It is not a "palace coup" and you do not live in the Soviet Union
Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"When you realize that your enemies are able to do some things that they’re not supposed to be allowed to do, it’s easy to conclude that they face no constraints at all.
But the most powerful people in the world did everything they could (which is to say, everything they could get away with) to make sure Trump died on July 13th. They would have succeeded — as Trump says, they should have succeeded — but for an act of Providence.
They did everything they could for years to conceal Joe Biden’s mental deterioration, and then watched helplessly as his brain liquefied on live television four months before the election.
They did everything they could for the last three weeks to hot-swap Biden for anyone but Kamala Harris, but they couldn’t make it work.
For exigent 2020 race-baiting reasons (and perhaps as an insurance policy, which the Biden family is now cashing in), they were stuck with a dramatically repellent and incompetent vice presidential candidate, who alone is legally entitled to the campaign funds and the party delegates.
Apparently this matters, because our enemies are making costly and complex maneuvers as if it matters.
None of these games would be necessary if they were actually in lawless, sovereign control of the system."
"When you realize that your enemies are able to do some things that they’re not supposed to be allowed to do, it’s easy to conclude that they face no constraints at all.
But the most powerful people in the world did everything they could (which is to say, everything they could get away with) to make sure Trump died on July 13th. They would have succeeded — as Trump says, they should have succeeded — but for an act of Providence.
They did everything they could for years to conceal Joe Biden’s mental deterioration, and then watched helplessly as his brain liquefied on live television four months before the election.
They did everything they could for the last three weeks to hot-swap Biden for anyone but Kamala Harris, but they couldn’t make it work.
For exigent 2020 race-baiting reasons (and perhaps as an insurance policy, which the Biden family is now cashing in), they were stuck with a dramatically repellent and incompetent vice presidential candidate, who alone is legally entitled to the campaign funds and the party delegates.
Apparently this matters, because our enemies are making costly and complex maneuvers as if it matters.
None of these games would be necessary if they were actually in lawless, sovereign control of the system."
Believe me. They partied with the RIGHT whenever that made the most sense.
The problem is that we are in the end game, and only the Left agrees to "No Hold Barred" type attacks. And don't have the sense to see it.
Much like that muslim guy who said "Of course side with the left. Because ONCE they get rid of the right... They will not stand a chance against us!"
All by design, because we are Chattle!
My father made it to 81(surprisingly, but he avoided chemo for his lung cancer, and outlived his prognosis by a couple of years).
Anyways. I am right there with you. I think I worked hard enough to take the path of least resistance.
But my daughter (and her Gen-Z Generation) are going to be forced to stand up, and avoid that path. Funny, they grew up watching Dystopian Future movies. I think they are as prepared as any generation before them (the educated ones).
I am Black Pilled for my future, but White Pilled for theirs. Because they are NOT TAKING the bs. They have ZERO retirement options, and recognize those of us who worked for 20yrs paying 50% of what we made in taxes. They know the Federal Reserve is a Con...
As for you, term2... God bless you on whatever you decide is worth your time and energy! Thanks for being part of the forum.
RESPECT! (My father was NOT using a computer at 79 much less 70. A retired electrician)!
This is a contract for service that has been misused to undermine the organic (Constitution for the united States of America).
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the corporate Constitution of WASHINGTON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The full capitalization is the denotation. Who holds the other side of the contract? It has to be the military as trustee ..... Navy ..... JAG.
The globalist infiltrators have eroded the knowledge of the organic Constitution to the point that only a few held original jurisdictional knowledge. There is a national resurgence of asserting this original jurisdiction. It is taking form as Grand Juries dejure ..... common law. Justice Scalia in 1992, writing for the majority in US vs Williams, asserts the Grand Jury is the fourth branch of government reserved wholly to the people. Under the First Amendment the people Assemble peacefully as a Grand Jury. The Grand Jury has the power to initiate investigation, investigate any complaint, subpoena information or testimonies, bring forth a true bill of indictment and compel courts to try cases. There is a very specific process to which adherence is required. This has been intentionally kept from public scrutiny.
