I made it through 90 seconds of the debate

Posted by $ Abaco 5 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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That's all I could stand. I was traveling for business during the debate between Kamala and The Donald. So, when I got to my hotel I put on the rebroadcast and caught in somewhere in the middle. During that 90 seconds I saw Trump angrily arguing with the moderator about the tone in his voice when he once said, "lost by a hair" while Kamala didn't have to say anything but just shake her head and look at Trump like he lost his mind. That was enough for me. I like Trump but he's lost his edge. It's age-related. I'm starting to feel it myself. But, they set out the hook with the bait on it and he swallowed it hook, line and sinker. He fell for it. In fishing we call it a "suicide hit" where the hook gets into the gills and you reel in the fish dead as a board. I did spend about 5 minutes hearing different pundits from both sides about the debate and it sounds like that 90 seconds was pretty representative. So...Now, I sit at my desk at home today thinking, "How will I prepare for a Kamala presidency?" I have to think that's where we're headed. Because, if the real voting is anywhere close they'll cheat her over the finish line. She'll be a total disaster. I gotta hand it to the Marxists. Their level of involvement and determination in reaching their objective is quite admirable. Of course, there will probably end up being a bunch of Pol Pot-style activities....We're already seeing it on X with old white men being beaten almost to death in the streets by "youth" and immigrants literally grabbing cats from people's front yards and eating them like hungry zombies...And of course, Kamala's "buy back" which is gun confiscation (which will surely be done early). Why should I spend $900 on a new AR if they'll make me an offer of $70 that I can't refuse? And, the inflation and economic collapse...Not buying any real estate. If I hold any equities the stops are right there, tight. Will be evaluating all personal expenses. It's gonna get bad. Maybe...Russia should launch something that will halt our election, buy us a little time. Long story short...it ain't looking too good. (and, I want to apologize to Dobrien for my loser, negative attitude. Recently found out a very close friend of mine is a Q believer. Maybe you guys are on to something. We'll find out pretty soon, now.) In the debate Trump should have said, "I'm not here to debate you. It's her job to fact-check me as my debate opponent, so let her try." Instead, he turned his attention to the c-student drunk sitting in front of him and now we're in the s*&t. As a former Californian who was sucked pretty high up into government with my work there I've warned you all about Gavin. She'll be almost as bad. God help us...

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  • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 1 week ago
    Thanks for the post, Abaco. I enjoy your contributions to the Gulch. Like you, I get pessimistic, but thanks to some folks like Dobrien, I can hold on to some amount of optimism. Let's say I'm guardedly optimistic with a streak of pessimism. Hmmm, let's see... if Kommie-La wins we move more quickly into Marxist dictatorship and if Trump wins the Free Republic lives another day. But wait, I say! What if the powers that be know an economic collapse is close at hand and they want Trump to be at the helm when it comes? That is, the commie cheat machine is very good at what it does and should defeat Trump if it wanted to, but they're willing to sacrifice Kommie-La this time around.

    I don't think the deck is in favor of us serfs so do what you need to do for your family and friends...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 1 week ago
    Congrats, in this case you were very patient and tolerant of lying politicians. ;^)
    As for what to do, I say, let's build a gulch outside the USSA.
    Other governments without the power of having the world's fiat currency
    are much closer to their people's problems. Real estate prices are much
    lower where banks can't create 10x their deposits out of thin air
    and banks can't charge insane rates of interest on money they never
    earned. Without a never ending supply of debt funding homes are
    less expensive to buy. Without endless supply of credit card debt other
    vital products are also more reasonable to buy. Without harmful
    additives in food people can be healthier, too.
    While I wouldn't chose to live there, Russia's people have more freedom
    than Americans. If a patriot isn't elected and can act to prosecute the
    traitors, and no one has the courage to revolt against tyranny, why stay?
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  • Posted by bkeiber 5 months, 1 week ago
    Personally, I'm more concerned about control in the House and Senate than the White House. Focus on getting more Jim Jordan's and Tom Cotton's etc. into office instead of the Executive. One of the first things the Dems would do if they get the Presidency is take over the Supreme Court with 4 more judges. Conservatives "must" have control of the Legislative branch.
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