The Death of Dialogue
In a recent conversation about Project 2025, I showed a progressive the actual text of the Project 2025 playbook, and how it did not say the tyrannical pronouncements that left wing sources claimed. His response told me more than I wanted to know, as he said "words don't mean what they say."
I realized then how tragically our ability to communicate with one another in western society has collapsed. The indoctrinated have overtaken the educated. Words have no meaning other than what the reader/listener thinks they mean, and if an authority they follow tells them not to believe what they see or hear, but what that authority tells them, trust and reasoned dialogue are no longer possible.
Unhappily, the indoctrination carries over to accepting the idea of reaching for goals "by any means possible." The indoctrinated readily accept the premise that "everyone lies," and have no sense of guilt about lying themselves. Trust and intelligent dialogue have been destroyed.
This explains why a leader can talk about unifying the country and in the next sentence declare half the population as "enemies of democracy." It's no wonder we've suffered a leader with a half century of non-stop pathological lying, because the indoctrinated envy his ability to do so freely and seemingly without a bothersome conscience about the damage his lies have done to others.
I realized then how tragically our ability to communicate with one another in western society has collapsed. The indoctrinated have overtaken the educated. Words have no meaning other than what the reader/listener thinks they mean, and if an authority they follow tells them not to believe what they see or hear, but what that authority tells them, trust and reasoned dialogue are no longer possible.
Unhappily, the indoctrination carries over to accepting the idea of reaching for goals "by any means possible." The indoctrinated readily accept the premise that "everyone lies," and have no sense of guilt about lying themselves. Trust and intelligent dialogue have been destroyed.
This explains why a leader can talk about unifying the country and in the next sentence declare half the population as "enemies of democracy." It's no wonder we've suffered a leader with a half century of non-stop pathological lying, because the indoctrinated envy his ability to do so freely and seemingly without a bothersome conscience about the damage his lies have done to others.
No think required.
But the bigger point, I think, is that he knows that our language has been confounded, the meaning or words has changed.
Whether he knows that his kind has done that or he thinks the other side did, is up for grabs.
A whole new lexicon of terms have flooded any discussion of gender, and a new dictionary of terms is growing to describe acts and attitudes that offend or victimize. One latest example is "grossophobia," which is the act of showing or expressing disgust at the sight of repulsive or unpleasant images, which "victimizes" the party who chose to display the image.
This country is for sure doomed if this is allowed to go on. I am thinking true revolution is needed to just divide the country into the power seekers, and the freedom lovers. I have little desire to even interact with entitled blacks, or entitled leftists of any kind.
And how ridiculous it was... EVEN in a comedy skit.
And TODAY... It is in our face. And if you speak out against it, the Leftist Neo Natzi-esque attack dogs will BEAT you into submission. So no other stand up to their absurdities.
Our forefathers would say "We gave up EVERYTHING so you could ACCEPT this?"