On Aug.19, I go into court to push another statutory invasion on my rights. The Right to travel unencumbered. No license, registration or insurance. No seat belts, child seats, or any other thing that is not a moving violation that may damage property or life and limb. The "requirements" of the State only reference the necessity to comply with US commercial transportation, not the average person traveling for their pleasure in the normal daily business of their lives. The "violated" Statute does not pass Strict Scrutiny. The Statute is of a form that has no clearly defined structure or purpose; a requirement of lawfullness. It is of a nature that only expresses "Because we said so." And this is documented in more than 100 cases at the Fed District level. If I don't know something I cannot apply it. It is only because of a 32 year holding of a Commercial Operators Permit that I have had any "Interest" (a lawful term of participatory awareness) in pursuing the reasons, or lack thereof, behind the different types of licensure. If the judge, for whatever reason, should seek to try penalizing me, I can "ignore with impunity" per Jones v Opelika. The odds are in my favor that I will have the number of people require to form a Grand Jury (24) in the courtroom as witnesses.
What this article alludes to; I'm up to my neck in practicum. It takes great effort at the start ..... through a year plus, but the insights are well worth the journey. I'm developing the lawful tools to protect myself and my community.
unlikely to make that clear since that would expose the con. If you are near to
exposing the con, the court will use 'other means' to assure that the con stays hidden.
You will need expert, unassailable, incorruptible protection.
Just my opinion based on observation of how the state responds when threatened.
Your quest is an important one and vital to the future of individual liberty.
The revenues lost if this is exposed are in the billions.
Yes, I'm hanging my butt out, not unlike some worthy folks 250 years past. Yet, the things I deal with here are precedented within the County. Just so happens my grandfather's business partner set it up 60 years ago under same jurisdictions.
More cases can be defended at municipal level due the long standing rulings of the aforementioned. Probabilities.
Thanks for the well wish.
expect to be hit with "you do not have standing"
to keep the con under wraps
The only thing I did was non-renewal of contract for registration.
The license number was made up and assigned without my knowledge, consent or signature. Fraud and conversion, with deprivation of rights and conspiracy of rights.
Municipal employees are not immune from prosecution. Only Fed employees, under Bivens v US, have some immunity.
They used the ONE step removed concept.
The FBI has EVERY RIGHT to contact and pay a company for a relationship. And to SHARE information about YOU with said company.
And if that company DECIDES to ban you, shadow ban you, or whatnot... After such a meeting. Then it is THAT company doing it, not the government (directly). Therefore, you cannot go after the government."
Roughly what they did. 1000% wrong.
if the government uses a 3rd party to do what they are NOT DIRECTLY entitled to do.
And, furthermore, they PAY to do that.
Then the government violated your rights.
That's my take.
Asking for a government friend who is trying to take a contract out on me... But I have no standing until I am killed... And Latches if I wait...
I have 32 years connection to the law with my willful participation in commercial licensure to contract for transportation services or be employed as a driver for another commercial endeavor ..... to be compensated expecting profitability.
I have withdrawn my applications unilaterally from commerce upon the public roadways and the State "believes" it has the power to prohibit my Right to Travel (upheld in over 100 cases within State Supreme and Fed District courts unilaterally) over the past 100+ years.
Where the State loses strict scrutiny is noted as a State Statute to qualify me as a participatory licensee for Fed funding only. This does not adhere to the requirements of the Fed Regs.
This is one small step in bringing awareness to those who would question the law in any context. It shows methodology for the redress of grievance in a constructive manner without getting prosecutorial. Basically I'm approaching the Court and Municipalities as an educator, allowing for a time that they may "cure" the inequity. Should they keep proceeding in the inequity I may ask for the formation of a Grand Jury dejure; 24 citizens of the County or State to take up investigation.
So, back to "standing" .... The State, Municipality, etc does not have standing, as I bring no harm under law. All I have done is to withdraw from contract.
Regarding Freedom's post, If I don't investigate the law I shall not know and then be prosecuted/persecuted due my ignorance. I found the rules of engagement. The globalists tried to set up their own rules and are finding they are not impervious strict scrutiny. A gamble that is failing.
I'm just making sure I have enough popcorn, butter and salt to get through the show.
Good luck to you!
May you not end up arrested in solitary for 1,000+ days like Some Jan 6-ers.
you do not have any standing
just like the parents that did not want stuff force injected into their children
no standing for you...
(standing is only allowed for cases the court WANTS to hear and rule on)
I can't evaluate without specifics, just as you cannot evaluate my specifics without me clearly stating the conditions of my case.
Rhetoric is not appreciated.
this one is over masks
and another on parent rights
Rand has the clearest philosophical statements to evaluate.
