Atlas Shrugged Day

Posted by $ jbrenner 1 month, 2 weeks ago to History
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Perhaps never have I felt so melancholy on Atlas Shrugged Day. Sigh.

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  • Posted by term2 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    Maybe this is a day to NOT willingly support the government that steals from us by just not buying anything that allows them to steal from us through mandatory taxation. As long as we support the government by working and paying taxes, they will continue to enslave us.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    Yeah? I put my dog in the truck and headed to Virginia City, NV. That place is very Gulch-like. Had a little beer and whisky. Talked with the locals, some of whom I'm getting to know. A classic old car drives up and down the main street with MAGA stickers all over it and American flags sticking out of it, loudly playing patriotic songs. One proprietor sells Joe Biden toilet paper. He and I agreed...this election is the big one. It was a relaxing day in a place where one can speak their mind freely.
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    • Posted by $ 1 month, 2 weeks ago
      If I do get out to northwestern Nevada, and Virginia City is on the long term to-do list, I'll look you up.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 1 month, 2 weeks ago
        Deal! Every self-respecting citizen should see the place. It is a bit of the wild west. After my meal of pizza and Jack Daniels I sat on one of the benches provided on the wooden sidewalk along the main road and took in the sun set being reflected off the local hills. Along came two young ladies who, well...their outfits left little to the imagination and they were quite lovely. They sat near my dog and I and were chatting it up. Had a nice short conversation with them as they petted my dog and figured they are likely working in one of the local, specialist forms of entertainment. Wild west. And, I love it. I could strap my Taurus revolver to my hip and walk down the street there and nobody would say a thing...
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    Yeah, I heard Andrew on the Whatever show totally sh!t on Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged.

    Specifically on the richest people going on strike. What he leaves on the floor is that the point was NOT ALL of them left. The ones with Values and not WANTING power/influence.

    But he has a point. Most people will gladly accept that power/influence. It's a rare person who stays in their own lane.

    And we see in todays world that the corruption is so deep... (Misinformation Rules ~ Anti Dog Eat Dog... IMO).

    But it was an interesting attack vector.
    Meanwhile... It's the industry giants that are taking our rights away, and getting paid $$$ by governments to do it.

    So, who is Elon Musk?
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