The Sicilian Message . . . Meant for Us
Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
"Will Trump become even stronger now that he’s been created a “felon” – 34 times! – by a “court” (and jury) that everyone understands was convened to convict him? That is the belief asserted by Devolutionists – the people who believe that this is all a show and part of an elaborate operation to expose the corruption of the system so that it can be un-corrupted.
Of course, such a thing has never before happened in the history of government-gone-bad (which of course is all governments, which are necessarily bad; the difference being a matter of degree only). Once government goes really bad – as the one that controls this country manifestly has – there is but one way to un-corrupt it and that is to rid ourselves of it.
What happened to Trump is not about Trump.
It is about what is going to happen to us – now that the precedent has been set that anyone can be created a “felon” anytime the government decides to create any of us as one.
Trump wasn’t so much taught a lesson as we were sent a message.
How will he – how will we – respond?
The Devolutionist say – rightly – that is no longer possible to pretend the system isn’t malicious and so illegitimate. Implicit in this is the duty to reject it as illegitimate. Trump – himself – is irrelevant except in the human sense that irrespective of what one thinks of him personally, what has been done to him must not be countenanced for the same reason that a wrong done to anyone must never be countenanced.
Wrong is now official.
Anything goes to get Trump? Then anything goes – to protect ourselves from those who just got Trump and who have made it plain they mean to get us, too."
"Will Trump become even stronger now that he’s been created a “felon” – 34 times! – by a “court” (and jury) that everyone understands was convened to convict him? That is the belief asserted by Devolutionists – the people who believe that this is all a show and part of an elaborate operation to expose the corruption of the system so that it can be un-corrupted.
Of course, such a thing has never before happened in the history of government-gone-bad (which of course is all governments, which are necessarily bad; the difference being a matter of degree only). Once government goes really bad – as the one that controls this country manifestly has – there is but one way to un-corrupt it and that is to rid ourselves of it.
What happened to Trump is not about Trump.
It is about what is going to happen to us – now that the precedent has been set that anyone can be created a “felon” anytime the government decides to create any of us as one.
Trump wasn’t so much taught a lesson as we were sent a message.
How will he – how will we – respond?
The Devolutionist say – rightly – that is no longer possible to pretend the system isn’t malicious and so illegitimate. Implicit in this is the duty to reject it as illegitimate. Trump – himself – is irrelevant except in the human sense that irrespective of what one thinks of him personally, what has been done to him must not be countenanced for the same reason that a wrong done to anyone must never be countenanced.
Wrong is now official.
Anything goes to get Trump? Then anything goes – to protect ourselves from those who just got Trump and who have made it plain they mean to get us, too."
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Except that Trump correctly doesn't feel the least bit guilty, and neither did Hank Rearden, Howard Roark, and John Rockefeller.
In the case of Trump, I am not sure who is even the victim that he supposedly hurt. But that obviously isn't an issue. Its just a method to GET him. It wasn't that a jew in Germany actually did anything, but just that their lineage happened to contain reference to people who were of jewish lineage.... and so on.
in the early 20th century with no cameras or satellites and people will work and
are willing to learn. (No, not Mexico. They are 13th century feudal.)
No place is perfect, but the States United no longer exists as a beacon of freedom.
seems too many are sleep, too comfortable, do not believe their own eyes and ears
got me....what it will take for people to wake the hell up
I'm waiting for a few friends and family to get on board our train. One of them's a journalist, another is a lawyer. I'm not pushing, not at all. They've gotta see for themselves.
Dear Dr. Phil. You know who COULD START that process. The LEFT! they could DROP ALL of the charges against Trump. They could UNDO (put aside) the Jury Verdict. Punish The Judge. And admit this was ALL a very slippery slope that we wish NOT to go down.
But at this point. What they are doing to Trump is what Happened in October to Israel... It was a FULL FLEDGED Declaration of War. And I gave Israel permission to decimate every living soul in Gaza UNTIL Hamas Surrendered and agreed to change the religion to one accepting all other religions. [meaning, it wont happen].
We are literally being Murdered, Jailed. A women praying at an Abortion Clinic gets 24 months in prison. A Liberal throwing a Molotov Cocktail at a Police Car gets 15 months.
And WE are supposed to show restraint. SORRY, Hard Pass. We tried that will HRC.
Something tells me if HRC, Podesta, et al were imprisoned, things would not be playing out like this right now. FOOL ME ONCE.
In 2016. Trump was my voice.
In 2024... He will be my retribution. And I will sacrifice my family name to Mudd/Lector/Kahn(STTWOK) if that ensures a retribution so severe that M.A.D. is looked upon as a more soothing/peaceful alternative.
In 2024... We have seen that the name Trump will go from "Trumped Up charges"... To playing the "Trump Card". To "Trumping Their Enemy".
tyranny \tir-a-nee\ n. pl -nies
1 : absolute oppressive power
2 : rule by fear over the mind of man
3 : the current goal by those in control of the
Democrat Party
4 : what Barack Obama meant by saying he
wanted "fundamental change" during his first
5 : the appeasement wreaked by RINOs
reaching across the aisle
6 : treason
PS : "over the minds of people" would be Yoke worn by the Woke version
"How Will He Respond... How will he respond..."
The left should get rid of this phony conviction on its own to try and preserve citizen support for the country. It was lack of that support that brought down the USSR basically with no shots fired.