positions, committee assignments, and security operations.

We have seen the result, and it isn’t pretty.

A former and potential future president was less than an inch away from having his brains blown out of his skull on live television. In a testimony before the House of Representatives on Monday, the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, with the expressed responsibility of protecting presidential contenders from harm during a campaign, claims that she tried her best but admitted the task was just too much. That implies just about everything toxic about DEI. She has subsequently resigned, much to the relief of everyone.
Diversity, when implemented by force, is the purposeful dilution of staffing that makes a company or government consider immutable qualities that have nothing to do with capability. At woke companies and government agencies, this so-called diversity has nothing to do with the job at hand. Diversity is heralded as a “strength.” Well, our military has failed miserably for over thirty years using this attribute, losing Afghanistan, losing in Ukraine, and for the last three years, losing on our southern border. We are witnessing a clear and rapid deterioration of our infrastructure, from our airline transportation to our local policing, all due to racial and gender quotas."
SOURCE URL: https://amgreatness.com/2024/07/26/racism-and-sexism-the-campaign-theme-of-the-harris-whoever-ticket/

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    Posted by $ Abaco 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    The funny controversy is that they claim DEI is good but flip out if you call somebody a DEI hire. Why the anger? It should be "Yeah, DEI hire" if they believe their own premises. But, of course, they don't. They even see it for what it is - racism.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 7 months, 2 weeks ago
      Me dino ist ein WASP.
      So I am nothing for deserving nothing to the D.E.I. control freaks.
      Well in that case, I want my ancestral legal immigrant reparations.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    BuyDumb and Cabala are no more in charge in the running (ruining) of this formally great Republic than was the Kenyan or Bush-the-Stupid.
    This country is being run into the ground. By design. By foreign banking interests.
    This is why they tried (and failed) to kill our President.
    We pray: God watch over and protect him. See that his work be done. For all our sakes.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    I pretty much end any conversations about DEI with the following two examples:

    Assume you're about to undergo heart or brain surgery. Would you rather your surgeon be: A) a white male who graduated at the top of his class, or B) the highest rated non-straight-white-male, who graduated 19th out of 20?

    Same question about your airline pilot. If you were about to land in a storm, would you rather your pilot be the top-rated graduate in his class and who also happened to be a white male, or the 19th rated out of 20 but the highest rated non-straight-white-male?

    Put another way, would you bet your very life on a DEI hire, or would you want the most qualified? Because I think I'm safe in saying that they're rarely one in the same.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    Marc Cuban cracks me up.
    Literally said "Kamala isn't talking about EQUALITY of EQUITY" (Meaning THOSE that need more get more. Equality is no longer enough).

    And Marc can't find it. Because he has his "rose colored" glasses on, that deflect what Liberals say to what they believe.

    AND makes whatever Trump said CHANGE MEANING to the worst possible interpretation, or some LIE THEREIN (fine people hoax)... And that is not only believable, but obvious...

    It's a mind virus.
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