The Writing on the Wall [as foretold by Ayn Rand]

Posted by freedomforall 8 months ago to Politics
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"hen you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing—when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors—when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you—when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice—you may know that your society is doomed.
Ayn Rand; Atlas Shrugged, 1957

Pretty strong words… the last four, in particular.

Ayn Rand knew whereof she spoke. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1905, she became politically conscious while still a child and did not favour the existing concept of constitutional monarchy. So, it would not have been surprising if, when the Russian revolution broke out when she was twelve, she bought into the proselytising of Vladimir Lenin, as so many did at that time.

Instead, she quickly surmised that the Bolsheviks’ claim to improve life for the average man was, in reality, a plan to diminish the quality of life for all of the people. In doing so, the Bolsheviks confiscated her father’s business and displaced her family. At one point they were nearly starving, but in 1925, she received permission to emigrate to the US. (She later attempted to get her parents and sisters out, but it proved to be too late.)
They have a choice. They can “go with the flow,” should the country in question go into social and political decline; they can accept it and try to muddle through, as did Ayn Rand’s parents after the revolution. Or they can vote with their feet, as did Rand herself.

The results of these choices are plain: Zinovy and Anna Rosenbaum disappeared into Soviet obscurity, whilst daughter Ayn escaped to become a novelist in a freer and more inspiring country: the US.
In real life, making this decision is quite a bit more difficult. However, it can be said that Ayn Rand made the task simpler for us. In the quote above, she offers the “writing on the wall.” It only remains to us to decide whether the point she describes has been reached. We can assume that, if we are presently living in a country that matches her description, and it remains possible at present to make an exit, as she did in 1926, we would be well advised to do so."
SOURCE URL: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/07/15/the-writing-on-the-wall-2/

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  • Posted by $ splumb 8 months ago
    “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.” - Ronald Reagan
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    • Posted by northerner777 8 months ago
      As former refugees from Cuba and other Communist countries have tried to tell the hardheads in America. Once you allow US to be lost, there ain't no where else to flee to for freedom and liberty. Will we wake up in time? Maybe the near assassination of President Trump will wake some of US out of their Socialist/Democrat Crime Syndicate induced stupor. Or not. I've learned sadly over many election cycles that the voting citizenry cannot be trusted to do the smart thing.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 months ago
    From the Excerpt, reading "money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors," made me dino immediately think of the Biden Crime Family.
    I'm quite sure Rand was thinking of the "legalized" issuance of such things as permits that must first paid for. Correctly prepared tax returns just may get you left alone~~maybe.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 8 months ago
    We are exactly at that point. We have been there for awhile, but now it's out in the open for all to see, if they choose to do so. Many do not. A close relative, raised in a Democrat household, actually thinks that the assasination sttempt might have been staged by President Trump. I do not argue with that relative, having learned long ago that nothing I say can change her mind so far. I have no intention of leaving my grandchild unaware of what this world is, working with his father to teach the child. We fear that if we argue, we may lose the kid to his grandparents, and that is unacceptable. We walk a fine line, hoping that something makes a small opening in her thought process. She is not stupid, just brainwashed by education and demoncrats. Meanwhile, my grandson is a crack shot with several firearms, understanding the required safe handling and responsibilities, he's one kata short of a karate blackbelt, a budding engineer, did I mention he just turned 11. My son and I will not let him be swallowed by the system. Time to start him on AS.
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    • Posted by $ sekeres 8 months ago
      "Anthem" has the same individual achievement themes at 1/10 page count of AS. Might make an easier start for "a budding engineer." Or, did you mean the AS movies?
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      • Posted by katrinam41 8 months ago
        I have the movie and would love to show it to him. I sincerely doubt his mother would like that. I do have Anthem (of course) and that may be doable. (Just watched the movie again over the last three days. Not perfect, but how can it be with the condensing necessary to get it out. It's still well-done.)
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 8 months ago
    I think I will reread Atlas Shrugged too, because I have only read it once. Fiction has become reality.
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    • Posted by 73SHARK 8 months ago
      I read it the first time in college in the '60s when the SDS (Students for Democratic Society) was running rampant on campus. I read it the second time about the first year into Obama's rule. It was just as tough a slog the second time as it was the first. I was grateful when they brought the movies out even though I thought they could have been done a little better. I'm sure they were very limited budget wise.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 months ago
    The current administration is acting like they're not answerable to anyone. Case in point the head of the Veterans Administration told a congressional committee that any legislation the Congress passes regarding that department he will not comply. Then the blatant lying by Mayorkas regarding the open border. It seems that Congress's hands are tied in taking judicial action against these characters. Then there are rumors that Biden (actually his puppeteers) wants to take executive against the Supreme Court. The puppeteers have gone too far.
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