My Prediction on the Outcome of the Debate

Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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I avoided the debate last Thursday. I went fishing. Had a big, beautiful lake all to myself. Caught some nice fish, too. But, I've seen the highlights and my kid is watching it now. I can see that CNN really tried to muzzle Trump at times during the debate. Joe's clearly unfit for office. So, what's going to happen? I've thought about this and have come to the conclusion that something extreme will result from this debate. The potential options are: 1- WWIII (and related delaying the election, halting ammo sales to citizens, rationing, etc.). 2- Trump will go to prison (where it's likely he'll perish). 3- Biden will be encouraged to step down. 4- Biden will perish. 5- Gavin Newsome will take the stage at the Democratic convention and run.

I find this interesting. I cannot believe, after Biden's performance, that things will just meander forward as though Joe didn't stick both feet in his mouth during the debate. Joe's the most dysfunctional president in my life. If Gavin gets on the ballot he wins. I don't like it. I worked with his staff. I think he's a psychopath and the most compromised person who's every gotten near the Oval Office. If he's elected I'm buying property in Uruguay.

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  • Posted by $ CBJ 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    "If Gavin gets on the ballot he wins."

    No he doesn't.

    "A March Rasmussen Reports survey of 912 likely voters found that former President Trump would lead by 17 points (51 percent to 34) if Newsom were the 2024 Democratic nominee."
    --Newsweek, June 28
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      Way, way WAYYYYY too early for polls to tell us anything. Too much can happen between now and then, not to even mention the inevitable "October surprise."

      I wish this "debate" had happened much closer to the election. It's going to be possible to come back from that....whereas it would have been much harder if it had happened later.

      BTW of all the choices in Abaco's post, I'll take #4, though even that won't solve all the problems.
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      • Posted by $ CBJ 3 months, 2 weeks ago
        There are some advantages of the debate having been held this early. The fallout is splitting the Democrat leadership into warring factions, and the infighting is likely to intensify regardless of what Biden does.

        If Biden stays in the race, many of his former supporters will either stay home, leave the top of the ticket blank, or vote for someone else. If Biden is forced out, many of his remaining supporters will do likewise.

        It's a no-win scenario for the Democrats, and the Party's very public meltdown will be on public display for months longer thanks to the early "debate".
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  • Posted by NealS 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Well, like the Bee says, "U.S. — Despite a significant majority of the nation now believing President Biden mentally unfit for office, the Democratic Party has decided to stay with Biden as its nominee as it would be a huge pain to reprint the tens of thousands of ballots they already filled out."

    Has anyone noticed that the Bee is more of a true media source, no longer actually satire?
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Well my son in law called and reminded me so I watched the debacle. Biden would start to talk about something and end with another topic. I liked it when Trump swore the temperature in the room was l01 degrees and asked who had charge of this. I call that sabotage! n.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    I only watched the first 10 minutes, but that's all I needed. I'm reminded of an old Woody Allen film where the Leader was only shown as a silhouette in a wheel chair because he got blown up and the only part that was saved was his nose, which the DS was desperately trying to clone into a new leader. Meanwhile the shadow of the guy in the chair with a dubbed in voice was all the citizenry got to see and hear. Our shadow is Xiden.
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  • Posted by GaryL 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Y'all are reading way too much into this shit! The only way any Democrat can possibly win after these last 3.5 years is if they can do another cheat! Oh, BTW, that is highly possible with the feckless idiots we elected into the Republican folds. We must remember that another Trump presidency is just as bad for the corrupt Republicans as it will be for the Democrats. Both parties, short of a very few, are in this game for themselves. Trump stands in their way and we are stupid if we can't see that reality.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    First, getting rid of Joe is harder than it looks. For starters, several of the swing states have already passed the deadline for ballot entries, so any replacement in those states would have to be a write in. Second, getting him to drop out before the convention puts everything in Kamala's hands, and no one, especially the DNC, wants that, even if Trump would have no problem. Third, having him announce he's not going to run at the convention would create chaos, with Democrat voters swept aside for the party pick, even if it's Michelle Obama. Fourth, going the 25th amendment route is in Kamala's hands, as only the VP can initiate that, and she's pissed that her name doesn't get a mention as Joe's replacement.

    People keep mentioning Gavin Newsom's name as a replacement, but his California record makes him DOA. Pritzker may be the convention state's governor, but he's an unknown outside of that state, and he's a fat white guy. Gretchen Whitmer would be more likely, fitting one of the party's identities as a female, and they could team her with AOC as a female POC, for an all-female ticket.

    The other reason Whitmer might be the choice is that she has a contingent of Muslim voters in her state the party has been playing to, and they'd like to quiet the pro-Palestinian/Hamas protestors. AOC has been saying things sympathetic to that group and would be the kind of VP they would like to see.

    Then there's Hillary, with fans who would like a 2016 rematch. Her age and health issues might make that a hard sell.

    Finally, there's Michelle Obama, who has no love of getting back in the political ring again, but if she could be persuaded to at least run, even if she quit after winning, that might pick up Democrats' spirits. One thing that's been noticed is that there are no rules that say a former President can't be elected VP, so she could name Barack as her running mate, and if she bailed out after winning, he could actually get his third term. That's a nightmarish scenario.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Roatan appeals to me. I have friends there too. I've been offered a house. I'm considering the move. n
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      My brother was jailed in Roatan for about six months, because he would not voluntarily "share" his commercial property with the thugs running the government (he owned a very successful dive shop). It/jail was NOT a nice place, and had it not been for his wife to cook and bring him food, he'd have starved. Unless he'd wanted to eat roaches and rats. He and his entire family had to actually be smuggled out in the middle of the night. I'll never forget my mother driving for hours to meet the little plane in New Orleans that had all her grandkids in it, scared to death they wouldn't make it.

      I will never look at Roatan benignly.
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  • Posted by Russpilot 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    At first I thought that Joe was just standing there slack jawed while Trump spoke. I have since seen pictures as well as live I saw kiddie sniffer playing with his right ear that appears to have a hidden speaker inside. I remember thinking it a possibility when I saw it live and I have seen pictures, that if legit, prove it.
    I realized he was just concentrating on what they were pumping in his ear which is why he just stands there looking like a zombie.
    9 days prep, almost certainly had the questions fed to him, probably cheated with earpiece and that is still the best performance he could turn in.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Run Joe, run.
    Nothing short of taking Joe out by force will work.
    He's adamant about staying in.
    Nothing short of another election steal will work for old Joe.
    This time, it ain't in the cards.
    Swamp the vote.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Serious question: Would someone please explain to me how it is that all these Democrats are SURPRISED by Joe's incompetence, senility, and general unfitness for office? Did anyone here see anything they weren't expecting in the debate (whether you watched it live or recorded?) I am a not-extremely-well-informed old lady, and I definitely knew what to look for (and was anticipating it). How can it be that I (and presumably most of the rest of us here) know what so much of the general public doesn't? I honestly don't believe I'm in any way "special" in my knowledge of current events.
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