I don't like the idea that I had to "accept" indoctrination into this construct, or be arbitrarily penalized. I would have much preferred informed consent as a methodology. I've always been contrary to established "rules". I challenge all authority with better insight as I learn the history and mechanisms; political, economic and social, of human behaviors.
I don't need a Constitution to govern my behaviors. I trade in equity within interpersonal and commercial endeavors. I need a constitutional government to protect me from strategic usurpation of my natural rights, that I may not have to resort to violence to protect such.
Under common law, pre-1871, one could have hired a lawyer who was not an attainder to the court. Today, lawyers, most, represent the court; BAR association (British Accreditation Registry) I think I'll stick to representing myself.
5 combat vets out of 8 military within literal shouting distance of the house, and all a wee bit perturbed over the conditions within the country.
Gort: A robot programmed with empirical philosophical and lawful values to police.
Some risk, yes, but not as much as leaving policing and law to the human interpretive.
Humans, as a whole, suck, at learning philosophy and law. Just to be colloquial.
My grand thesis is that huge problems plague security/defense/policing/law in society for one specific reason: because this part of society has been captured by the cancerous parasite that is 'the state'. If it was to be cut out, the humanity would be lifted out of the dark ages into a bright future.
One of the best college courses I ever took as a sophomore with a journalism degree on my mind was Philosophy 101 aka Basic Logic.
That was decades before I ever heard of Ayn Rand when my most conservative brothers Christmas gifted me the AS DVDs.
After watching those, I stumbled into The Gulch for researching Ayn Rand.
These complex maneuvering games are played by a relatively low level players. The games played by higher level players aren't even visible. For example, those players don't care which side wins. They will manipulate any president into doing what they want easily, like they did to Trump with COVID. All they have to do is get the right people in the right roles, etc.
It goes without saying that nobody would be able to violate reality, so, yes, they are not gods. But bypassing decreed laws is relatively easy for a strong enough player and trying say that those 'laws' will save us is not very smart.
'Enemy' would possibly be the wrong term to use. It might imply that these 'enemies' may have some sort of legitimatize-able position from some points of view. I would call these people 'looters' and 'parasites', entities that must be stopped at all cost. However, the people on the Trump bandwagon aren't much more righteous. They are also looters and parasites, although maybe to a lesser extent. Anyone seeking power over others is engaging in illegitimate activity.
I guess the level of savagery in the echelons of power depends on the ratio of 'good' vs 'bad' members in the elite. There is a case to be made that US is less corrupt at the moment than the Soviet Union was back then. It follows that the US just hasn't reached the matching levels of corruption yet. I am sure that, given enough time, the US will reach them.
By the way, this exit group is interesting, a Galt's gulch in a way.
Of course if I was there, I would do much more radical things, such as privatizing the entire government, removing statism from the constitution, etc. Unfortunately, the majority of people want statism, so we continue to suffer.
IMO, these wannabe real for really real commies are not merely our "Enemy" but are our "Great Enemy."
Old dino recalls Khrushchev predicting (and I'm paraphrasing) that some day we would eat ourselves alive fro the inside out.
Currently they, including most Democrat Party leaders in Congress) unconstitutionally cheering on that great open border invasion invented to create new voters while repetitiously virtually chanting how much they want to "save our democracy, save our democracy, etc., ad nauseum."
I don't know if you saw the post in which I described my views:
Khrushchev may have been right with the prediction about the collapse of the west, but not due to the reason that he thought. Human predation is what will cause it, as was the case with Soviet Union itself.
That ended due to stomach turning RINO behavior early on during Obama's first term. After all this time, THEY STILL CALL ME FOR DONATIONS!
Has to have been several hundred times and countless are snail mail envelopes thrown away unopened.
Sometimes they send snail mail.with Trump's face on it. That doesn't work with me.. I donate directly to Trump. Never through the GOP I don't trust with my money.
This morning the phone rang with RNC on my caller I.D. I'm way done talking to them, Just to let them know that, I push the phone button to answer the call, I count to three and then I push the OFF button to hang up.
I will vote for Trump. MAGA!
Personally, I'm sick of women with little children and girls of all ages being raped and murdered by that flood of illegals in the news. All that shit wasn't "more of the same" happening before.
Now I'm confused~~~~~
It's the only way to be sure.
(If I could donate to Trump's protection detail, I would.)
Heck, I can't even be sure that they'll count my vote the way I intend.
Hell, if I know~~but that will not stop me from doing what I believe is my duty toward salvaging a Constitutional Republic.
the real question "when will it all fall apart and what comes after"